Chapter Nineteen

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It was nearly dark when my eyes opened. I lifted my arm slowly up to look at the time. My wrist watch glass frame was cracked. Thankfully, it still worked. It was a bit after five.
My body felt extra heavy as if another body loaned itself to me. The windows were fogged, obscuring my vision.
It was the worse time to be waking up. Not only would I have to worry about walkers but the fucking zombies that ran rabbit and crazed. Like a desperate herd trying to make it through the gate before being locked out. That was code for; zombies trying to beat each other, desperate for the first bite of flesh. Lustful fuckers.
My ass was stiff, legs cramped laying bent in the same spot.
From the sound in my ears I could hear a more regular pulse. Still slower than normal but much more frequent then the last time I checked.
I grabbed the mirror looking into my eyes. They were slightly red, more on the pink side.
I could stay in this jeep all night. That idea lasted maybe five minutes.
I had to pee and I was hungry.
Without my consent, flesh being torn by teeth, slipped into my mind. I shook my head disgusted by my own thoughts. I was also concerned with what could happen if I didn't eat soon. I didn't have my backpack, not even a drop of water.
I closed my eyes trying to distract myself.
There was no point. There was a walker nearby snacking on someone or some animal. I'd be happier if it was an animal. Not that I had anything against animals rights and safety. I just preferred the human species to stay alive and untouched. No one deserved to be ripped apart. Not even poor dead Steve.
The sun was low enough for me to see  at least it's outline with me laying down in the jeep. Soon it would be dark.
It was now or never. I needed to find out where my brother, Christy, and Felicia were.
Donald made the mistake of telling me his job was to find people. If they believed I was dead, they wouldn't worry about running into me or being followed. I had to retrace my steps and figure out where his hunting ground was. Once I found him, I could follow him.
Damn, I was smart. Not that I needed anyone to give me credit for it. Once I found them, I would surely collect my credit from Felicia. Maybe I could have sex with Felicia one more time. It wouldn't hurt.


