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I stayed in my seat only long enough to get lost in the crowd. When I got the chance I slipped into the ring. The crowd had blinded me from my security detail but it had also made me lose sight of the white tiger. The last I saw of it, it had been attacking but someone had brought out a tranquilizer gun. I needed to get there before something bad happened.

When I made it into the ring I stopped. The tiger had jumped into the crowd of people. It was lashing out at the chairs and anyone who had gotten close. Thankfully most of the people were out of the tent because of the fire so it took to mauling the defenseless stands. The only problem was the fire was spreading fast and soon it would get trapped.

I grabbed one of the disregard tranquilizer guns. Not for the tiger but to scare off anyone who might want to hurt it. I ran up to it just as a groan was heard and one of the supports came down. I ducked out of the way in time but the tiger hadn't seen it. Its hind quarters were trapped under it.

Rushing I tried to get to the fallen post but the tiger swiped at me. The tent was getting hard to breath in as it filled with more smoke. I coughed but I couldn't leave. Not on my own.

"Let me help you. You're stuck." I pleaded with the tiger. He clawed at me again.

Get away you human. He growled at me. I blinked for a second until I realized I had heard it. Nadie had not only made it so I could hear her cubs but all animals.

"I'm trying to help you. You'll die here." I said going for the beam again but it kept me back.

Liar. It snarled.

"I really am. Please let me." I said coughing. The smoke was getting worse.

I'd rather die here then get help from a human especially one that has been hurting me. I stared at it confused to why it would say that. I would never hurt it. The thought alone disgusted me. Then it hit me. I had the gun. Quickly I threw it away.

"Smokey. I swear I'm trying to help you. Please you'll die here otherwise." I wasn't sure if it was the fire or not but my voice choked up and my eyes stung with tears. "Please I can't watch you die." I pleaded. Not again. I couldn't watch another animal die because I didn't help it. He eyed me carefully trying to assess if I was lying or not.

Ryuu. It said. I stared at it confused. My real name is Ryuu. The humans gave me that other name. He said in disgust.

"Ryuu. Please let me help. We don't have much longer." I could already feel myself losing consciousness from the smoke. Ryuu gave me one last look before showing me his side. "Thank you." I said before grabbing the beam.

I pushed up with me arms trying to get the beam up just enough to let Ryuu escape. I could feel him trying to help but with it on his back legs there wasn't much he could do. I huffed out a breath but the smoke was making it too hard to catch much air. My vision was getting spotty but I didn't give up.

Quickly I pushed my shoulders under the beam and lifted with all my strength. It shifted. I paused a moment trying to clear my vision and catch my breath before I pushed again. Again the beam shifted. I pushed harder still, trying to get Ryuu out. He was moving his spine trying to get free. It was making the beam loose some more. With a third push he wiggled him self free.

Once he was out the whole weight of the beam landed on my shoulders. The weight pushed the air out of my lungs and I stumbled. I could feel myself getting crushed under the weight as I lost my balance. I ducked my head and let the beam slide off. The skin on my neck felt like it was ripped off as the beam slowly slid off. I yelled out as a part on fire scorched my skin.

When the beam was off I tried to get steady but their was no longer any air in the tent or in my lungs. I stumbled back until I was on the floor. I managed to catch myself but my vision was going. There wasn't much time left for me. I needed to get out. But my body wasn't listening. I couldn't move.

Then something grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and started dragging me. I looked up to see Ryuu holding me. I tried to get walking but he was pulling me too fast forcing me to just let him do the work.

I must have blacked out for a moment. When I came around again we were still in the tent but there was an exit not far from us. Ryuu didn't see it. He was struggling to drag me. The smoke was getting to him too.

"Over there." My voice rasped out. I managed to point a finger to the clear path. Not much later Ryuu bounded over there with me in tow. He dodged beams and chairs and anything else that had gotten in the way from the stampede of people. A couple of time I felt myself hitting something but I didn't complain.

Ryuu burst through the clearing and into the fresh air. Once he dragged me far enough away he collapsed next to me breathing raggedly. I watched as his chest rose and fell quickly. His eyes were half shut as he tried to recover.

Gently I sat up and put my hand on his side. He looked at me with understanding. "Thank you." I whispered.

No, thank you. I smiled and let myself fall back down.


"Friendship is not friendship without trust, without it I walk alone."

------------------James P. Michels Jr.

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