Chapter Thirty-Seven

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This is the last chapter of the first book, "Hollow Graves." I much appreciate your dedication in reading this story and any other stories you have enjoyed!


After last night I was not ready to face Madison and Tris. Shame and embarrassed, I needed space. I checked in on my brother. He was awake, watching over Christy and the girls.
I waved him to follow. He got up quietly.
We walked out. "Help me get some gas." Luckily I worked at a gas station one summer to know how to work turning on the fuel. The ambulance ran on diesel.
We filled the tanks, putting more into containers for later necessity. The entire time we worked in silence. It was quiet outside. The sky was barely hinting at the chance for Sun.
"You don't have to pretend with me sis." Christian walked over to me. I couldn't face him right away. "Tris..."
I stead of turning to him I shifted further away. My voice was rough and distant. "We should...wake them up. Get going."
Not letting me live in my self pity, Christian pulled at my arm. "You did not choose to be different."
I choked out a laugh. "Different. Is that all I am? Not a monster?" I snarled. My eyes ached. I knew for a fact that my eyes were egg yolk.
Christian frowned as if my self insult was a slap to him. "You're my sister. You did not choose this path as much as you did not choose to be gay."
Being gay was far too different from being a half zombie chick.
Taking a deep breath, Christian shoved back his own anger. "Did you like being gay at first?"
I thought. "No. For like two seconds, I hated it. Only because I knew I would be marked as different and disgusting to our own parents. But I love being gay and being gay isn't harmful. Being infected with that's a different story."
"Who have you hurt?" Christian shook his head. "Never mind that question." His eyes strained on me. "The only way, who you've become can truly harm someone is if you do not embrace it. I mean, Damn Tris. Think of why you were even bitten."
Not sure where his train of thought was leading this conversation, I went along with it. My mind took me back to the beginning of all of this. Our parents being sick. Then waking up, totally different the night prior. Their attack on me still made me wince.
"Even though our parents did not accept your sexuality or your took care of them all night. You could have died...but something inside you stopped that from happening." Christian smiled as if he'd figured out his purpose in life. "Sis...something inside you gave you a gift. times like last feels like a curse. Nothing's perfect.'re still here. Helping others. You saved me. You saved those girls. You inherited abilities we only dreamed of before this nightmare apocalypse and it's been put to good use. Protecting others."
Christian smiled at me widely. "I will follow you anywhere. And so will those two women."
He pointed his hand out. I turned finding Madison and Felicia behind me.
I sighed in feeling weights dropping from my shout. There was no disgust in their eyes from last night. Only concern for now.
Tapping my arm, I looked back to Christian. "Go to them. I'll finish up here and get everyone up."
I smiled weakly. "Thanks," I said in a low voice.
Madison and Felicia walked up to me, equally in the same stride and determination. I nervous about what they'd say but that fear easily dissipated when their smiles formed. Both, reached on each side of me, bringing me into their arms.
I was bombarded by their reaction and connection to each other.
"We thought you ran off on us again," Madison said.
I shook my head. "I have everyone I need right here." My eyes were hesitant.
Felicia brushed her soft hands against my arm. I shivered from her intimate connection. "Tris. You know you don't have to fear how we feel about you. Nothing's changed."
I glanced up not sure if I heard correctly. She'd used, 'we instead of I or me.'
"We get along now," Madison clarified. "We've come to a mild understanding."
"And what might that be?"
Madison smiled shyly. She leaned in brushing a kiss over my cheek. "For starters...I'm not letting you go a second time."
My heart jumped worried she'd change her mind about how she felt about me.
"And..." Felicia spoke next... "I like you too much to miss out on falling in love with you. Missing out on what you two feel for each other."
"You're feelings for Tris is no less than mine for her. That's clear now," Madison said.
Felicia tilted her head giving Madison a half grin.
" appears there's an attraction between you two."
Madison face whiten. "Not that we uh...did anything...umm."
I laughed lightly. "Its okay. I can tell what you've done and not done." Before they could ask how I continued. "I can smell you two faintly on each other. Very faint but mixed." I held my hand up before they could say another word. "I know this is new to you, Madison. But, as long as you want me...and truly want to experience a relationship equally with Felicia. I'm okay with this. I know I care for both of you and really want this to work."
"Good to hear," Felicia teased, shoving me into the ambulance.
"Ouch." I pretended to be hurt. Felicia rolled her eyes, turning to Madison. I grabbed her arm, yanking her into my body. She conform against me perfectly. She leaned in pressing her hand lightly on my shoulder. She kissed me not hesitant at all.
Our lips parted. I was worried I'd see fear or doubt back in Madison's eyes. More than anything I wanted her to be just as wanted and wanting.
But when I looked up her eyes were glued hotly on both of us. "Gosh," she blushed. "I didn't think this could feel so sexy and...erotic."
