Calming the Masses

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There was chaos everywhere. Something was going wrong everywhere I looked but I had a feeling I knew what had caused it.

Somehow the cubs ended out of their cage and were running around. Two men were chasing after them trying to catch them but they were too fast for them. Multiple times the men almost had them only to miss when the cubs darted the other way. They weren't getting caught anytime soon.

I would have thought that someone else would try to help the struggling men but all the other trainers and caretakers were busy with the other animals. It seemed the cubs had stirred things up.

Every animal seemed to have going wild. The chimps were banging against the bars of their cages screeching like no other. The horses were stomping the ground, bucking, and rearing up when they could. The elephants who where out of their cages, most likely from practice, were tooting and rising on their back legs from fright. The cubs and running trainers were startling them. Even the dogs were barking and pulling against their leashes.

My eyes drifted towards Ryuu and the lion brothers. Ryuu was pacing his cage. He snarled and charged the bars anytime one of the men got too close to the cubs. A few times he reached between the bars trying catch one of the trainers. It worked because the men would startle and let the cubs run by.

The only animals not freaking out were Amra and Kamau. They were just laying in their cage relaxing like nothing was going on. Kamau was sitting up watching the show in amusement while his brother laid on him with his eyes closed. Both yawned. They were completely calm.

I made my way towards the edge of the ring in the tent where the other stage hands were all watching. "What happened?" I asked stifling a laugh when on of the cubs dodged under one of the men's legs making him fall.

"Angie noticed the cubs had been in their cage all day and was going to let them out to get food. When she had one of the cubs in her hands another had charged her making her drop the other one. Then all of them were out and running around." Danny said. I bet it was Songaa.

"Suddenly all the animals were going crazy." He winced at the sight before me.

I let a chuckle out when I noticed Takoda and Songaa heading towards one another. The two men running hadn't noticed each other and ended up running right into the other.

"Okay. I'll fix this." I stated as I jumped the small barrier.

"How are you going to do that?" Danny asked. I smiled at him knowingly.

"Guess you get to see why they hired me in the first place." I stated smiling. I made my way towards the center of the room. Taking a deep breath I yelled out. "Quiet!" Almost instantly the whole tent went quiet. None of the animals made another sound. The cubs were the only ones who didn't stop.

Kay! The cubs yelled as they charged me. Little Nuttah was in front and ran into my open arms. I laughed as her forced dropped me on my butt. The other two jumped on me with their sister. They nuzzled and cuddled close to me.

"What am I going to do with you guys?" I whispered to them. "I leave for less then an two hour and your causing trouble." I scolded them half heartedly. In all honesty I was happy to see them running around and enjoying them selves.

We missed you Kay. Nuttah said nuzzling me.

We wanted to play after being locked up all day. Takoda said. My smile fell slightly at his words. Someone was suppose to take care of them earlier while I was gone.

"So you miss behave?" I questioned. They lowered their heads.

Sorry Kay. They all said. I couldn't be mad at them long. Quickly I picked up Nuttah and Songaa. They cried in delight as I carried them back to their cage with Takoda right on my heels. They went in without a fuss.

"Now behave. I'll come back later." They whined before stopping when I gave them a look. When I looked back at all the trainers and stage hands they were slacked jawed and wide eyed. I held in a laugh.

"Those little brats need to learn a lesson." I turned around and glared at the man.

Antonio was walking up seeming to have just gotten there in time to see my display. I folded my arms across my chest.

"No they don't. They're still babies, and having them locked in a cage all day made them stir crazy. They need to be let out of the cage often to get out their energy like they would in the wild. If some one had taken care of them for me like they were suppose to they wouldn't have acted out. They were just being themselves. They don't know what's right or wrong. Their mother didn't get the chance to teach them much." I stated staring at Antonio so he knew I was blaming him. He gritted his teeth.

"I'll take care of them and reprimand them my way not yours." I stated. He gave me a glare before turning and leaving. Whispers followed him out before all eyes were back on me.

"How did you do that?" Angie the girl who had let the cubs go asked.

"I just have a way with them. If you show them you won't hurt them and that they can trust you they'll eventually listen to you." I stated. There was a few nods as they took in the information. "Now don't we have a performance to get ready fro?" I asked. That got everyone back to work.

I went to go back to the cubs when I noticed someone still standing there. It was Jerry with a young man who was holding his arm gingerly. I gave them a confused look.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely.

Jerry spoke up, "I was wondering if you can take over Derek's spot in the show?" He asked. I stared between the two men.


"Yes you. I know you don't have any experience being on the stage but we really need your help. One of the horses threw Derek off when they went crazy. Now he's a sprain wrist and can't preform."

"I don't know. I'm not really cut out for this. I'm a stage hand after all."

"Nonsense." Derek said speaking for the first time. "I saw you just now. You're a natural and the animals listen to you. You'll be fine." I looked down at his swollen wrist then back up at him. I really couldn't say no. I was too good of a person some times.

"Okay I'll do it." I stated. Both men broke into big grins.

"Great. Derek will show you what you'll have to do." Jerry pushed me towards Derek who was giving me an apologetic but reassuring look. I nodded my head and followed him promising myself to come back and take care of the cubs.


"The task of art today is to bring order to chaos"

------------Theodor Adorno

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