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Voices brought me back into consciousness. They were loud sounding angry and they did not help my head. It was pounding like crazy and only seemed to get worse as the voices kept at it. The pain made me want to let the darkness take over again just so I could escape it.

Something was telling me that was a bad idea. Then I heard the cries of the cubs. They were close and they were desprately trying to speak with me.

A groan escaped my lips as I moved my head and opened my eyes. Even though the light was dim in the tent it still made my head hurt. Between the cubs and the voices my head was taking a bashing.


Your okay Kay.

Kay. The three cried out once they noticed me awake. I squinted at them and sighed when I noticed none of them were hurt. They were on their hind legs leaning against the cage looking at me.

"Sh. I'm okay." I glanced up to see the scarred man looking at me "You need to keep it down." I whispered.

We were scared. Takoda said in a whine.

"It's going to get scarier still but I want you guys to know that what ever happens right now I'm going to try to get you guys out." I promised when I noticed the two arguing men approaching. "I'll get you out." I whispered.

A man wearing a suit walked up to me and squatted down to my level. "Do you know how much trouble your in girl?" The man said. "Antonio here says he caught you in the tent trying to steal the cubs."

My focus shifted to the scarred man and I glared at him. "He was hurting their mother by keeping her cubs from her. I was just trying to let her have her cubs back." I stated glancing back at the suited man. "I wasn't trying to steal them." The suited man glanced sideways at Antonio who locked his jaw and glared at me.

"Well I have a dead grizzly. And the last one to see it alive was you." He raised an eyebrow at me.

My angry flared at what he was insinuating. "I would never hurt her. I was just trying to get her her cubs back. If you need to blame someone blame him." I pointed to the scarred man. Both my hands raised as hand cuffs locked them together. I didn't know how I just realized they were cuffed.

Antonio stepped at me threateningly. I stood up and held my ground as I got closer and glared back at him. His hand twitched into a fist for a moment showing his violent nature. Before anything could happen the suit stepped in.

"I have a very good reason to believe Antonio is telling the truth dearie."

I gritted my teeth before looking at him. "He shot her. He shot her because he was hurting her cubs and she tried to protect them. He killed her not me. I would never hurt an innocent animal." I stated fuming now.

"Even if that is so. You tried to take our property." he stated.

"I don't know what you mean. I left after Antonio did. A bear had tried to maul him and I didn't want to be next." I stated. I watched in satisfaction as the scarred man gritted his teeth. The wound on his arm proved my story.

The suit looked at me closely. He didn't believe me but I knew there was no proof other wise. I hadn't seen any cameras around when I had started snooping.

"So you're telling me that the cubs just so happened to get out of their cage and the tent on their own after my men found you running from the tent." He said skeptically.

"Like I said I was scared of getting mauled so I ran. Maybe he left the cage open after running away from the bear." I motioned to Antonio. He took a step towards me again but was stopped by the man.

"You still trespassed." The man said.

I shrugged. "I didn't see any signs. But if you want to call the police go ahead." I stated.

Again the suit looked at me closely and this time I let him see the mischievous smile I had. He knew I had something up my sleeve. And if he was smart he knew I knew of the animal abuse.

"We'll let you go for now. But you've been warned to stay away from here. We'll make sure to keep an eye on you if you decide to come back for the show." He warned as he undid the cuffs.

I rubbed my sore wrists. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I stated. I glanced at the cubs who were huddled away from us watching us intently. "Just remember what I said." I directed towards them. The two man looked at me curiously. They didn't know what I meant but the cubs had.

We trust you Kay. Nuttah replied. I let the suited man lead me out.


"'I trust you' is a better compliment then 'I love you', because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust"


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