The End

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Time seemed to stretch on as I waited for the bullet to strike me. The stories lied. There was nothing. My life didn't flash before my eyes, I didn't hear any angels singing. There was no sounds, no last minute prayer. Just the gun going off and the thought that this was my last moments.

Then sound returned and I realized that I wasn't dead. This wasn't my last moment. I was alive.

How was I alive?

I opened my eyes to find out. Deja vu hit me tenfold as I watched Ryuu tear at Jerry's arm as he held the gun in hand. I was frozen in my spot. All I could think about was that this was going to end the same way it had the last time.

The gun went off. I jumped. It broke me out of my trace. I looked at Ryuu wondering if he was hit but the gun was pointed the other way and had fired into the ground. I need to stop this before history repeated itself.

My eyes caught one of the mental bars of the cage laying on the ground. Reaching down I grabbed it firmly in my hand and snuck up behind Jerry. Ryuu still had him distracted as he kept his jaw locked on Jerry's arm. Not wanting to wait I swung the pipe hitting him right across the back.

He crumpled to the ground and didn't move. Ryuu let go as I watched Jerry's still body. My breath caught when I didn't see his chest moving. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever. Then I noticed it. The rise and fall of his chest. It was slight but still there. I let out a breath.

A strangled cry of pain came from my left. I spun around only to see Antonio up again this time kicking Ryuu. Ryuu tried to lunge back out of the way but since he couldn't see well he missed judge how far he needed to go and ended up still getting kicked.

I screamed as I charged Antonio but he knew what I was going to do. Not even a second after I started charging did he side step my swing and grabbed my arm. I winced as he pulled my arm behind my back and pushed it up. I stopped my struggling quickly.

"Now we're going to finish what I started with out any more interruptions."

"Let me go you bastard." I yelled as I struggled to get out. I watched as Ryuu tried to get back up on his feet but they kept giving out on him. "Let me go." I pleaded when I noticed Ryuu slump to the floor not moving.

Antonio kept his hold on my arm. "Maybe I should just put the little kitty out of his misery." The barrel of the revolver came into view as he pointed it at Ryuu. I pulled and twisted trying to get him to let go.

"Don't. Don't kill him please." I begged. The sound of the hammer clicking rang through my head. "Please I'm begging you." I cried as my vision blurred from tears.

"You've ruined everything. This is just revenge."


It's okay.

"Dropped the gun!" Antonio froze with his finger on the trigger. "Drop the gun now and let the girl go." With a angry huff Antonio repositioned the hammer and slowly put the gun down. "Let the girl go and slowly turn around." Reluctant Antonio's grip slackened before he release me and slowly turned around. I felt someone grab my arm and ushered me away.

I pulled away from the police man and ran towards Ryuu. I dropped to the ground and gently put my hand on his injured side.

"Ryuu please open your eyes, for me, please." I begged.

With a strangled breath he opened his eyes and looked up at me.

Kay. He breathed out.

"Thank god Ryuu. You need to stay awake." I stated as I felt someone kneel down beside me. When I noticed the stethoscope I knew it was Thomas. "You're going to be okay." I turned to Thomas.

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