Chapter Twelve

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   "Do you have bandages in your bag?" Felicia shouted snatching the backpack off Christian's back. It took her a a few seconds to open the backpack. Her hands were shaking from too much adrenaline and nerves.
  "No," I groaned. I could feel myself grow cold and pale. "Steven has all my medical supplies. Find something to make a tourniquet." I pointed to Felicia and then switched my hazy gaze toward Christian and Christy. "Find something heavy to block that door. I can smell my own blood so I'm sure those fuckers out there can smell me."
   Everyone nodded doing as asked. I took a glance at the blood spurting through my fingers. I pressed my hands tighter around my thigh, Christian handing me a rope.
   Frantically, I tied the rope above my gun shot, wincing from the pain. I should of bled out by now. Whatever zombie gene I collected were generating my healing process faster. I could feel my heart slamming into my chest like fist against a door.
   Something knocked down by the back exit and I snarled. I don't need this shit right now.
   I seriously thought I'd take my brother from our home and our zombie parents with hardly any resistance.  Clearly, zombies wouldn't be our only problem. People like Steven existed.
   With the sound of growls emanating out from the back exit, it could only be a walker. It came out into the opening, its red bloody eyes scanning the room as if making a choice of who to attack first. My brother held his bat up, defensive and ready to strike if the zombie came his way. This was a runner. There were no bite marks and he had the same eyes I saw on my parents right before they attacked me.
   When the runners eyes zoned onto Felicia all my fighting instinct hammered into me.
   Dry blood stained around the zombies mouth, his skin cyanotic and discolored. The runner launched itself like a wild track runner at the first sound of a gun rifle. Felicia froze in a horrified state and I pushed through my pain and disoriented mind lunging for it. In the nick of time I tackled the zombie into the wall of detergents and other forms of cleaning supplies. His ass needed a spring clean anyway. This motherfucker fought to bite me at every angle it could like a psych patient off his medication and physically ready to attack the next person. It's musk and dead flesh gave away his time of death.
   The zombies body quickly shifted to me, gnawing its teeth my way and I winced when the runner finally succeeded biting onto my hand. This was the first time I really faced a runner.
   I cried out in a sharp agonizing pitch as the zombie bit down harder, proud of its caught prize.
   Christian screamed out to me.
   "No," I snarled. "Stay back." If this runner slipped an inch from my grasp I did not want it anywhere near my brother.
   I let it have my hand, pressing down for it to not have a lot of wiggle room. My hand was mascara in thick dark blood, the zombies teeth doing its best to tear my hand off. I used my other hand, reaching down for my holster to pull out my knife.
   When I caught a good grip I held it up over the zombies head, pivoting until I reached a good angle so I would not end up stabbing myself. It's head bobbed left to right yanking upward one last time and this time I felt a excruciating ripping of my skin along with a pop followed by another form of scorching pain. This fucker ripped my pinky off. I gagged holding my contents in. There was no resting period. I chose that moment to stab my blade into the top skull of its head.
   It went limp in a matter of seconds. Rage was my only friend as my skin went cold. I stabbed the zombie again in the same spot, repeating my actions anywhere I could land. Blood did not splatter like you saw in movie scenes. This zombies blood was dark and sticky. The smell was foul and simply distasteful. I should know. I'd tasted it. Not a recommendation.
   My pinky dangled in the zombies mouth; teeth clenched onto it. You can keep it. You earned it.
   I rolled off pressing my hand into my chest, grimacing from the new form of pain.
   All the sweat in my body gone. My adrenaline gone. My fight to stay awake, nearly gone.
  Felicia came with a rope immediately tying it around my thigh above where I was shot and my brother with a bottle of Vodka.
   When I gazed down at my leg I noticed a few pints of blood pooled around my thigh. I should be dead or close enough to it. I shivered and I knew my body was in shock. I could barely make out my heart rhythm.
