Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"For the last time Tris, we are not splitting apart." Madison paced the break room, while Felicia leaned against the wall near the hall; arms crossed over chest.
There was no point in asking Felicia what she thought. She would follow me no matter what I said. She knew exactly where they hid.
If it was just us adults, I'd be more inclined to give in. Three kids, made it difficult to submit. If one of those kids were attacked; bitten, it would effect me on a major level.
I shut my eyes trying to find another compromising solution. Lock them all in a room was an option. I couldn't tie them up. Zombies could come in and they'd be defenseless.
Why couldn't these women listen to me? When had women ever listen to me, except in the bedroom?
Madison was already smiling, knowing I was about to cave in.
I didn't smile. I frowned. Fuck me.
I held my index up, pointing to every single person in the break room, one at a time. That included the kids. "What I say. Goes. No arguing. No telling me what you want. You can make a suggestion, but at the choice."
"Seriously. You're pulling a Rick speech from the Walking Dead." Felicia mocked me, imitating, Rick. "'This is not a democracy. This is a dictatorship. You don't like it. I'm not holding you here.' "
Rolling my eyes, I said, "that's not exactly how he said it," I argued.
She shrugged. "Close enough."
Madison butted in. "You do realize, Rick made many mistakes with that philosophy. And retracted those words."
"Oh, I'm sorry," I said with false apology. "I did ask you all to stay behind and it is my brother I'm going for."
"And, Christy," Felicia reminded me.
I smile, sheepishly. "Of course." I hadn't forgotten.
Felicia and Madison seemed to close their mouths. they can be quiet? Good to know.
"Mom." Brennon walked up to Madison, frown on her face. Madison glanced down, Brennon pulling her away from me. I could still hear clearly from my special hearing qualities. Nice try little girl. "I don't want to go."
Madison seemed to freeze from that. She looked to me, than back to her daughter. "Brennon. We have to help Tris get her brother and his girlfriend back."
Brennon pointed to Felicia. "She has help. And a girlfriend, already mom."
Wow. My eavesdropping ended, feeling embarrassed for Madison. Her eyes seemed to sway my way before pulling Brennon further from us.
Felicia glanced at me. She didn't need to hear that conversation to know what it was about. The girls both sat on the couch quiet. I really didn't want to drag these girls into further harm.
When I looked back up, Felicia was standing beside me. I blew out.
"I'm making things awkward, am I?"
I wasn't sure if Felicia's question was rhetorical or required a response. I chose to answer anyway. "Her daughter hasn't been too excited about me long before they knew about you."
"I know..." Felicia waved her hand between us... "whatever this is...we're having fun."
"Is that what you think I see you as? Fun."
She shrugged. "I know you said you like me...but that can mean nothing..."
I ended up pulling Felicia toward the hall. We were in the hall; hidden from eyes. "I know I seem like such a player."
Felicia gave me a knowing smirk.
I smiled, shaking my head. "All right. I am. Was. At least, a month ago, before all this." I gained Felicia's attention now. "After losing my parents; though annoying and bigot they were. Nearly dying and now having my brother and losing him...things changed. I've changed. You didn't know me before the zombies took over. But...when I say I genuinely like you, I mean that. And I don't take that lightly. You are not someone I want to replace."
My response was a kiss. A hard kiss. Felicia's fingers clamped at the back of my head, pulling me in. Our kiss deepened. I pressed my body into Felicia, her body against the wall. My hands roamed in every path I could reach, lingering it at her hips.
I wanted her like fire needed oxygen. My clit throbbed with such need I wanted to feed. I could feel this way about both women; though both were individual to me. Special and beautiful in their own way.
Our kiss broke, both of us panting desperate for air. "Damn," I said, softly.
Felicia smiled, kissing me softly again. "I don't mind sharing. Only with her," Felicia said.
I nodded. I knew exactly where she was headed with that statement. "She's different," I told Felicia. "Not easily seduced. Trust me. I've been trying for years."
