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It's been a month since I went undercover and started working at the show. The fire had done a lot more damage then what was originally thought and it was taking a lot of time to fix everything. I was busier than before.

The audience seemed to love me as a performer and told Jerry that I was great. Jerry took that to heart and had me performing in Derek's spot since he was injured. I was given a lot more responsibility and work to do. If I wasn't practicing then I was helping the other performers with their acts and giving them advice on how to handle their animals better. If it wasn't that then I was doing all the chores I had gotten when I started plus still trying to get evidence to stop the show.

I knew between all the work I had that I wasn't taking care of the cubs in the way I was suppose to. My time with them grew less and less as more work piled on my plate. I couldn't get any time to be with them. It was like I couldn't say no to all the others that needed my help.

Then one of the cubs got sick.

I was in the middle of showing one of the trainers how the chimpanzees like to be handled, with the instructions by the chimpanzees, when I heard the news. It was later in the evening when I found out that the cold had been going on all day. I dropped what I was doing and ran to my cubs.

It was Songaa who had fallen ill. He was being isolated in a separate cage from his siblings so they wouldn't catch anything. I ran right to his curled form and gently pet him. He stirred at my touch and blinked his eyes open. I could tell he wasn't feeling good.

Kay. He said quietly like he had no energy to speak. I put my hand on his head.

"Sshhh it's going to be okay. I'm here." I said softly to him. He moved closer to me until he was laying right besides me. I picked him up and let him lay on my chest. He dug his face into me and fell back to sleep.

I looked up at the veterinarian who had been taking care of him. "Why wasn't I told about this sooner?" I whispered angrily.

"The owner thought it was best saying something about you needing to work on your performance." I glared but not at him. Jerry. "Can I ask you how you did that? He was being very unruly towards me, scratching and trying to get free."

"I have a connection with him. To all of them. They see me like a mother figure." I started stroking Songaa. He nodded. "How is he?" I asked quietly.

"He'll be okay. I have him on antibiotics. He needs rest and plenty of food." I sighed in relief.

"What do you think of this convoy?" I asked. He glanced at Songaa's paws before looking away. He wouldn't meet my eyes. "I know it's terrible. You can be honest with me." I said.

He let out a shaky breath and glanced around to see if anyone was there. "I see the markers. The indication of abuse on the animals. Even on that little one and his siblings." He nodded towards Songaa.

"And?" I prompted.

"I don't like it but nothing I can do on my own. The owners will just say that the marks are from before they took in the animals. Its his word against mine. I don't have enough evidence." He stated. I looked at him thinking.

After a moment of silence, I finally decided. "If I can find the evidence of abuse will you give your statement to the authorities?" I asked quietly. He stared at me.

"If I do what will happen to your job?" He asked.

I scoffed. "I only took the job to help the animals any way possible."

"What will happen to the show and its animals?" he reasoned.

"I'm not sure but it has to be better then this. They deserve better." He hummed as he thought it over.

"Okay. I will. But any proof you have you give it to me too. I want to make sure it's enough to help." I nodded and agreed. "Okay. Now I'm need to leave. If anything comes up with that little one call me." Again I nodded and held Songaa closer.

I stayed with the Songaa and his siblings all night. Even after everyone left I was still with them. I gave them all the attention they hadn't gotten from me earlier. I apologized profusely to them but they didn't seem to care. All they cared about was that I was with them right then. I promised to never neglect them again as I fell asleep with them all curled up next to me.

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."

--------------Ronald Reagan

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