   Christian opened the bottle and told Felicia to help me pull down my pants. He knew better than to suggest to rip these pants. They came in handy with its multi pockets and weather proof for both cold and hot.
   I shifted around until my pants were down and then he immediately poured some alcohol over my gunshot wound.
   "Let me see your hand," Christian said.
   With a wobbled shake I lifted my hand from my chest exposing the damage and missing pinky.
   Felicia covered her mouth, tears streaming down her eyes. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed out. "This is my fought. You were right."
   "Hey," I snapped her attention my way. "I will be fine."
   "You were bitten, Tris. If I had defended myself you wouldn't have faced off with that zombie." Felicia stood, wiping her face as she went off into her personal corner.
   "Will you be alright?" Christy asked shakily.
   I knew her underlining question. Would I be immune a second time around. Hell if I knew. Maybe I was lucky the first time. There was no reattaching that pinky. I'd be considered the four fingered woman.
   "I'm..." My breathing was growing dragged, trying to take a deep breath. Too much blood loss. "I'm going to need you two to do something a little dangerous. I would if I could."
   "What is it?" Christian asked.
   "I need two to check the rest of this liquor store. Make sure the back exit is secure and gather anything of necessity."
   They both nodded. With my good hand I grabbed Christian's arm. "You two be careful."
   He nodded. "If you find that cop, grab his handcuffs."
   "Sis," Christian whined out.
   "We need to be completely sure that I'm immune. It could have been a fluke the first time."
    I closed my eyes resting them for a few moments.
    My mouth was dry. Throat sore and body ached. My skin was tender and flushed. My eyes felt hot as I closed them. A fever was swallowing me up.
   I thought of the past week, waking up handcuffed in our home basement. Our zombie parents trying to kill me for multiple chunks of my flesh. Had I died? What happened to me? I couldn't be that special. The pawn shop was just another bad set of bullshit.
   "Tris..." Felicia whispered.
   I snapped out of my half disoriented sleep. My head too heavy for me to lift rested against the wall where all the cleaning supplies fell.
   Dead hands slapped against the outside door of the liquor store, a chorus of moans.
   I squeezed my eyes shut again taking in a slow breath. "Tell my brother and Christy not to take long checking the store," I mumbled quietly.
   "Tris." Through blurred vision I saw Felicia sitting over me while Christy and Christian slept in a corner behind her. Her hand brushed my shoulder and I winced. My skin was very sensitive. "Their fine."
   "How long have I been asleep?" I came to the realization due to the two sleeping bodies behind Felicia that I'd fallen asleep.
   "The last five-six hours." She held a bottle of water to my mouth. "Drink."
   After taking a few sips of water to keep my system replenished I leaned my head back into the wall. Absently, I spun a bottle of shampoo around on the tile floor trying to distract myself. All my senses were up high like a radio being turned up to screaming mode.
   "Do you feel any better?"
   "Than I did a few hours" my tone was sharp.
   I lifted my arm up checking out my hand. I frowned. "Why aren't I handcuffed?"
   Felicia smiled. "Your ankle is?"
   I sighed, relieved. Who would have thought I'd ever be thankful for being handcuffed? I couldn't change and harm my brother. That was more important than anything. I looked down at my cuffed ankle over my good leg.
   Felicia looked thoughtful at me instead of making a retort that I would have been at fault in triggering. Her fingers combed the edges of my hair, smoothing her thumb over my eyebrow.
   My eyes raised up, perplexed to her physical contact.
   Felicia leaned down grazing a kiss at my temple.
Okay. My eyes did that wide open expression. I mean, in other circumstances where I was being all charming like my natural self I could understand why she did that. Since I met Felicia, I'd been dick number one, two, and three to her.
   "What was that for?" I whispered.
    Felicia smiled. "You saved my life. More than once." She scooted my way sitting beside me. "You didn't sign up to have me follow you. My grandmother made you feel responsible for me."
   "No one makes me feel or do anything I don't want to," I objected.
   Felicia gave me a dubious smile.
   "Well..." I rolled my eyes which made me a little dizzy quite frankly. "Your grandma was sweet. How could you say no to her?"
