The Right Thing

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I got there bright and early the next day in an attempt to beat Antonio there. I knew it was pointless. Antonio was too determined to let me get ahead of the truth. That was clear the minute I stepped onto the grounds.

 People stared at me and whispered to their neighbors as I walk through. I kept my head up high and ignored all the hush voices that followed after me. They wouldn't bother me. I needed to see Ryuu.

Jerry met me half way to my destination. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as he approached me with his lips in a thin line. Clearly he wasn't happy but neither was I.

"So Antonio was telling to the truth." He stated as he looked me up and down. I crossed my arms waiting for him to finish with his assessment. I had come wearing my normal clothes and no make up. If I was going to be outed I was going to go out looking like myself. 

"Yes it is. May I see Ryuu?" Jerry gave me a puzzled look. I rolled my eyes not caring that I slipped out Ryuu's real name. "Your white tiger." I stated like it was obvious. When he didn't say anything I went to step around him. He cut me off.

"I can't let you do that." He stated.

"Why not?"

"You're not apart of this show anymore. I have no reason to tell you that." He stated like it was rehearsed. I balled my fist together.

"Did something happen to him-huh? Something that can't be explained?" I bit out. Jerry kept his mouth closed. "Well?" I snapped. Still nothing. "Fine I'll go see myself." I pushed passed him. He tried to grab my arm but I ripped it out of his grip. "Don't you dare touch me."

"You can't go back there." He gritted out. A smirk graced my lips as I stared him down.

"We'll see about that. I bet the authorities would say differently." I pause as I put my hand to my ear. "I think I hear them right now." I laughed at the face Jerry was making. His eyes were as wide as a deer caught in headlights as he realized I wasn't joking. You could hear the commotion going on. Soon I was joined.

"Can I go see the animals now?" I asked smugly.

"We'd also like to see them." One of the officers stated besides me. Jerry gulped but had no other choice but to do what was asked once the warrant was pulled out.

I lead the authorities to the center tent. It was where all the performers would be with the animals around the time. They liked to feed them all at once in the same area. Some even used the time to practice. They were all there just like I thought they would be when we strolled through.

They all stopped and stared at the police then looked down at me in shock. I saw some of them looking at me in disbelief. They all looked at me like I was some traitor. Those where the ones I felt the guilt for. Then I saw fear on the faces of the ones who had been abusing their animals and I knew I was doing the right thing. They should be afraid.

"I know there have been rumors going on about me. As you can see by the people behind me that they are true. I am the girl who got hurt. I'm also the one who tried to free the grizzly cubs." There were whispers. I kept on. "I know you think I betrayed you and I'm sorry I lied to all of you but I did it for a good reason. You all know what has been going on in these tents behind close curtains. You know what has been happening to the animals of this show. And none of you did anything to help these abused animals." A lot of the people shifted at my words and looked away from me.

I continued, "I saw it too and I needed to do something about it. So I pretended to be someone else and put on a ridiculous amount of makeup to disguise myself and get into the show. I needed to be close so I could get the evidence to stop the abuse." More whispers. They sounded worried.

"Though I know most of you regret your decision to turn a blind eye and have tried to right your wrongs I still couldn't turn away. There were still some that cared only for the money and little about their animals. I had to go to the authorities. With the help of the local veterinarian, Thomas, I have compiled enough evidence stop this show."

"What about the ones who haven't hurt their animals or don't even work with the animals?" Someone yelled.

I turned towards the voices direction. "The police are going to charge the whole show. I tried to change that but they aren't willing to make so many cases. I'm sorry."

Someone stepped up. It was Angie. "I'll testify to the treatment of the animals." She said meekly.

"I don't think it will help your case." I told her honestly even if I hated the idea. She smiled.

"I don't care. You're right we didn't do anything because we were too afraid to lose our jobs but that doesn't matter anymore. What has been going on around here is wrong and it can't go on even if that means I lose my job. I can't live with myself anymore." I smiled at her.

"Thank you."

"I'll also testify." Derek yelled out as he stepped forwards. "I should have done this a long time ago." he stated to me with a small smile. I smiled back. 

"Me too."

"Me three."

Soon almost everyone was volunteering to help give information to the authorities. The only ones that had stayed back were the ones that didn't care of their animals. A few tried to run but the rest of the show people wouldn't allow it and kept them back so the police could take them in. I smiled as I watched the authorities taking statements. I did something good but still I had something else I need to do.


"Stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone."

--------------------- Unknown

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