Part of my mind told me to stay put in the jeep. The other part of my mind explained to me of the risk of staying.
So many pros and cons. Pros: I could find a better and safer location with food and water. Maybe a toilet or a bucket at least. If these fuckers found out I was in here they would circle me then I'd be fucked. It would be like sitting in an oven, them waiting for me to come out to devour. No thanks.
Cons: I rush out and can't find a safe location. I run into not only walkers but runners. I'm still weak though I feel a lot better, they would still overpower me.
Where was God in all of this? Probably sitting up there in the clouds with popcorn waiting for me to make a interesting choice. I believed in God. But I believed in God as much as I believed in werewolves. I always considered the idea of werewolves being real. Read the history. But I always questioned it. But hey, I thought zombies was a story man made to scare each other and here I was now, deciding how to avoid them.
"If you're up there...give me a sign." Maybe a rainbow star to light my way to a safe path.
I sighed. No point in dwelling. I checked my chest finding less damage than before. My skin was healed up enough to not have a hole in my chest, like a weeks old injury. My skin was inflamed, pink around. I covered myself, tightened my hold on my knife.
   Time to go. It was no sense in being quiet. The walker on chow time was only a few feet away.
   I opened the door, stepping out cautiously. The last thing I needed was an ankle biter. The rain had cleared up, the sky a strong orange, red and black. The sun was halfway gone. There were a few buildings around, none I wanted to go into. Smartest place Togo was inside of a house. Hopefully.
   I knew the neighborhood was a few blocks away. I didn't feel right going into someone else's home. Plus I didn't know what to find.
   Closing my eyes for a second I knew the only place to go was back home. I secured our house. Only way it would be invaded was by other living people. I could rest and restock on my missing items.
   Damn, I missed my Katana though.  
   Before walking off, I walked on the sidewalk by the alley, finding the walker dogging his fingers into the gut of a dog. Damn, this had to be a stupid dog to get caught.
   The walker looked up at me as if unsure if I was a fellow walker or new eating source.
   Groaning, the walker opened his mouth, flesh stuck between his teeth. His hands reached out at me for invitation.
I gave him a big stabbing to the top of his head for my thanks to his invitation. I turned walking off along the sidewalk. My house was only fifteen minutes away. Not that far considering how much I and my brother come with Christy, then meeting Felicia.
   My pace was quicker. Less pain I. My chest I could stand up straighter. My hands shook a few times from the hunger growing. A pasty taste lingered in my mouth.
   Day dreaming of a burger and fries I heard footsteps behind me.
   I turned ready to kill the next walker trying to sneak up on me.
   Right before me, I stared down at little boy no older than ten. The dark covered up partial of his face. In his hand, the boy ate away at an arm he was holding. He almost looked innocent as if holding an ice cream cone instead of an arm. Probably belonged to his mom.
   Usually a joke or insulting comment popped into my mind about the walkers I faced.
   I couldn't think of nothing now. He was someone's child. An innocent boy. There were no bite marks or any sign of being attacked by a zombie.
   I smiled just a little thankful by that.
   Stopping, I considered my action. I couldn't do this. Kill a child.
   He looked up at me with his red eyes and groaned.
   Nearly forgetting myself I blanched staring back into this boys eyes.
   He was a little over half my height. Skinny with long arms.
   Like I'd expect he launched at me quick. I ducked around a sidewalk trash can not able to kill him. I couldn't.
   Thinking of my brother being in this position. I knew my brother could never kill this kid and he would have died because of it. That meant only one thing. I needed to be the one who killed this boy. I thought of the chances of another person walking by and finding this child. I could prevent someone else from possibly turning. That was all the logic I needed.
   Making a decision I stepped into the open after dodging around the trash Can to avoid him. The runner boy stopped as if surprised I'd given up and lunged for me again. This time I was ready. My hand gripped around the knife, catching the boy by his hair.
   With only a few seconds to think I slid my knife into his skull.
I turned my back before watching him collapse to the ground. I would not detain my mind with guilt. I was protecting myself and any who faced him later.
For the next several minutes I walked blankly home. Subconsciously, I knew where I was going.
A few blocks from home I passed Roscoes Liquor store. Zombie Roscoe was still dead where I killed him in the street. Somehow, in the course of only a few days I felt a deep regret in how I killed him. I made Roscoe Zombie the target of a joke, mocking his new circumstance. He did not ask to be attacked by most likely a customer. He was a nice man.
Falling back into my path, I headed to my house. It was completely dark now. I was thankful I hadn't run into anymore zombies. Especially, those fast as ones. I didn't have enough oil in my engine to outrun them. Just saying
Turning onto my block I could see my house. The three steps leading up to our front door. The low window on the side of the house that was the basement, where I awoke after being attacked by our parents. It was calling for me. I was excited to be home.
Not until I thought about my parents. I'd put them in the back of my mind since I woke up and Christian explained to me what they'd turned into. I couldn't think of them as zombie parents.
About a hundred feet from my house, I hunched behind a car. Just my fucking luck. There were a few zombies walking around my house. By the look of their movement I knew they were runners.
Fucking amazing. I should have staid in that jeep. I pressed my forehead against the door of the car, gripping my knife.
Looking across from me was a trashcan, a set of old rusted car rims inside. I arched a brow giving myself an idea.
Anyone see Xena the Warrior Princess? I was so going to use that as my shield. I had to kill the fuckers or more would come.
I sneaked over grabbing it as quiet as possible until a few we'll pass expiration apples tumble out of the trash can letting my new friends know I was here.
Their heads turned so fast my eyes widen. Fuck me.
My strength was at bare minimum. I took a deep breath, shutting my eyes. Silently, I begged that dark foreign part of me to help.
I opened my eyes as one runner was already at reaching level. I lifted the rim up like a shield, the runner tackling me into the fence I stood behind. My upper body bent over the fence. I used my lower have to propel me forward against the fence. Using my knife I tried to stab the runner. He eyes leaked of red making my own eyes water by mere sight. She had to be no more than thirty. Better to die this way than the other.
The second runner came at my side and I thought it better to shove the first runner back as I twisted hopping over to the fence.
It was three against one. Why did I have to be on the short end? Fuck me.
One of the runners tried climbing over, only to flip over. I took advantage coming down at it with my knife. I stabbed the runner in the back of her head. The other to runners did the same thing about to both take a chunk out of me when, someone yanked one runner by the back of his shirt.
I focused on the second runner punching her in the face as it lunged. Realizing my knife was not in my hand my eyes widen as the runner lunged my way again. My eyes darkened just enough for me to be aware of my actions. I grabbed the runner by both sides of her head slamming it into the brick wall of the upper porch. Twisting a lock of the runners hair into my fingers I repeated my actions. Slamming her head again and again. Soon I could hear the squishy sound of her brain matter splattering out. Seeping blood, brain matter, and flesh lingered onto the bricks.
I let go as the runner fell completely dead.
I turned to find a woman staring at me with a bloody kitchen knife. Her straight strawberry red hair fell around her face, a few freckles outlining her face.
She seemed so familiar to me.
My eyes widen just a fraction studying her appearance. She had a small stomach, mildly wide waist and perfectly shaped breast. The jeans she was wearing made me bite my lip.
She laughed, shaking her head. "Still the same Tris I remember."
"Madison," I finally said, realizing who she was.
"We should head inside," was all she said before walking off.
Fuck. Madison was my babysitter when I was in middle school until I turned fifteen. My parents did their best to shelter me and Christian. And she was my first crush. Madison was only four years older than me. Back than, being four years apart in age was a huge difference.
I soon realized she was heading into my house. I frowned. In the doorway was a girl of about thirteen. Last I saw Madison, she was childless.
She would have been pregnant on high school and I remember how well her body shaped.
Not saying another word I followed her into the house excited to be out of harms way the for night.
I couldn't let myself get to distracted. By early morning I would be back out and ready to find my brother, Christy, and Felicia. They came first. My brother, would always come first.

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