   Felicia nodded. "Point is," she continued, "I would not survive out here on my own. I need you. I'll do better."
   It was my turn to give her a thoughtful glance. It wasn't often someone openly acknowledged that they needed me. It felt different and good. My brother was my brother but others were different. Even my parents. They never showed the need for me to be in their lives. Not for personal reasons or my profession.
   "Just so you know I would have never left you...nor your grandma."
   "I know."
   There was a few more hands clapping against the outer walls of the store as it pulled our attentions away from each other. But it took no time in Felicia gaining back my attention.
   I could feel her eyes on me. It was as if I could hear, see, and know every thought from her by the aura she let out. Heat radiated from her onto me and as I took in a stifling close enough moan I could smell in all of her.
   It was faint but I could tell she bathed in avocado and coconut butter. But what landscape over that scent was desire. Her body leaked of it.
   I twisted my head enough to see most of her face. Felicia's eyes were deadlocked on my breast, slowly scaling up to my lips.
   I wanted to put my hand down between my legs to take away the stimulation that was already building. I suppose that would be too inappropriate.
   There was no asking verbally. No gesture and signal. Felicia saw a path she wanted to take and did so. She shifted her body more to me. My brow arched disbelieving about what she was aiming to do.
   Her lips came to mines slowly, connecting like two soft surfaces brushing together.
   Felicia's mouth opened, sucking my top lip into her mouth instantaneously. I groaned unable to hold it back. Softly and passionately we kissed, it burning down to my core. Soon I knew the kiss would only sate my desire for a short while. I already wanted more.
   Pulling our lips apart I shut my eyes asking myself if I wanted to stop this. Of course I had Felicia's clit floating through my mind now. Kind of hard to think with a brain.
   Opening them back I looked passed Felicia to my sleeping brother and his girlfriend.
   Felicia went over, uncuffing my ankle than stood slowly offering me a hand.
   Oh Shit. We weren't. She wasn't. By the look of, 'i want to Fuck you,' in her eyes I concluded Felicia definitely was planning to do just that.
   Weakly, I raised my good arm up letting her pull me up. Fuck the leg. Fuck the bit off pinky zombie guy a few feet from me ripped off.
   I hopped and staggered, following Felicia into the back end of the store.
   "I'm not a slut. I don't do things like this." Felicia lowered her head from embarrassment and mustered up new determination in her words. "I'm attracted to you and I just need to do this. Please don't think I'm some--"
   My body was pressed against the wall of the back door a box big enough for me to prop myself onto to.
   I thought it was long overdue in silencing her rant so I kissed Felicia.
   Immediately, our lips smashed even harder as I moaned into our kiss. Felicia's hands automatically went down to my pants, unbuckling me as I twirled my fingers into her hand. I kept my injured hand propped up against the other boxes beside us as I tried to slide up so she can undue my pants better.
   When my pants were unzipped she slid them down to my waist and then broke our kiss to remove her shirt.
   I looked greedily down at her breast filling her bra very nicely.
   I should save her life more often.
   Our lips met in the middle, more lust expressing through our kiss. My tongue brushed her bottom lip gaining a whimper out of her. There was a whole new desire sneaking up on me that I hadn't planned on letting in.

   I pulled away, shutting my eyes as they burned. I had another desire built inside me. A desire for more than sex or mundane food.

   "What's wrong?"

   I shook my head. "I'm still in a lot of pain." That was a lie. I could already feel myself healing.

  "Oh...I'm sorry."

   "Don't apologize." I smiled reassuring her. Something was off inside me. Too the point I wanted to sink my teeth into her. "We should rest and figure out how to escape this hellhole."

   Felicia nodded than assisted me back to the open space. She used her backpack as a pillow closing her eyes.

   I stayed up for a while conjuring a plan. I looked at the dead zombie when one finally landed in my head. I was going to sleep well tonight excited to share my plans by morning.

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