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The cubs cried for their lost mother. Songaa and Takoda sat together crying and wailing. Nuttah took it the worse. She wouldn't leave her mother's side as she shook her trying to get her awake again. She wouldn't stop. Her cries were the loudest of the three.

Finally I picked her up and held her to me. The cub nuzzled into me seeking the comfort I was giving her. I held her tightly until her cries quieted down. By then the other two had curled up around me seeking the same comfort. I petted their heads softly as I was unsure how to comfort them all. It seemed to work as they all finally settled.

Unfortunately we weren't given the time to mourn. Voices were getting closer to the tent. They were yelling and sounded angry. I could hear the murderer shout to them, trying to explain what happened. I shook the two boys while I kept Nuttah in my arms.

"We need to go. That man is coming back and he brought more people with him." I whispered to them. They stood up shaking out their coats before looking at me expectantly. They were going to follow me.

"Okay follow me and be as quiet as you can."I whispered still holding Nuttah. I pulled up the divider and ushered the young cubs out.

We managed to get to the outermost sections of the tent. The cubs were getting antsy and Nuttah was getting heavier in my arms. I put her down with her brothers as I peaked under the tent. No one was around as far as I could tell but that didn't mean we were safe. The men had to be looking for us by now.

Something rattled and crashed behind me. I spun around eyes wide when I saw Songaa near a smashed vase. His paw was still raised after he had pushed it off. His eyes found mine and he knew he had done something wrong. I heard a shout.

"Come on we need to go right now." I rushed. The cubs bounded over to me waiting for me to pull the tent up. I took one more peak behind before I lifted it up for them to go. Takoda just made it out when the divider from the other side pulled up. A man caught a glimpse of my backside.

"Stop." he yelled. I quickly ducked under the tent.

"Run." I yelled to the cubs. They quickly fell in besides me as we ran.

The noise of the tents grew louder as we ran. More men were coming in for the hunt. I urged the cubs forward but they didn't know where they were going and the sounds of the men grew louder frightening them. I was slowing us down.

"Keep running to the forest on the left." I yelled towards the cubs in pants. They looked back at me unsure. "Run." I said. 

They hesitated for a moment before taking off towards the left. I waited just long enough for the men to be able to see me before I kept running. If the cubs had any chance of escaping into the forest I knew I had to be a decoy.

The men kept up the chase as I ran through their compound. They were screaming and yelling at me to stop but I pressed on ignoring all their attempts. They tried to box me in but I managed to out maneuver them for a while. But I was getting tired fast and they were angry and determined.

Suddenly a man jumped in front of me. He lunged at me but I ducked under his arm and away from him. Another man appeared attempting to catch me too but I swerve to the right to avoid him. Still another appeared and I realized they had me cornered. I backed away from them until my back hit something. 

One man grabbed my arm. I bit him hard until he let go cursing. The next man grabbed me. He tried to hold onto me but I dug my nails into his arm forcing him to let go. They looked at me like I was some wild animal.

Finally they all lunged at me at once. I tried to stop them by biting or scratching but one of them grabbed both my wrists and forced them together. I kicked out at them but I only landed a blow to one of them as they dragged me back the way we came. I squirmed and bit and kicked all I could but they just merely ignored me. We headed back to the tent.

Then I heard it, the familiar cries. I glanced over my shoulder to see three men manhandling the cubs. They had them by the scruff of the neck trying to hold them as they squirmed to get free. The men just held them tighter.

"Let them go." I yelled as I fought harder to get free from the men. They cursed as I broke free for a moment and ran towards the cubs.  Once they saw me they wiggled and cried out.



Help us.

They yelled out at once. I charged the man holding little Nuttah. He faltered as I came at him almost as if I was their mother bear. He dropped Nuttah as I tackled him into the ground. He yelled as I scratched and clawed at him. My nails managed to get a good blow to his cheek.

"Get her off of me." The man yelled. 

I roared as I continued my assault. Hands grabbed me from behind and pulled me off. I squirmed and screamed and did all I could to get them to let go. I noticed one grabbing the frightened Nuttah again, shaking her. I saw red and fought harder to be free.

"Put her down." I heard one of the men shout out. For a moment I thought they meant Nuttah. Then something hard hit the back of my head. I fell limp in the man's arms. My vision darkened. I could hear the cubs crying out for me. I managed to look up to see the men throwing them into their cage before the darkness took over.


"I have love in me which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy one, I will indulge in the other."

              -------------Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

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