Chapter Fourteen

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Hey, I republished this chapter. I noticed it was missing half of the chapter! Here you go a second time!

"I'm not watching this." Felicia shook her head, hands waving out grossed out and frantic. "This is crazy."
I dragged the zombies body more to the center opening by the register. Dark blood from his head slicked the floor, sticky and rotten. I could smell the foul odor, as it painted the floor. My pinky rested in its mouth. A great way to go out for a zombie. He achieved every zombies ambition. To take a piece of flesh with them. "You to finish with the trash bags?"
Christian handed me one of the black heavy duty trash bags. I put it on wearing it like a poncho. I put on a coat I found in the back over it.
"How do I look?"
"Cute," Felicia said sarcastically.
I smirked, bemused. "When this plan work...don't come kissing me." I held my smirk, letting her watch me gloat.
Christian stared at me, curiously.
From the viewpoint I had on Felicia, I knew I pinched a nerve. Her brow twitched, sucking in and out heavy breaths. "Just hurry."
I put on a pair of latex black gloves I found in one of the aisles along with a face mask and protection eyewear. I pulled up the zombies shirt and took a deep breath before beginning. I grabbed my knife that had about four inches of blade stabbing it down into the zombies lower abdomen.
Felicia squirmed turning away as all kinds of delightful smells emanated out.
The mask could not hid the smell from my nose. I groaned scissoring the knife across the zombies belly as if making a happy face.
I sat my knife beside me. My eyes watered from the smell. It felt as if the stench was absorbing through my skin and mucus membranes and contaminating me. A few maggots wormed its way out from the opening of the zombies gut.
"Eww," Christian stood behind me.
Christy ran to the back and by the sound of it she was vomiting.
I suggest my fingers halfway into the zombies gut ripping its rigid flesh wider. I had enough strength to do so. It was like ripping apart a rubber belt to a vacuum.
Opened enough, I dug out the zombies intestines, wrapping them around my shoulder.
Felicia and my brother gave off multiple groans.
"What the fuck," Felicia hissed out.
"I won't ever do this," Christian promised himself.
I dug in more cringing. Between the smell and the feel of it's cold insides I was permanently grossed out.
Scooping up more of the Zombies intestines I also smother thick blotches of blood onto the coat. This moment reminded me of one of my calls on the job. I picked up a transient on the street who cut open a pigeon, smearing its blood over her body. I'm sure she fit into this new world perfectly.
I scooped as much as the zombie out, covering most of my front. "I need you to now do my back."
Christian shook his head. "I can't sis. I can't touch that."
"Seriously, bro. We don't have time for this." I couldn't snap my fingers though I tried. My gloved fingers were to slicked in sticky.
Felicia rolled her eyes at me then stepped up to the plate. She grabbed the box of gloves. "I'll do it."
Yes. My brow arched. She was just squirming. Perhaps she had some internal strength I'd yet to witness. I turned my back to Felicia waiting for her to chicken out.
Tilting my head to the side, Felicia reached into the bowl of the zombies body. She whined, continuing on with no hesitation. Some of the insides she grabbed slipped between her fingers. Felicia cursed as a small seep of zombie blood got onto her lower forearm.
"This better work?" She muttered.
I refrained from saying something smartly and taunting. Last thing I needed was an aggravated Felicia.
Felicia's hands rubbed the goo of blood down my back. The tips of her finger pressed into the top start of my ass. There was need for blood that far low.
My brother was too busy worrying about Christy, he hadn't noticed.
"You better come back in one piece."
I felt Felicia's breath against my ear. I shivered. She was a few feet away in mere seconds. "All done."
Christy and Christian approach.
"You sure about this?" I knew he wanted me to change my mind.
I took off my gloves, using water to clean off my hands. "I'm not planning on leaving you."
Christian nodded.
I felt ten pounds heavier.
I carefully placed my holster katana around my back. I nodded for Christy to begin.
She began tapping on the window next to the door.
Zombie hands slapped hard against the double shielded window. She carried the tap further away from the door.
"Remember what I said. Firehouse. And if that's not safe--"
"I know sis." Christian handed me my knives. "Be careful."
I nodded.
