Chapter Eleven

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My Fucking Luck

   Felicia only rolled her eyes moving backwards for me to come out.
   Christy and Christian had their backpacks on heading our way.
   " still haven't shared with us how we're going to leave?"
   I was inclined to answer when instinct told me there was something wrong.
   I held my hand up. "Quiet."
   I closed my eyes listening for anything that would tell me what I was suspecting. "Where is Steven?"
   Christian shrugged. "I went to get our bags in the room," he whispered.
Fuck. I'd left my medical bag in the front of the pawnshop. Fuck.
   I still had my katana strapped around my side. I unsteathed my katana moving more covertly towards the front view of the pawnshop. I pointed up. "There is an opening to an attic to the right the front part of this pawnshop." I whispered in a hushed tone alerting them that we were about to have trouble. I could literally taste the smell of rotten flesh and blood in my mouth. " do not hesitate once I move us forward. No arguments," I snarled. "Get up there and I'll be right behind. You too."
   I turned to Felicia knowing she would challenge me on this.
   My breathing slowed and I was glad they were all smart enough to keep a weapon beside them as they held it in their hands.
   I took my first step slowly as I began moving toward the front. Much more light was being exposed towards the back of the pawnshop where we were now. The first thing I saw turning the corner was someone's hand twitching as groans filled the air with these fuckers disgusting stench. Motherfucker. Six zombies was having chow time on cousin Finley, huddled around him as blood and other inside bodily things painted the floor. They were enjoying their meal way too much that these zombies didn't notice me standing behind them. Oh I was positive they would notice soon enough. And where was Steven?
   The opening of the front door told me he'd probably used his cousin as bait, running off the moment he had the chance. There was no way Finley was Steven cousin to do this to him...or maybe he was just fucked up and scared knowing one way or another cousin Finley would get him killed. Either way...fucked up.
   "We have walkers in here." I turned to my brother. "You have those magazines taped around your arms and ankles?"
   With a displeasure stuck on his face, Christian's flushed in embarrassment as he nodded.
Ugh...we don't need this shit right now. I stoic up ready to put my life at risk.
   No point in giving these slow motherfuckers time to rise up. I snarled rushing into the front pawnshop with my katana aimed in a swinging bat position as the first walker I made contact with lifted its head up first. My katana tore through e walkers dead flesh, decapitating its head. Blood pooled out from the top like a volcano boiling over its mountain, a slow gushy boiling over like a skin broil being squeezed open. The smell was rotten and borderline vomitus as I hollered for Christian and the rest to carry on with the plan.
   I noticed more walkers coming from the outside towards the pawn shop and moved swiftly towards the door shutting it closed fast.
   A zombie hand with pink polished nails made it through the crevice of the door before it closed fully. I repetitively tried slamming the door shut as it's fingers wiggled around. I thought of thick worms and winced, grossed out. I looked down at its fingernails, feeling repulsed noticing blood and pieces of flesh cling to the walkers fingernails. " need a manicure."
   "Tris..." my brothers voice brought panic into my chest, twisting my head to notice two walkers headed his way. He barely lifted Christy into the attic. The attic ladder steps only came halfway down so he had to climb onto a chair to get her high enough to climb the rest of the way.
   "Shit." I snarled, my body growing cold with fear and rage. With one thrust to closing the door for good, I slammed the door completely closed, the zombies fingers cut off and dropping to the floor.
   My brother kicked the walker in his face and from the other corner of my eyes, I saw another walker on top of Felicia trying to take a big bite of whatever part of her body it could sink its teeth into first.
   I moved without thinking towards my brother sliding my katana through the first zombies head, dropping officially dead, than the second head. All in one swift motion I pulled out my knife throwing it across the room into the head of the walker trying to turn Felicia into a early morning snack. Felicia cried out more in hysteria than pain as she shoved the walker off of her.
   I ran to Felicia pulling her up and checked for bites or scratches. None. Ready to continue with plan I walked to the dead walker pulling the knife out of the back of its head as I stepped my boot onto its back holding it in place.
