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Jerry brought me in back near the tent I had originally broken into.  He pulled curtain after curtain away as he explained the feeding, training and care of the animals. I had to force myself to not hit him when he explained the necessity of a firm hand and discipline when dealing with the wild animals. I knew what his 'discipline' meant and I was not a fan.

When we made it there I noticed some animals in cages were wrapped around the circle. Ryuu and the cubs were among them.

  Antonio was training with two lions in the middle. He had a stick in hand making me think he was going to hit them but that wasn't the case. He was using it almost in the same manner an owner would use a toy to play with their cat. The small thing whipped around letting the lions play with it.

Then he took the toy way hiding it behind this back. They let out a growl when their play thing was taken away. But Antonio had another thing to appease them. Small amounts of meat were in his hand. Only when the lions did what he wanted, like paw the air or lay down, did he give them one. Jerry explained to me that they were siblings.

The problem came when he tried to get one of the lions to go over the other. Even the bribe of food didn't let the lion underneath stay happy. It must have felt threatened with the other one above it because it suddenly reared up and started attacking his brother. Antonio jumped back away from the fight and yelled for the tranquilizers. He didn't even try to break them apart before resorting to that.

I rushed into the circle ignoring the call of Jerry. He cursed after muttering something about another accident he'd have to deal with. No doubt concerned I hadn't signed any papers yet. I brushed it off and headed towards the fighting lions.

Antonio had tried to stop me but I ducked under him and towards the lions until I was right in front of them.

"Stop this." I told them. They kept at it. "Please." I begged but it fell to deaf ears.

Quickly I grabbed the forgotten meat from the ground and tossed it at the two just hard enough so when it hit them it got their attention. It seemed to work because they stopped and started snarling at me.

"What are you doing girl get out of their." Jerry yelled at me. I stayed tall.

"Please stop fighting. You shouldn't hurt each other."

This is none of your concern human. The one on the left growled as they stalked in front of me.

"I don't like seeing you hurt. Whether it's by each other or not." I stated keeping my voice low so only they could hear me.

Maybe we should focus our attention to her Amra? There is not much meat but it should be more then what the rest are feeding us. The one on the right spoke.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "They're not feeding you?" I asked concerned.

We don't want your sympathy human. Your species is what has caused us to have to lay on our bellies and beg for food. The one on the left, Amra, said. I clenched my fist together at hearing they were being starved.

"I mean you no harm. I want to help you." I said taking a step forwards. Both lions bared their teeth.

Lies. They snarled together.

Let's end this foolish talking already. I am hungry. The right lion stated as it stalked towards me. Some one yelled out for the tranquilizers.

"NO! I'll handle this." I yelled out to the show people blocking the lions from their view. There was hushed mumbles to what to do but I focused back on the lions that had got closer to me and  ready to pounce.

Another growl erupted through the tent. This one was different and words came with it. Leave her be Kamau. She is not like the others. I turned to see Ryuu pacing his cage.

Has the great Ryuu finally succumbed to the humans. Has he finally become their pet. Amra bit out. Ryuu snarled at the lion with his teeth bared.

I have not fallen to the charms of the humans. I am not begging for their attention like you two. Ryuu snarled. The two lions roared back.

Then why side with one. She is no better. Look at her. Amra spoke circling me again.

You foolish cubs. Have you not noticed. She understands us. She speaks to us as if she is one of us. The lions looked at each other before turning their eyes on me. I kept my hands palms up.

Nadie was killed by the humans. This child tried to protect her and kept the cubs safe. If you cannot see she is different then you have fallen blind by the humans that have made you their pets. Ryuu sneered in disgust. Amra and Kamau seemed skeptical.

Kay. Kay. The cubs cheered from their cages. It was clear they were happy to see me. I gave them a brief smile before focusing back on the lions. They looked at me.

We shall believe you Ryuu. They finally conceded. I sighed in relief.

"Please I need your help. These men don't know who I really am and they can't find out. I'm trying to help you but I need them to trust me." I quickly whispered to them.

The two glanced at each other then to me. What do we need to do?

"Nothing extreme. Just come up to me slowly with your head down. Sniff my hand or anything that shows your friendly with me and that I don't threaten you." I stepped back from the lions letting them control the situation.

Kamau made the first move. He walked up to me with his head up high. I stayed still as he nudged my hand. I lifted it up and he nuzzle into me wrapping his body partially around me.

Amra followed soon after. He trotted towards me quickly and lightly jumped up and wrapped his paw around me. I laughed as he held me as his brother continued to nuzzled me. Their manes were tickling me.

Carefully I pushed them away from me. They stayed close to my sides as I carefully walked towards all the men watching. They stared at me and the lions at my side. They looked mystified at what they were seeing.

Antonio snapped out of it first and stepped forwards. Right away the brothers snarled at him in a warning. I tried not to laugh as I put a hand on their heads to quiet them.

"So do I have the job?" I asked smiling. No one answered for a moment still stunned. Jerry recovered first.

"Shall we go sign the papers." He reached for me to lead me out. The lions gave another growl making the professional jump. I smiled before walking towards Jerry willingly. The lion brothers turned around and went to lay down in the center like nothing happened. I gave them a nod in thanks.


"We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal."

-------Tennessee Williams

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