Hearing the zombies moans carry further from the door, I took a deep breath. Tension fell into my shoulders as I shook my arms out a little to relax them.
I was crazy for volunteering to do this. I knew I was. But it was the only option to take. I blew out another breath, nodding for Felicia to open the door.
Our eyes locked for only a second when she turned opening the door.
I stepped out quickly, Felicia closing the door seconds behind.
Right at sight I was greeted by two walkers. Their yolk colored eyes made me never want to eat an egg again. Their teeth were exposed, hair, skin, and blood around their mouths. I managed not to vomit up my response to that. My stomach swirled a few times but managed to maintain stability.
I figured now was the best time to start playing zombie. I held my breath taking my first slow staggering step.
The two walkers next to me kept staring as if I was new person invading their territory. Keeping a safe distance from the two possible zombie snitches, I staggered to my right moving from them.
Another four steps and I ended up next to a group of walkers headed for the sound that was now coming around the back of the store. I assumed it was Christy carrying the noise to the back of the store. It drew away more zombies in the front.
Tempted, I decided not to turn around to see the store. I couldn't afford to draw attention to me.
The five walkers headed toward the store were also walking into my direction. I couldn't move too fast or I'd out myself. Choosing a better method, I turned walking toward them so they could pass me along side.
Keeping my head low, I was a few feet from the walkers when a few of them stopped mid step turning their heads slowly my way.
I was beginning to think that when close enough they could smell the facade I was giving them.
I couldn't turn left because that would mean walking into them so I shifted right, slightly back toward the store.
One of the walkers turned to me. Her hand out stretched as if inviting me for an embrace.
I'm good. My ass shifted further right. Not paying attention, I bumped into another walker who groaned like an angry bystander I just disrupted.
Shit. It was not easy pretending to be a zombie. Rick, on The Walking Dead made it look so easy. It was like walking through a maze and if I got too close to one of them they would react liken the old school game Operations.
The walker I bumped into, face was bloated. I wanted to grab a needle and pop all the spots that puffed out. My guess, he was sick before he was bitten. His eyes were barely visible from the puffiness in his cheeks. Staring down at his arms I noticed hives and open wounds like multiple decubitis ulcers in the late stages. If I wanted I could dig my fingers into his open wounds mixing the pus around like a bowl of cereal. Not that I wanted to.
God, I did not want him touching me.
I swallowed in my tongue feeling my stomach heave. If I vomited, my cover was over.
The walker reached for me, moaning and I stepped back, absently. I frowned, squeezing the knives in my hand tight.
This was about to turn ugly. Gritting my teeth I breathed in and out slowly. My heartbeat was trampling over each other. My hands got sweaty. My muscles tightened.
My eyes saw a broad range of walkers turning my way. I was in trouble. The walker I bumped into had a few missing teeth. The walker snapped its teeth, moaning with an alert that set off the rest.
I made it several steps and already I was found out.
The walker moved as swiftly as it could go, reaching for me with one of his mutilated hands. Before I bumped into the walkers that were originally headed toward the store I stopped myself from moving backwards.
The walkers hand grabbed ahold of my shoulder as I drove my knife upward from below his chin. My knife was a good four inches hitting its target.
I yanked my knife from out of him turning as two more walkers came faster than expected.
Both my hands armed with knives I moved swiftly, piercing the knives into the walkers head through the eye. It was the softest part of their frontal skull. I didn't enjoy hearing the squishing pop of eye balls and the chance of it lingering on my knives.
A woman had to do what she had to do. However that saying went.
Four more of these fuckers came and figured I'd use myself as bait to lure them away from the store. "Come on, hungry bitches," I bellowed. "One at a time."
I snarled as I stuck my knife into another walkers skull.
Walking backwards, I killed one walker at a time. They all began rushing for me. Ten turned into twenty.
Nearly thirty feet away from the store I noticed the front was clear for Christian and the rest to escape.
I continued distracting the walkers shouting at them as if they could possibly understand me.
From both side corners, more walkers enclosed on me. Their hands reaching for me, it was time to bring out the big sword. I holster knives, pulling out my katana.
One walker, the size of a linebacker seemed to lead the walkers.
I kicked the huge walker in the chest. It barely forced the walker back, taking a few staggering steps back.