   My body and mind craved another kill, snarling as I yanked it out. I snapped my fingers telling Christian and Felicia to climb up and they did so without argument.
   There was no time in standing around trying to digest what just happened. Safety. Get them to safety and kill while I do. That's what I wanted at this moment.
   The muscles in my body were tight enough to be considered strangling as I turned my attention to cousin Finley who was now very much dead. His ribs were exposed as the walkers seemed to dig out every vital organ he had. One of his eyes were missing with the left side of his face being gnawed. He looked like one of those Thanksgiving Turkey's after everyone took slices and pieces with only the sight of nakedness and bones with some skin and meat left on it. Except this was gruesome with a lot of blood and gooey sightings, and much more meat left on him, than a turkey. Cousin Finley was a big guy.
   Multiple hands slapped on the door and windows of the pawnshop distracting me from my dark thoughts. I had to finish cousin Finley off. The idea of him waking back up as a walker in his condition would be a sighting no one wanted to see. They might just fall unconscious or stroke out by the sight of him.
   "Tris...come on."
   I ignored my brother crouching down to cousin Finley and with no more thoughts of  his future being taken and how he looked I plunged my knife center into his head.
   A minute later I was inside of the attic with everyone else, looking at what was around us. I heard everyone chattering in disbelief of what just transpire but I was only focused on a our way out next.
   A pair of soft hands brushed over my shoulder and I snarled twisting around as I pointed the knife against Felicia's throat.
   "Tris..." Christian screamed. "It's only Felicia. Dangers over for now. Snap out."
   It took me a moment to register my brothers words and once I had I took a step back, my hands shaking from the adrenaline coursing through me. It was like I took quadruple shots of espresso.
   "What's going on with your sister?" Christy asked wryly.
   "Nothing," Christian responded.
   "Don't say nothing. I'm not blind. I deserve to know." Christy persisted.
   Christian was about to make up a lie but I cut in. "I was bitten," I admitted. "The night our parents turned." I pulled my shirt up, showing one of my bitten scars. "Our parents would have ripped me a part if Christian hadn't saved me."
   Christy expression went from pale and appalled to weirdly calm and quiet. Her eyes shifted to my brother who kept his head down. After a moment of her staying silent I was sure she was about to panic but surprised me, giving an assuring nod that she was calm. "You clearly didn't change."
   Before I could give her an answer my brother happily responded to her conclusion, "she is something even better." He smiled proud as if that was a good thing.
   "How are you better?" Felicia asked incredulous.
   "I'm not--"
   "Bullshit are." Christian wasn't going to let this go.
   I turned my back to everyone from the exposure my brother was shining on me.
   "Sis come on..." Christian walked up to me brushing his hand over my arm. "You need to start admitting...since that night, you've changed. And not for the worse. She wasn't in the military to be that on point in protecting us."
   I turned back to him and the rest, forcing myself to openly look at the changes I endured.
   My brother smiled over the victory of having me see things his way. What a know it all. The moment he found my parents trying to rip through me, he knew they were zombies. And now I'm Alice rebooted. Well, I didn't know how to fight like Alice on Resident Evil. She was hot and a badass. Deadly combination, I could agree. For me...I was hot. The badass part was left behind somehow.
   "You don't see what you just did down there?" Felicia jumped herself into the conversation. Why not. Free for all to comment, I supposed. "I don't know your skill level in combat and surviving under pressure but you saved our asses down there."
   "I don't--" I shook my head. "I reacted...but..." I lowered my head confused by my own actions.
   " are three times stronger than a grown man. Too fast to see coming. Hearing, and intellectual mind in keeping us safe and not falling under pressure is out of this world. The way you threw that knife at the zombies head. You've changed."
   "Okay...I get it." I had enough. "Right now...we need to keep moving. My changing won't matter if we die of starvation being trapped up here."
   Everyone nodded. Thank God. Anymore, your-special speeches and I would have snapped.
   "Are you cool with this?" I asked Christy. "I only told you the truth because you deserve to know."
   Christy nodded. "I'm safer with you even if I wasn't with Christian. Thank God I am."
