A Gift

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The baby in my arms cooed again as it struggled to get free. The mothers eyes were on me in an instantly. She seemed to want to charge at me but once she took a step her legs gave out and she fell. Blood spread out on the floor as she hit it. The two bullet wounds poured out blood, but still the mother tried to get up for her cubs.

I put the cub down on the ground as I ran to the other two still in the cage. They had their heads near the bars peering out so they could see their mother. I quickly threw the latch and opened the door. I managed to get the one out with out incident but the third pawed at me scratching me arm. I stayed calm as my arm was torn open and swiftly snatched the cub and placed him outside the cage.

When I turned around the cubs were surrounding their mother squealing and crying. The one I had protected was nudging her with its nose trying to get her to do something. I thought it was too late but she let out a strangled grunt. The cub whined and curled up against her. The other two soon followed.

I walked to the mother and sat down in front of her bitting my lip to try not to cry. She eyed me trying to tell if I was a danger or not. I must not have been because she laid her head back down breathing heavily. The blood was still pooling around her and there was nothing I could do about it.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed into my hand. It was my fault she was like this. If I hadn't of come she wouldn't be dying. "I'm so so sorry. I was just trying to get your cubs to you." I said. Tears were streaming down my face now.

A large paw rested on my knee. I looked up to see the mother bear looking at me almost understandingly. Her paw stayed on my knee as I stared at her with tears staining my cheeks.

There there child. Don't cry. I jumped and looked around but it was only me and the bears in the tent. I looked back at the mother bear. My name is Nadie. I gasped.

"No this can't be happening. I'm going crazy." I stated running my hand through my hair. The mother bear put her paw on my knee again.

Calm your self Ayashe, little one. This is very real.

"H-how? You're- you're a bear." I asked.

Because I have granted you this gift. I stared at her not sure if I should believe it.

"Why? Why did you?"

You tried to give me my cubs back. You tried to stop that beast from hurting me. You saved my little Takoda. She looked over at the little cub I had protected. He was curled up next to her. Blood was rubbing into his coat.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop him. I tried, I really tried. I should have done something more, anything. If I did you wouldn't be hurt." I sobbed in to her fur.

There there Ayashe, no need to fret. All life ends. It's my time. She said sounding out of breath.

"No you shouldn't have to. You have your cubs to think about. You can't go." I pleaded.

It is my time Ayashe. My cubs will be fine they have you looking out for them. They're safe with you.

"I can't protect them. You saw what that man did. He's so much stronger them me."

I trust you Ayashe. My cubs are in good hands. They are strong and resilient. You'll find a way for them to be free. For all the animals here to be free. I went to interrupt but the little cubs were up again looking at their mother.

Don't go mother.

We need you mother.

Momma please.

The three of them cried as they nudged her.

Hush now. Listen to your Kay. She'll help you. Don't cause her any trouble you three. Especially you Songaa. She directed her last sentence to the little one that had scratched me.

We don't want you to go. The third smallest cub cried as she stood up on her hind legs and leaned into her mother.

I have to Nuttah. But don't worry your Kay will help you and I'll always watch out for you three. Nadia looked up at me. Please keep my cubs safe.

I bit my lip but nodded. She sighed content before looking back down at her cubs. I love you and I'll always be looking out for you. I watched with the three cubs as her chest rise once, twice, three times before she exhaled her last breath.


"Kindness can reach the deepest call of the heart and soul, and lead to a different kind of world and self."

      - Jean Maalouf

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