The Magic of Make Up

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I did the three things I told myself I'd never do. I let my cousin Terry give me a makeover, dyed my hair(well more like highlighted it), and I learned to put make up on. Considering I had to be some one else it was worth it.

Right after I got out of the hospital I high tailed it to my cousins house. She was more then thrilled to be part of my plan, with her being an animal supporter too. She was even more excited to give me a makeover. Her career as a beautician was the only thing more important to her then the animals and I never once let her doll me up even for prom and all the other social events she dragged me to.

At her house she gave me all her clothes that were too small for her. I was glad I was able to keep my style of comfortable clothes even if they were, what's the best way to say it... screw it there wasn't a nice way. The clothes were more slutty then anything I'd ever wear. Terry made sure I was dressed in form fitting athletic clothes.

A sports bra was the only thing I was allowed to wear under a quarter zip hooded jacket. Apparently showing more skin would have the men letting down their guard even if I didn't have much of a chest. Apparently that's why she put me in tight running pants that fitted like a second skin. They helped accentuated my 'fantastic ass', Terry's words not mine. With the lightened hair and the make up, even the minimal that it was, I was looking like a different person.

When my parents found out about my new look I got interrogated, mostly by my father. He thought I had found a boy and that he was changing me. With an amused smile I calmly told them that I wanted to help out the show but with me being the person that had gotten hurt and caused them problems with their insurance I wasn't sure if they'd want me. So I figured if I dressed up and offered my help as I looked and acted like someone else they would let me.

My mother was beyond happy that I wanted to help them. She kept going on how proud she was of me for thinking of them. I felt a bit guilty lying about my intentions but they were good intentions and I wasn't going to change them. She was happy nonetheless.

My father, not so happy. He wanted me to have nothing to do with the place, saying that I had already gotten hurt once. There was no telling what could happen at such a dangerous place. He wanted me safe. Still I managed to convince him into letting me go and I was off in my disguise.

I was nervous as I neared the tent in my athletic clothes. I felt exposed with so much skin showing and I couldn't help but think that they'd see right through me. I knew makeup could change a person's looks and with Terry's help she taught me how to walk and hold my self differently, but still I was uncertain.

One of the stage hands met me first. He seemed confused to why I was there and I couldn't help but notice his eyes glancing down at exposed skin. Any burns I had were covered with my clothes and my hair covered my burned neck so I knew it was the clothes. I got his attention quickly and explained that I had heard about their situation and want to help. He directed me towards his boss.

The real test was now. I could feel myself sweating as once as the stage hand had mentioned his boss. My hands were clammy and I feared the sweat would ruin the makeup Terry had worked so hard on. One wrong step and I knew I'd be in trouble.

The suited man came up smiling brightly at me. I forced a smile on my face as I reached out to his outstretched hand. He wouldn't be smiling at me if he knew who I was.

"I'm Jerry the owner of this fine show."

"I'm- Kay" I said using the cubs' name for me. The man nodded his head as he glanced at me. I could see him looking at my clothing.

"Danny here told me you are here to help?" he inquired. I nodded my head enthusiastically.

"I heard about what happened and I thought I could help. I'll do anything." I persisted.

"We can't pay you much." he started cautiously.

"No that's okay I'm volunteering my time here." I could see his eyes light up at the offer. No doubt he would have me working my tail off with out paying me, the greedy bastard. My dislike for the man increased. Still I kept my smile up.

"Do you have any experience helping a show like this. Or any training with animals. We have some very exotic and dangerous ones here."

"To be honest with you sir, I don't have much experience. But I've been studying to help animals in school and they seemed to have a liking towards me. I can't explain it rightly." I said meekly. The man eyed me making me wonder if he saw through me.

"Well, how about you come on back and I'll introduce you to the trainer and the animals and we'll go from there. If all is good I'll have you sign some papers, for reliability reasons." I let out a tense sigh and nodded. So far so good.


"You can disguise any set with lights and shadows."

--------------Allan Dwan

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