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It was late in the evening and everyone went home for the night as I stayed late to finish some of my work and to be with the cubs. I couldn't stop thinking about what the vet, Thomas, had said. My heart wasn't totally in it anymore. 

A cracking sound interrupt my thoughts. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. No one should be here still, not this late. I was usually the last to lock up. Another crack sounded and I followed it out. The sound stopped for a moment making me think I had imagined it. Just when I was about to turn back the sound came again. This time I heard a painful roar.

It was Ryuu.

I sprinted into the stage tent. It was almost pitch black in there. The only light was the spot light at the center. I narrowed my eyes when I saw Antonio there with a whip in hand and Ryuu in front of him. He cracked it so close to Ryuu that his body flinched. Something was wrong though. Ryuu was struggling to stay standing and I could see him breathing heavily. I rushed over just as Antonio brought the whip back.

I jumped the barrier and quickly snatched the end of the whip. When Antonio pulled forward I was jerked forward. The whip slipped slightly but I managed to keep a hold of it. Antonio turned to me glaring.

"Let go girl." He growled out. I stared straight at him and tightened my grip on the whip. He yanked but this time I had my footing and held firm. "Let go." He warned.

"Why, so you could hurt him again?" I said pointing to Ryuu. When Antonio pulled this time I pulled back. "I'm not letting go. That's no way to treat an animal. Look at him, he can barley stand and he's breathing heavily." I looked over to Ryuu. A gasped left me. I hadn't noticed the blood on his coat.

"What did you do to him!" I yelled at Antonio as I approached Ryuu. The whip was forgotten.

Ryuu growled at me as I got closer. He kept his body low to the ground and his head tilted slightly to me. Something was definitely wrong .

It's okay it's just me." I said to him softly. His his head snapped towards me but his growling finally ceased. I could finally see what was wrong.

Tears threatened to fall as I fell to my knees next to him and gently wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry." I said softly. He nudged his head towards in me in comfort sensing my mood. "I'm so sorry." I stated again as I gently put my hands towards his eyes.

A whip mark was across his right eye and went into this left. He couldn't see me anymore with his right. It was misty and pale in color. His left wasn't doing much better with some of the mist covering a part of it.

My shirt was grabbed from the back and pulled, forcing me away from Ryuu. I felt it stretch and rip until the hand let me go. I spun around anger fueling me. Seeing Antonio there with a part of my shirt still clutched in his fist just made me angrier. I stepped up to him until I was nose to nose.

"How dare you. How dare you hurt him. Not only have you've hurt him to the point of drawing blood but you've also made him blind. Can't you see that he can't see in his right eye. His left is almost as ruined. He probably can't tell where anything is but you're still trying to get him to perform. What's wrong with you?" I yelled at him.

He stared at me for a moment before looking back at the piece of shirt in his hand. When his eyes came back up he was looking at my neck. I stared confused.

"You." he said in the most venomous voice I ever heard. I stepped back when he stepped closer towards me. His posture told me he was dangerous right now. "You." he stated again stalking towards me. I tripped over my own feet and fell to the ground on my back side. "You're the cause of all this, why we've had to work so hard. Why we're performing for such minimal crowds, so often." My eyes widened. He figured it out.

He stalked closer to me and I saw his hand clench. My eyes stayed locked onto his other one that held the whip. He had started rising it as he got closer. I scooted back on my butt trying to get away from him. There was no one here to stop him this time. Now that he knew who I really was I didn't think he was going to stop.

The whip cracked as he pulled it behind him sharply. The first flick caught me across the shoulder making me cry out in pain. He pulled it back again snapping it in the process. I cringed back as he started bringing the whip forwards again.

A roar sounded behind me. Then before I could process it a snow white figure jump in front of me. Ryuu jumped on the unsuspecting Antonio knocking him down. He went for Antonio again but he miss judged and ended up sinking his teeth into his arm instead.

A loud scream sounded as Ryuu tightened his hold on Antonio's arm. Out of instinct Antonio lashed out at Ryuu. Normally a tiger like Ryuu wouldn't have been effected by the simple slap but Antonio had hit his eyes forcing a roar of pain out as he let go and stumbled back. Antonio was on his feet again holding his arm but started towards Ryuu again with that look in his eyes. The look that said he was going to hurt him.

"Leave him alone." I yelled getting to my feet again. Antonio snapped his head towards me.

"Don't think I have forgotten about you." he seethed turing his attention to me. I gulped. "I'll be telling everyone exactly who you are bright and early in the morning. They'll love knowing they've been working with the person who has almost lost them their job." He taunted as he took a step closer.

"You shouldn't even have a job with the abuse you've shown these animals." I stated in anger, unconscious stepping towards him.

He scoffed. "They're wild beasts. The only way to tame them is to show who is the dominate one. But what's the point in discussing this with you. You'll be gone in the morning. But before that." He took one more step. "I've been wanting to do this for a while now." He raised his hand towards me.

As he took his swing his legs were taken out from under him and he fell. Ryuu pinned him to the ground with all of his 480 pounds. He snarled at Antonio even as the man tried to get the white tiger off of him.

Go. While I can keep him busy. Ryuu commanded.


Go. he growled out. I'll be fine. Think of the cubs, remember why you're here. Go before he gets loose. I looked at Ryuu with worry. He was right I had to go while I could. There was no telling what Antonio would do in his rage.

"Be safe." I whispered before running out of the tent. I ran all the way to my car and didn't stop moving until I was in my room with the door locked. I dug through my back and pulled out my phone. I had a call to make.

The phone rang two times before someone picked up. "Is their enough evidence for a case?"

"Yes." Thomas answered sounding confused.

"Good. We're getting the animals out. Today."


"All creatures are deserving of a life free from fear and pain"

        ----------------- Maura Cummings

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