A New Chapter

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The cheers went up in the crowd as I bowed in one swift movement. The whistles and shouts were why I was there in the middle of the ring. Not because they were for me but because they were for the animals, my animals, my family. 

The cheers died down as I raised my arms for silence. The crowded quieted instantly waiting to see more. I smiled brightly even as the lights shined in my eye and my sweat rolled down my temples.

"Now ladies and gentle men I want you to give a warm welcome for our next act. This next performer is my most trusted companion. We've been through a lot together. He hasn't let anything get in his way. Please rise to your feet and help me welcome Ryuu, our White tiger." 

The crowd cheered like mad when the saw Ryuu come bounding in. A gasp went through the crowd when they noticed Ryuu come up behind me looking ready to attack. I kept still with my smile never wavering, as I pretended not to hear their warning.

Suddenly they shouted out and I knew Ryuu had pounced. Soon a heavy weight fell on my shoulders as Ryuu stood up on hind legs and wrapped his paws around my shoulders. The crowd awed when Ryuu started nuzzling me as he held me. I lifted my hand and gently stroked his head. My fingers grazed over his scar on his blind eye. My smile wavered for a moment but I didn't let it fall.

"Oh what's that Ryuu? You want to bring out your friends?" I said loud enough for the crowd to hear.  Ryuu dropped to the ground next to me. There were some confused voices in the crowd. "That sounds like a great idea." 

Suddenly the curtains were drawn back by Derek and three large grizzle bears popped into view. They let out a might roar together before lugging towards me. I put my hand on Ryuu's head just as my cubs got near. Ryuu jumped behind me at my signal just as the cubs came in giving me a bear group hug.

"Guys I need to breath." I whispered to the my teddy bears.

Sorry. Nuttah, Takoda, and Songga said.

You three never learn. Ryuu scolded behind me. Making me stifle a laugh. He still hadn't lost his authoritative domineer even after all these years.

"Play nice you four we have a show to finish." I whispered.

Yes Kay. My teddy bears replied.

After you. Ryuu stated. I smiled and put my hand on his head allowing him to know where I was going since he couldn't see me. I raised my head towards the crowd that had gone quiet again. 

"Now ladies and gentlemen who wants to see how these unlike friends perform together?" Another cheer. I smiled brightly as I looked at my family. School had taken me away but not anymore. I would never leave them again. This is where I belonged.


"It's not an ending. It's just the point in the story where you turn the page."


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