Felicia grinned. "I don't need to seduce her. I just need to be..."
Madison peered to the hall, glaring at Felicia with dagger eyes. "I'm not swayed by cute looks," she said firmly.
Pursing lips, Felicia glanced to me. She didn't seem too concerned by Madison's anger. "I'll give you two a moment." Purposely, Felicia leaned in brushing a kiss over my cheek.
Scowling, Madison rolled her eyes, letting Felicia pass. "Why are you into her?" She asked, agitated.
"You just don't like her because..." I paused. It was too late. Madison would want me to finish my statement, so I did... "because, I care about her, too." As much as I felt the pull to turn away, Madison did not deserve that. "You'd like her under different circumstances."
"Well not in the way she would like. I'm not a conquest."
I pressed both hands against her cheek. "That's not what's bothering you." Madison nodded, hesitating to meet my eyes. "Your daughter is only trying to protect you and the memory of her other mom."
Nodding, Madison sighed. "I know.'s not her job."
We fell silent for a moment, until I knew what to say. "I umm. I know you can't come."
Madison lowered her head. "You were right. My daughter safety comes first. It would be selfish of me to come. Plus those girls wouldn't know how to handle being out there right now."
I nodded.
Tears fell from Madison's eyes. I immediately began wiping them away. "I am going to come back. With my brother and Christy."
"And Felicia," Madison said. One part of her face lifted to a smile.
I arched a brow.
"What?" she muttered. "I wouldn't want her to get hurt. I'm human." Her smile was short lived.
I knew what was bugging her. "Madison?"
"I've loved you for ten years. I never stopped. Me running off with Felicia to go find my brother won't change that. It will only intensify my need to get back to you knowing you care about me too. Don't doubt that."
Madison smiled lit through her eyes like a candlelight. "You have always been special to me, Tris. In the beginning, in a different friendly way. changed. You turned seventeen. And Damn."
I laughed. "I still felt like a perv and didn't not want to touch you. I mean. I was twenty one. I babysat you. It seemed...wrong." Madison scratched her forehead, shielding her blush. "Each time I ran into you..." she shook herself. I loved hearing how she felt about me. I was so blind. I wanted her to see me this way so many times and she had all along. "Point is...I fell in love with you too. I ignored it time after time. And I fell madly for Brennon's mom. When she died, I felt destroyed. In the last year, I've healed enough to at least start dating...and you were all I kept dreaming of."
Out of all her words; which I heard very clearly, all I caught most was her being in love with me.
Like Felicia done to me with strong emotional vibes, I leaned in, kissing Madison with such desire that this world could never take from us. My heart pounded. My body shivered when her feathery fingers ran up and down my back. Her fingers slipped underneath my shirt, grazing my skin. Fuck me.
I was a goner. I squeezed my hands tight around her waist before pulling up to the small of her back. I was raptured in her aura, tasting her forever love. Through all I was feeling now, love, passion, kiss were at the top. It literally brought my eyes to liquidity from such strong emotions.
Madison pulled back. Her eyes were heavy on me. There was desire I knew I wanted to fulfill. "I want to make love to you..."
Nodding, Madison kissed my cheek. "We have no time."
We both blew out our sexual frustration. No time for a cold shower, I shook myself a few times.
Walking back to break room, I ignored Brennon's hostile glare. I spoke to the sisters promising my return.
Felicia and I strategize for about thirty minutes.
I told them I had to go to restroom before leaving. I needed to relieve more than my urine. That was partially true. Deep down, I was never going to risk their lives. I cared for both women and with three kids, I couldn't leave Madison alone with that kind of stress. Here would be Felicia's chance at getting Madison to at least tolerate her.
Leaving a note on the inner door exit I left. I left police keys on table, which they'd eventually noticed. Instructions that if trouble occurred to head to the sisters uncle and meet at a designated spot we all knew of.
They would probably hate me for a moment but this was the best decision. They will understand soon enough. This time, I needed to do this alone.
It was time to get my brother back. And his girlfriend, of course.

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