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I spent the rest of the time up to the show working with all the animals Derek trained with. I didn't get to go to the cubs like I promised them. I hated it but Derek and Jerry would not let me out of their sight even for a second. Every moment was filled with working with the animals for the performance.

Not that I was upset to be working with the dogs and horses. They were great and really willing to do what I asked of them. We had to put up a small pretense of them being weary of me and uncomfortable at first but quickly they let the façade fall and did what I asked. The rest of the time was based off of timing and learning the motions to 'communicate' with them.

I managed to get time to talk to them when Jerry and Derek were busy. They really liked Derek. He treated them well and seemed to really care about them, always coming extra times to groom and feed them. Some times he would sit with the horses or dogs and just talk to them. Apparently he didn't like the way some of the other trainers did things but he was still pretty new and couldn't say anything. It all made me feel glad that someone cared.

By the time the performance came up I was ready and dressed in some colorful outfit that the seamstress worked on all evening. My makeup was done with just as much color as my clothing. I felt uncomfortable in the skirt and bejewel crop top. It opened in the back and exposed a lot of skin. Even more then what Terry had allowed before.

I was one of the opening acts in the show after Antonio's display with Ryuu. The easy and tame nature of the act was supposed to ease people after being so close to Ryuu. I was waiting for my cue behind the curtain with one of the horses reins in my hand.

Someone touched my shoulder breaking me from my trace. I spun around to see Angie behind me looking worried. "Yes?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"What happened?" Her hand brushed my hair back near my neck.

"Oh. When I was younger I was in a fire. I got hurt trying to get out. My dog ended up saving me. He passed away soon after from the smoke. It's why I'm going to school to help animals." I stated. She looked at me closely like she knew something but didn't say anything. "Was there something else you needed to say?" I asked her

She snapped her eyes from my neck back to me. "Oh yeah. Here." She gave me a small hair ornament and a headset. I gave her a strange look. "It's for your announcements and commands so the audience can hear you."

I nodded and put it on. She fiddled with it for a moment before showing me how to turn it on. "Thanks." I stated.

The show. Bailey one of the horses said. It's our cue.

I quickly grabbed her reins before turning back to Angie. "Wish me luck." She gave me a smile and thumbs up before I pulled the curtain back and headed out.

The crowd was amazed by the performance. They cheered and applauded as the animals did one trick after another. I stayed out of the way and let the animals show their skills. I could hear their excitement for all the praise the crowd was giving them, which was why I always used rewards when we had trained together. I kept my smile on my face until the very end.

Sweat was covering my skin from the heat of the light as we headed back to the tent. The horses were huffing and the dogs panting from the exertion but we were all happy. Derek met me back stage. He pulled me into a congratulatory hug. I smiled at him.

"You looked great out there, a natural. Maybe you should come here after you finish your schooling. God knows we need a person like you around here." I smiled lightly.

"Maybe but I want to make sure I get an education so I can help them to the best of my ability."

"Understandable hopefully by then we get better trainers." He glanced behind me where Antonio was at the center stage.

"Yeah hopefully. Now if I'm not needed I'm going to go work with my other charges." I stated.

"The grizzle cubs?" he questioned knowingly.

I smiled brightly. "Yeah I think they've been neglected." I stated before running out of the show tent and into the animal tent.

The cubs were sleeping when I got in. They were all huddled together sleeping soundly. I smiled lovingly down at them but didn't wake them. They needed their rest. So I stroked each of their fur gently before sitting under their cage. I stayed there until I was needed back for the company bow.


"Be humble in your confidence yet courageous in your character"

------------------Melanie Koulouris

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