The Plan

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I passed out. Everything had gotten to be too much and the next thing I knew I was laying on a stretcher with a mask over my face. Two paramedics were pushing me and my mother had my hand in hers as she jogged to keep up. The one paramedic on the left noticed I was awake.

"Were going to take you to the hospital. You've inhaled a lot of smoke." The kind women told me. I lifted my free hand to the mask and pulled it up.

"Where is he?" I rasped before putting the mask back on and gulping in the oxygen.

The paramedic looked confused and glanced up at her partner. "Was there a boy with her. Is there still some one over there?" she asked confused. Her partner shook his head.

"Not a person." I whizzed before taking another gulp of oxygen. "The tiger. How is he?"

My mother seemed to know the answer. "He's doing good baby. A local zoo vet came out to check on him. He's resting but there shouldn't be any complications." I sighed and dropped my hand back down. The paramedics loaded me into the ambulance with my mother quickly following.

At the hospital I was rushed in and examined quickly. A masked stayed on me and a bandage was placed on my burned skin. The back of my neck was stiff from the thick bangs covering it. My mother came in soon after followed by my quiet father.

"I was so scared baby, when we couldn't find you." My mother rubbed soothing circles on my hand. I took her hand and squeezed it gently. She smiled up at me.

My father spoke up next. "The doctor says you'll have to come in again to make sure the burns on your neck heals okay and you have to stay the night for observation. You took in a lot of smoke and they want to make sure."

I nodded my head even though I didn't agree. The longer I was in the hospital the longer I was away from the cubs and the rest of the show animals. There was no telling what could happen to them. Nadie had trusted me to help free all of them and gave me my gift. I couldn't let her down.

But I couldn't tell my parents that. They would think something was wrong with me and have me stay longer at the hospital. I didn't want to lose anymore time so I just agreed with them in the hope to get out of here quickly.

"What's going to happen to the show?" I asked hoping they wouldn't raise any suspicion.

"Oh, bless you. Here you are in the hospital and your thinking of the poor people and their animals. I guess I can't be surprised. You've always cared about other people and animals since your were little." My mother gushed. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"What's going to happen?" I asked again.

"They'll have to stay in town for a while until their insurance sorts things out. I talked to the owner and they are going to try to rebuild quickly and try to raise some money by putting on a few shows." My father explained. I gripped the hospital sheets. I was glad I had more time to try to help the animals but if more shows were going to be played more animals were going to be hurt.

"Good of them." I forced out.

"I'm not sure how much of an audience they'll get after this incident." My father stated bitterly. No doubt he was angry about me getting hurt.

My mother shot him a look trying to not let me see it before she smiled down at me lightly. "Now no more fretting and get some sleep. If you need anything we'll be outside your door." Her and my dad kissed me on the forehead before walking out.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. There had to be a good way to go about freeing the animals or at least getting them somewhere they won't be abused. The only problem was that the owner would never let me near their show, not after what I did. I would have to become a completely different person and fake my way into the show for them to let me in.


I smiled. I always wanted to try to be someone else. What better way to try out my acting skills then faking my way into a show with a owner and ring leader that hate me and would send me to jail if they found out who I was. Sounded easy.


"We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson."

------------------Frank Ocean

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