   "Good. I'm glad my brother has you." What I wanted to add to that was, cause if this change in me...turned me into something more or killed me I needed him with someone. I promised I would never leave him and in my heart I meant that. But life had its way around having people keep promises.
   "How are we..."
   I pointed across the attic to a window with a full view of the outside ambiance.
   "No really..." Felicia frowned displeased of my idea. She hadn't even heard it yet.
   "Do you want to die?" My tone bordered on sarcasm and she narrowed her eyes at me, skewing her face. Her, don't-make-me-mad look was too cute to take serious. "Come on."
   I walked to the window, moving the dark cotton dusty curtains to the side. The window was all around two feet wide. More than enough room to climb out.
   "How did you notice a window up here?" Felicia asked.
   "How did you not living across this pawnshop?" My response was snarky earning a rolling of the eyes. I shrugged slowly lifting the window open from the bottom up as I answered quietly. "I did take a jog around this entire building. I did not waste that perfect opportunity to scout out the building. Plus...I use to come here a lot as a kid. I'm probably more entitled to be here than all of you combined." I had such a smartass mouth.
   Felicia had one too, apparently. " apologies. Thought you were running for your life after trying to go out and play hero." Felicia was mocking me. "And I bet you think your entitled to a lot."
   "I was. And I am." The window was fully opened and I faced Felicia frowning. "I thought me playing you call it, was the reason you came to me."
   Felicia shrugged. "That was one of the reasons."
   "What was the other?"
   Felicia gave me a sly grin.
   "Hey, you two mind having this conversation later?" Christy asked.
   Right. Was sidetracked. Freaking women and their mind games...minus myself, of course.
   Leisurely, I moved my head under the window looking down into the alleyway. There was still a few walkers moving about. "How about you go down first and kill those walkers?" Okay, I had to be an ass one last time before getting all serious.
   Felicia sneered.
   I smirked. "I'll go down first."
   I was about to climb through as my brother grabbed my arm. "Wait. Are you going to handle them by yourself?"
   "You're not coming down until I get rid of these three first." I cupped my brothers face. "Don't worry, I got this."
   Again, I headed through the window, one of my legs dangling out when Christy then hissed my name.
Fuck people. What now? These twenty-thousand questions were exhausting. "Yes?" My voice strained.
   "Where are we going next?"
   "I was thinking of finding a car and getting the hell out of the city." Christy nodded and I pulled my other leg out through the window, half out, legs dangling. My hands gripped the inside wall of the window. I saw a quizzical expression form on Felicia's face and I said before giving her the chance, "Save your question for later."
   I gave her no room to speak, pressing my boots into the outside wall of the building letting go. I dropped down to the ground, finding myself faced with, one, two, three--oh hello...three more walkers.
   The closest one to me reached his chew toy arm at me. He was missing a few fingers, dark dry blood blotchy over his arm and hand.
   He snapped his teeth at me, groaning as if his throat was sand down from the inside. It looked like before this zombie dude died he needed dental work that was never given. Three more walkers slugged themselves closer.
   " out," Felicia shouted.
   Fuck, she had to yell.
   Another Zombie pulled at my shirt bringing its mouth to me. Eww. Its breath was hot, smelling like spoiled food and flesh that hadn't been cleaned out between his teeth in weeks.
   I grabbed my small knife stabbing it in the walkers temple. It made a nasty gushy noise as if stabbing into a watermelon. It collapsed right as the walker with the missing fingers and bad dental work grabbed my arm trying to pull me in for a bite to eat. I turned fast smashing the buck of my knife into its head. Shoving him back I penetrated the knife through the walkers skull. Focusing my attention to the next three that came in a lunch line, I sighed. Greedy bastards. One by one I penetrated my knife through their skulls and silently shouted for everyone to start climbing down.
   These zombies were coming like people waiting to get into a club, moving around the corner in our direction and still I waited for Christian and Christy to climb down.
   "I'll help," Felicia hissed.
Oh you better. No time to argue and say that aloud. She pulled out a knife of her own, holding it tightly. I could see the fear off of her like sweat dripping down after a long run.
