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True to my word I stayed with the cubs the rest of the night and I always made time to see them even if I was busy. My performance practices were cut shorter. My work was held off until I could finish them later in the day. I even told the other trainers I didn't have time to give them advice when I had to help the cubs. Especially with Songaa sick.

Once Songaa got better I started incorporating them into my work. Sometimes I had the cubs around as I practiced with the horses and dogs. The animals were fine with it. They understood my devotion to them, the need for me to be with them. Even some of the trainers were okay with it. They got to see how I handled more wild animals and took note. I even had the three cubs around when I gave them advice on how to handle their animals. They got to see how a trusting relationship was important and the most effective way to make their animals happy. I was glad they were trying to change.

The only ones not happy with my change in priorities was Jerry and Antonio. They believed their show was the only thing that mattered, that and the money it made. As long as the animals could perform it didn't matter how they were treated. It made me sick.

I was yelled at multiple times because I slacked off on some of my work for my cubs. I still got everything done it just wasn't done fast enough for my bosses. I couldn't care less. My priorities were straight. I knew what I needed to do. Some of the trainers had my back. Everything was good.

As the different trainers started to come around to my style of teaching I started to get worried about what would happen to them when I went to the authorities about the abuse. I didn't want to see then fired or out of a job because of me. Still I collected evidence and slowly gave, Thomas, the vet, the information but I was feeling guilty. I asked him one day he came in to give the animals physicals.

"The best thing for the animals is to get the authorities involved. If the trainers have been changing their attitudes towards their charges then good for them. I'll try to make sure none of them get arrested or fined but I can't promise anything. The authorities still need to be contacted. Think of the animals that don't have trainers that are willing to help them." I sigh and nodded in understanding. My eyes stayed to the floor, the guilt was weighing me down. The vet put a hand on my shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze before leaving.

Poor Ryuu, Amra, and Kamau. They all had to deal with Antonio and his beatings, and they weren't the only ones. There were other trainers and animals facing the same thing. Even if all the other trainers became nice those three deserved to be set free from the pain. I had to figure out something to do so people could keep their jobs as well as help the animals. It didn't feel right punishing all of them when it was only a select few.

But I understood what Thomas was trying to say. The authorities wouldn't want to make a separate case for each person. It would be easier for them to group all of them together and they would. They'd judge them all as a group and not separate people. If the show was going to go down all of them were going to go down with them. It was inevitable and I couldn't see myself doing that. I couldn't take away their lively hood when they didn't deserve it.

Still the animals need to be set free. One had already been lost to these people that I knew off. I didn't know how many more had fallen to the abuse and cruelty. I couldn't risk their safety and lives. The trainers could find knew jobs and what not. The animals didn't get a second chance to live their lives. I knew it was for the best.

Still I was so guilty. My heart told me not to but my head was saying the opposite. I didn't know what to do. I was split in half. It wasn't a simple problem and the answer was just as complex.

I didn't know what to do.


"Time doesn't wait. Indecision will only let opportunities slip by. Pick a path and walk confidently with your heart behind every step."

--------------Doe Zantamata

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