I smiled. I held my hand out. Madison took it, stepping to my other side.
Madison eyes shifted to Felicia. I could see how curious they were. I didn't want them to feel like they needed my permission. This wasn't a dominatrix relationship on any level. I wanted them to be comfortable.
Stepping in, Felicia lead Madison into a soft tantalizing kiss. Madison inhaled swiftly when their lips touched.
In slow circular motions I rotated my hands over their backs.
Their lips parted and I smiled. Madison turned to me, kissing me softly.
"Hey," Christian called out.
Luckily, we were shielded by the ambulance and stood at an angle they couldn't see.
"I'll go see what he wants," Felicia offered.
I nodded.
Madison covered her face. " I really doing this?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. Do you really want to?"
Madison eyes turned away briefly. Her expression squished into a thinking formation. "I want to try. Felicia was right. I'm too guarded and scared. Maybe, doing this will help me."
"You are perfect in my eyes," I said, knowing I also sounded cliche and dramatic.
Madison rolled her eyes. "You're also bias." Madison shook her head, turning her gaze to the sky. "My entire life so far has consisted on small growth spurts. Thankfully, I met Brennan's mother and fell in love. me it was hard for her to get through my shell."
I gave her a wide look. "I think I already have an idea of how hard it is for you to open up."
Rolling her eyes, Madison smiled. "Don't be a smartass." She shifted, leaning against the ambulance. "Point is...I've played things safe for far too long. After all that changed. All we've experienced. I can't afford to be afraid of what life brings me. My daughter needs me and I need her. And the same with you and everyone else."
I pressed my hands at her cheek. "Madison. I will never want you to do anything you feel uncomfortable--"
"I'm making this choice. Not you." She shook her head. "I can't promise anything. But I want to try." She leaned in to kiss my cheek. "As for you...I won't let you go. Not again."
Madison leaned in a second time kissing me profoundly on the lips. My heart stopped, riled by her affection. Madison's feminine fingers grazed my cheek. She breathed out through her nose our foreheads pressed. "Gosh...I would really like to make love to you." Her words made me shiver; turning me on more than she was aware.
I tried to compose myself but it was hard. My hands dropped down to her waist. I pulled my head back. "I love you."
Madison smile lit through her eyes. "I love you." Madison expression dampen. "Tris."
"Perhaps...we can keep this arrangement between us three."
She paused unsure if to continue. I kissed her forehead. "I understand. Perhaps...let's get your daughter use to me. And Felicia."
Madison smiled awkwardly. "Yeah."
I brought her in for a hug. "There is no rush."
My ears picked up distant feet. On alert, I gripped my katana. I looked to the side of the ambulance. It was Felicia, Christian, Christy, and the girls.
My chest loosened. Madison squeezed my arm. I relaxed a bit more.
"So...what's the plan?" Felicia spoke first.
I arched a brow. "Before we decide anything. I wanted to say...thank you...all of you, for being patient with me. You all have kept me going. We will overcome anything thrown at us."
"Preaching now, sis. Our parents would be happy to know you changed passions." Christian wiggled his brow.
I rolled my eyes, snorting.
"All I'm will take all of us to keep all of us going. We don't know who else is out there. If they will be a friend or potential threat."
"Lets highly guarded and open," Christian said. "Those brothers who took us were threats. But those people and their fat her were allies."
I considered. I nodded. "So..." I looked down at the sisters. "Ready to go see your uncle?"
The girls smiled for the first time in a while.
From what they told me of this uncle, he was ex military. If he was dead...this would suck. Their father had more in his brother when I dug through his pockets finding an address.
"Uncle Jeff is cool," the youngest said.
"I bet." I smiled, more like hoping. Last thing we needed was Uncle Jeff trying to kill us because we're invading his property. "Well..." I turned to our vehicles. "Seems now is the time to go."
Madison smiled. "We're ready." She brought Brennan to her waist.
Felicia gave a thumbs up. "Let's go."
"All right." I waved them on. "Hop in."
I didn't know what we'd find or who. I surely hoped it wasn't like Resident Evil, with mutated zombies. Let's just say that would suck. Suck so bad.
Santa Barbara. All right. Bring it on. I grinned. I realized, I was partly excited to be in a new location. Wouldn't call this a fun road trip unless I considered zombies trying to eat me or people trying to kill me as fun. I shrugged. " we go."
I hopped in the ambulance driver seat buckling up.
I stared into the center console mirror, looking at my reflection. With just a small glint I noticed something...different. My pupils were dilated and crimson. Not like the runners, bloodshot red. A different red. Crimson and vibrant. It glisten. I withheld my grimace.
"You ready."
Christy say in the passenger side. I smiled, putting on my sunglasses. I looked to her. I picked up the radio. "Let's bounce."
Madison spoke on the other end. "Ready when you are, Captain."
I laughed.
I put the ambulance in drive, facing to the direction we'd head.
Ready for anything, I cleared my mind knowing this would be the next chapter in my life surrounded by Hollow Graves.

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