Chapter Thirty-Three

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It's getting down to the last few chapters. This Series will be left off with a nice positive bang! There is much to happen and I appreciate those who have read, voted, and commented on this story!
Enjoy this chapter and the next few to come!


"What now?" Donnie had an attitude that Donald seemed to hesitate from.
Each step drummed loudly in my ears like headphones turned up to the highest level.
"She ain't breathing?" Donald stuttered.
It was true. I felt my heartbeat leave me several minutes ago. It took him this long to realize it. Instead of freaking out, I went along with my current circumstances. At this point, nothing surprised me. I still had my conscience and that helped keep me focused on why I was here.
I slugged forward, head drawn down. There was no stiffness in my shoulders, slouching out as I kept my cover. I knew what I had to do. I knew what I would do.
It was inevitable. The strength that kept me from following my dark impulses diminished, leaving me with nothing but faith to keep me sane.
Donnie grunted, his body bringing out an animosity aura, in which I wasn't sure who it was directed toward. It wouldn't matter in the next few minutes. "How long has she been like this?"
"Umm, Donnie..." Donald seemed to be at a loss for words. "I wasn't paying attention."
"You stupid son of a bitch."
"I'm sorry. I fell asleep and..."
Donald silenced, walking toward the table to my left.
"I am so tired of relying on you. You can't do anything right." Donnie approached me, poking me with a bat in my shoulder.
I did not resist going along with his intent to see if I would wake. "I guess the bitch isn't superwoman after all."
"But how did she survive that gun shot?" Some random voice asked.
"No fucking clue." Donnie grunted, crouching down at my level. "Maybe someone was near and helped her after we left."
"What should we do with her?"
"Take her body out the back. I don't want the group to know about this." Donnie reached in for my handcuffs and that was my opening. In the strength dear old God or science gave me, I lifted my hands up, the wooden chair arms ripped through, grabbing his arm.
Donnie screeched like the bitch I knew he was deep down. I stood fast. Donnie tried yanking his arm away. Gripping him firm, I punched him in the face. He reached for the knife at his waist. I did the same as Donald and the other man came toward me.
I was able to tug Donnie's knife from his waist first, whipping it out as I slashed the unknown man in the face. The cut wasn't deep but still drew out blood as it slid down his face. My eyes widen, triggered by the pull. My stomach twisted into deep knots. My mouth dry, I licked my lips.
I held the knife up to Donnie's neck, pressing hard enough to shave his beard. Donnie tilted his head back, holding his hands out. "Back up," I snarled.
Shivering, I felt cool and rigid. My eyes darted from both me stepping back. The pain in my chest was mild from all the adrenaline inside me.
The man I didn't recognize tried to step forward and Donnie screamed. "Don't move, you stupid Fuck."
And they follow a man who belittles them on a regular. They were stupid fucks.
"I want my brother and his girlfriend, now." I pressed the knife, unyielding from my threat. Killing an actual person was much harder than killing zombies. Crossing this line would change me. I really wanted to avoid that choice.
"Donnie...what do we do?" Donald asked, keeping the farthest back.
"Go get her brother and that girlfriend of his," he yelled.
"No." I stopped Donald from leaving. "No." I shook my head, holding Donnie closer. "You take me to them."
Donald looked to Donnie for answers. "Don't ask him anything. I'm in charge." I gritted my teeth. I could feel my own grim look beam out toward Donald. "I promise you...I will do whatever is necessary to get them back. I mean that." I held the knife firm.
"Okay..." Donnie said. "We will let you do it your way."
I pressed the knife into his neck, drawing out a few drops of blood. My muscles tightened, provoked by his choice of words. "No. You don't let me do anything," I snapped. I felt no fear. There was this cloud I'd been avoiding for weeks finally flooding so much reality over me. I left all my old morals and humanity behind. Since being in this zombie infested world, I lost that part of me. Today was the first time accepting that. "If anything. Anything has happened or does happen to them. A scratch. Missing limbs. An allergic reaction. I will kill you. I will kill him. I will kill anyone else who works along side you."