I gritted my teeth when one grabbed my arm.
In primal instinct I head butted the walker feeling its fragile skull shatter in the spot our heads collided. Some of its blood lingered on my skin. It's dead fingers let go of my arm and I angled my katana up. Slicing through its skull.
The walker dropped to the ground. I turned in time to swing in a batting position for the linebacker a few feet from me. I decapitated the walkers head as it's body went limp.
I kept pivoting backwards now in the middle of the street. It was safe to say the store was clear from most walkers.
As I kept fighting each walker off I noticed the front door to the store open. Felicia came out first. Christy and Christian followed.
My brother looked my way with concerned eyes until Felicia patted him on the back to go.
I watched them run off and my chest relaxed. I knew they would be safe as long as they stocked together.
There was no point in continuing with the herd.
I stabbed my katana into the throat if another walker. It's dead less tone gurgled as blood seeped from out its neck.
I wiggled my katana left and right inside ira throat, slicing through its spinal vertebrae.
The walker fell paralyzed on the ground, still snapping its teeth open and closed.
There were too many. No time to finish the walker off.
I turned, making a quick decision. Running in the middle of the street I decided to take the log route to the firehouse. I didn't want to lead the walkers there. With no time to waste I was gone.


I rounded another block killing a walker every hundred feet. This sucked. Why did an zombie apocalypse have to happen during my time?
I wouldn't say all my hard work in life was wasted. It taught me things that was helping me stay alive.
Well, being inmunes to a zombies bite was a whole new thing. If I hadn't been immune I'd be dead right now.
Making my way around another corner, I nearly bumped into another walker. I was inches from penetrating his skull when I noticed his eyes.
"I'm alive," he shouted.
"No shit."
I kept my katana raised up. He had a gun in his hand.
"What are you running from?"
"What are you?" He asked, not answering my questions.
"Seems to me I have the upper hand so you should answer."
He hesitated but eventually gave in. "Zombies." He pointed around the corner to where I was headed. "It's a group of them."
My eyes narrowed on him I took a step back lowering my katana. "There's a herd of them back around that corner."
"Good to know." He smiled awkwardly. "I wouldn't want to run into that."
He was making small talk. I wasn't in the mood. It wouldn't make me trust me. Trying to show his human traits to make me lose my guard. He looked close twenty, barely old enough to drink if anything. His blonde hair matted around his eyes. I didn't want to deal with a copycat of Steve.
From the corner of my eye pass his left side I noticed a police car. From the police unit number it was the same one Steven had stolen from me after shooting me.
I ran passed the guy completely focused on the car.
"There's a zombie in there," the guy shouted.
Running up, alongside the car I held my katana out ready to kill whatever walker inside.
I stopped. It was Steven. There was a gaping hole in his neck. Blood splattered all over him and the dead zombie next to him. I shook my head.
"I got to say...I saw this coming."
Steven lifted his dead hands up to me.
"I didn't want you then and I don't want you now." I looked into the back seat of the car. My bag was inside. Without a second thought I slid my katana through his temple.
I was heaving his lifeless body out when the guy I nearly bumped into walked up.
Lifting my sword up, I pointed it toward his chest.
He held his hands up, gun tucked in his pants. "I've been alone for three days."
"And I care, because what? We're both human and I should help you out."
"I can see that you knew him." The guy pointed to Steven's dead body. "Whatever he me, I need allies."
"I don't trust anyone." I trust me brother but I wasn't going to tell him I had a brother.
"Please. We can do this your way."
From a distance, I could hear groans. The herd if walkers were closing in on us. I considered my options. I still cared about human life. I didn't have to change that because of Steven's choices. It could be cautious but open for chances. "Get in. Front seat." I pointed to the passenger side.
He rushed to the other end pulling out the dead zombie who was the most likely cause to Steven's death and change.
Turning the car on, I looked at him. "Don't mistake me helping you as a weakness for mankind. I will dump you on the side of the road if you are a threat."
"Got it." He nodded.
From the rearview mirror I closed the herd making its way around the corner. I put the police car in reverse getting the hell out fibrous area. I would not be zombie grub no matter how many I faced.

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