   "Breathe," I told her.
   She took in a shuddering breath and I grabbed the zombie by its blonde hair yanking it low to its knees, kicking its back leg in. "Kill it," I told Felicia.
   Her eyes widen. I knew Felicia had yet to kill her first zombie and I preferred to see if she could hold her own ground if it really came down to it.
   "I oh..."
   "You better kill this fucking zombie," I snarled.
   Felicia hesitated.
   The zombie that once probably had perfect blonde hair struggled under my grip and yanked its head away. My hands gripped a thick strand of zombie Barbie hair along with a nasty sticky layer of skin, blood dripping down as it fought to get back to its feet.
   The walkers teeth snapped at Felicia as she leaped back bumping into my brother.
   "Get it," she screamed at me.
   I rolled my eyes turning back to the other zombies coming down their lunch line and continued taking them out one by one. Y
   My brother killed the zombie aiming to have Felicia as a meal, stabbing it at the back of its head and once they were all taken care of I turned right as Felicia slapped me across my face.
   "You fucking bitch. That thing could have killed me." Her eyes were dark and narrowed on me like a sniper ready to take me out.
   I narrowed my eyes back at her. Her slap triggered a snarl out of me that I could not bite down. "Watch yourself." My eyes glinted with a hint of hot fuel that I was not sure I could keep down if she hit me again. "We can't afford you getting us killed because you're too damn frightened to face one of those. What if it was fifty walkers on our ass? Or the ones that moved like zombies on ecstasy."
   "You do this to your brother and Christy?" She asked angrily.
   "You damn right, I have. And look at them. They are alive." I blew out slowly. "When it comes down to it, I won't just standby and let one of those things even scratch you. As much as I wish I can protect my brother every second of every day. I know I can't. That's why he is learning how to protect himself too. No one will be weak and unable to fight." I looked around. "Let's go."
   For the next three blocks we moved through the alleyway. I checked every car within fifty feet of everyone who waited. I needed space from Felicia. "Shit." Did anyone leave their car doors unlocked. Was I asking for a lot.
   Moving up to the fourth block I noticed a police car at the corner of a liquor store. I could only guess how that cop ended up there. This was L.A. Someone called for a disturbance and what he probably got was a zombie or two.
   I waved toward the car. "That's our way out."
   "We can't steal a cop car."
Was this chick serious? "Tell me who the fuck is going to arrest us?"
  Felicia went silent rolling her eyes.
   There were a few walkers stumbling about but none to close to see us. A few cars were parked along the side street, while a half a block further from the corner was a car crash in a T-bone collusion angle.
   "I'm going for the car. Don't move."
   Everyone nodded and I made for the police car only to be met with the end barrel of a 46 caliber.
   "Hello there," Steven held one of the guns he stole from my bag up, pointing at my head. My backpack dangled from his left shoulder. "I think I'll be taking this from you, too."
Why didn't I kill him? Why...the fuck did I not kill this coward cock sucking asshole? Humanity stopped me.
   Listening to my own thoughts I frowned at how inhumane I sounded. Just a few weeks ago my job classified as saving lives not taking them.
   I held my hands up taking a few steps back.
   Quickly, with no hesitation Steven shot me in my leg and rushed into the car.
   I snarled dropping down to one knee as I pressed my hands onto my thigh. Blood gushed through my fingers, grimacing from the pain and anger seizing me.
   Christian ran up to me first, his hands around my shoulder trying to pull me up.
   Steven took off in the cop car. Blood went from gushing out to bright red blood spurting out in a matter of seconds. An artery had been lacerated.
   "Son of a bitch," I groaned.
   "No time to chit chat sis," Christian yelled.
   I looked up, little dizzy from the blood loss. Blood was pouring out of my leg fast. The few walkers that were minding their business now were stumbling our way with a few friends. A few dozen friends, correcting my count.
   "In here," Christy shouted.
   My brother dragged me as I hopped backwards on my good leg towards the liquor store.
   God, I sure did hope there was still liquor in there.

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