Donnie's body stiffened. "They are both fine," he said calmly.
" see how serious I am now?" I smiled. "Good." I nodded. "Let's go."
"If we go like this...our people will see and--"
"I don't care." I shook my head. "I'm not stupid. If they see me period, they will know something is off. I mind as well go big." I nodded again. "You two go first. Drop your weapons on the floor."
They followed my orders.
The unfamiliar man opened the door, stepping out first. Donald followed next.
Carefully, Donnie and I walked out step by step.
We walked down the hall, stepping into a lounge. My guess, the staffing room. Donald and the other guy stood waiting for us. Donald opened up the door, where white walls brighten the next room.
Slowly we walked through, cool air brushing my skin. We walked right into the huge library opening. Several people noticed us, standing up nervous. They automatically lifted their arms up, not sure what to do. There were a few kids who ran to their parents.
I snarled. "You fucking idiot. You live amongst children. Families...and you act like a monster."
Donnie huffed. "You have to take. That is how we keep these people safe."
I was done talking. "Where is my brother and Christy?"
"I'm not sure," he said.
"I will cut your throat. Trust me...I know where to cut."
"Honestly," Donald whimpered. "Please...their here somewhere."
I scrutinized the area finding more appear but my brother and Christy. There was the exit to my left. The windows were boarded up. "Find them," I shouted.
"Has anyone seen Christy," Donald yelled. Some pointed up to the second floor.
A few seconds passed. I saw someone running and looked up hopeful. My guard down, Donnie took advantage elbowing me in the gut. I heaved out a breath, losing my hold over him.
He twisted to restrain me. I shoved him in the chest watching him fly several feet away, skidding over the table.
The guy I cut in the face rush me. I tripped over my own foot, being slammed to the ground. Without purposeful intent, the knife I held in my hand plunged into his ribs. He screamed out. My eyes widen. Blood pooled on my hand. Through all his pain it did not stop him from attacking me further. "I got you...bitch," he panted out between gasping breath.
The smell of his fresh blood and the warmth of it ensnared my mind. There was no control as I bit my teeth into his neck. I bit hard tearing and shredding his flesh with my teeth. He screamed in horror. I snarled, his blood and flesh filling my mouth like a thick uncooked steak. He pulled back, reaching for his neck. I shoved him off of me, faced with guns pointed at my head.
I didn't care of my circumstances. I chewed, soaking in the pleasure of his flesh like he was a five star authentic chef meal. People stared wide eyes and frightened.
"What the hell?" Some new face said, astonished.
I supposed I looked monstrous to them. That seemed to pull my mind from what I was doing. I spit out his flesh never swallowing any of it down. My mind kicked into a reality, stomach churning from disgust. I stood up carefully.
"How the hell did she get in here?" The stranger shouted.
Donnie approached, "she snuck through, Williams."
The guy Donnie called Williams kept his gun on me. "Why would you attack our--"
"Tris..." Christy cried out.
I looked passed them to Christy.
"Stay right there," Williams shouted. "Girl. Stay back. She's not...well."
"No." Christy yelled. "She came for us. That's Christian's sister."
Williams paused, turning to Donnie. "You said his sister died."
Donnie shrugged. "I thought she did. That woman who left must have found her and told her where to find us."
I waved Christy to come to me.
"No, I said stay away from this woman."
"Christy...come to to me." I ignored the man. He tried grabbing Christy and one of his men shot me in the leg.
I'm not sure if it was because of my heightened emotions or the darkness too strong inside me, but I hardly felt any pain. I was numb to it. I stared down at my leg gritting my teeth. "Fuck me," I hissed.
Everyone seemed to stare confused and wide eyes.
"What the hell," Williams said in disbelief.
"You shoot me again, I can't promise you...that I won't attack." My eyes burned with tears. I knew if they attacked me again, I would be completely lost. "Your men...Donnie and Donald thought it was okay to kidnap after...taking Christy and my brother. After...shooting me in the chest. Then...I end up here...with a knife being plunged into my chest." I wanted William's and the rest to know I was not easy to kill, clearly, but I also didn't come here to hurt anyone. "I came searching for my brother and Christy. Now...bring my brother and we can leave."
Taking a breath, Williams turned to Donnie. "You took...them?" He turned to Christy. "Why didn't you say anything?"
Christy looked to me and then him. "I didn't trust you. He told us if we opened our mouths, he'd kill us."
Williams turned back to Donnie, shifting a quick glance to Donald. "I know you're his brother, and follow his every command, but I didn't think you would be stupid enough to follow him into hell."
"Sir..." Donald muttered out.
"Be quiet." Williams sighed, wiping his brow. I placed his age around early fifties. Most of his hair was still brown. "I have two stupid sons."
Oh. This was a family business. Lovely. "Look. I don't know how you survived all that..."
"Neither do I."
"She's immune," Christy let slip out of his mouth.
I frowned at Christy for her big mouth. She covered it, apologetically. "Sorry."
"Get the boy," Williams said.
"Immune." His eyes shifted to me as if I was the cure to all their diseases.
"I can't help you." Williams looked none disappointed.
"I didn't ask for your help."
I took that as a threat. "I am more than able to heal. Don't test me." I stood on guard.
Williams held his hands up. "Everyone. Lower your guns." Everyone complied. "I did not mean that as a threat. My boys will be punished. Heavily punished." He glanced their way a few seconds. "We don't do things their way. I want to make that clear. It is my fault. I'm a business man and I did not teach them enough on how to be think that way and all the mortals that go along with it. I wasn't hard enough on them on how to be good me."
"Well...your family issues are none of my business."
He nodded. "You're right.'re going to need allies. Trust me. I know how this world will turn. People will gain things and their will always be someone else trying to take without permission. Without remorse. This is just the beginning. I will tell you where we plan to go. It is a university."
"Dad. Body," Donald sneered. "You really going to tell--"
"Shut your mouth, Donald." Williams eyed his son a warning.
"I have a friend who is working on some kind of cure. It's safe where she's at now. I can see you have people to go back to. I'm only telling you this because I believe you don't have ill intent. You only wanted your brother and her after being kidnapped and hurt."
Hurt was one way to put it.
"I'm not going to be anyone's Ginny pig."
Williams nodded. "That's one way to see it."
"That's the only way."
"I see it as you potentially helping millions of lives. Your brother told us you were a EMT. That's valuable to many. You are not some experiment. And with whatever else abilities you me...they won't be locking you away."
"Enough." I looked around. "I want my brother."
By the mention of him, I watched as a few men came into view, Christian standing beside them.
My heart dropped as my eyes widen. Christian stared blankly a few seconds, whispering my name.
Weeks of not seeing him and here he was now, within arms reach. Tears fell from my eyes as I smiled. I promised to keep him safe. I failed but I had this second chance. Christian rushed for me, collapsing into my arms as we both cried.
"I knew you'd find me," he sobbed.
"Always." I kissed the side of his head, holding him tight. Never mind most of my blood all over me.
I waved Christy over as she joined us. After a minute I checked them thoroughly. They were unharmed.
"We kept them safe and fed," a woman said.
I nodded. "Thank you."
"Look. You have your mind made up." Williams stepped forward. I figured he was not a threat and did not see it as one. "But...out there...things will change. I know their will be a time you'll need us as much as we will need you. And when that time comes...go to the University. The University of Arizona. After for me...and you'll have safe passage. State the words, 'gold mine.' "
I listened to his words.
"I would like all the stuff they took."
Williams nodded, looking to Donald. "Every last item and if it's gone...replace it."
Donald ran off.
"Would you like something to eat or drink?"
Knowing it would be too dangerous to travel on an empty stomach I asked, "do you have meat?"

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