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DAPHNE: Which gate will be it be?

It shall be gate 12

DAPHNE: 12 it shall be 
DAPHNE: this is so crazy omg

I know
Thanks for having me again <3

DAPHNE:  Nooo problemmm!!

            I sighed placing my phone into the front pocket of my jacket. Then I pulled my dark brown hair into a messy bun, which was hard to make but I always did so it was easier for me. My baggage was rolling behind me when the line started moving. I was next in passport control and then gave them my passport. It took a minutes till they gave it back to me but then I walked out through the two doors that opened automatically. I was greeted with the area that let the baggages roll from the airplanes. Sighing I looked down at my baggage behind me then I pulled it upwards and threw it over my shoulders. I walked over to the baggage claim and waited for mine when I saw it, I took it off the railing and made my out to gate 12 with the bag rolling behind me and one over my shoulders.

"Adelaide!!" I looked up to the voice calling me and when I did I smiled seeing Daphne squeezed in between a group of people. She waved enthusiastically  with a wide grin. I smiled and then made my out while she followed my lead. When we got to each other she pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. "Oh I missed you so much and you have grown, no wonder you are modeling. But I'm still taller, since you are wearing heels!" Daphne sneaked a look at my pumps and smirked.

"I missed you too. And I told you modeling is only a part time job." I said that was the truth, I modeled only for the money since I had to pay my fees for university. Even though my parent offered to help me out with the fees I wanted to work hard for it, and modeling was hard. Every job was hard, I had tried many till I was offered modeling. "And yeah, I don't think you have stopped growing when you turned 18." Daphne grinned.

"C'mon lets go get your new home oh wait I totally forgot about Anthony!" Daphne shrieked at the end and looked around.


"Oh yeah, he works with me the one I told you about and send you pictures, the one you were fanning about." She smirked at me and I felt myself blush. Pushing her shoulder a pout formed its way on my lips. "And she still  pouts." She looks around.

"People say its cute." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Anthony wanted to come with me because he liked the ice cream they sell here." I laughed quietly.

"He came for the ice cream?" What a ridiculous reason to come to the airport. Daphne laughed as well but shrugged her shoulders. Then she caught someone waving and she waved back. Then the person jogged over.

"Got the ice cream!" The man exclaimed grinning pointing to the ice cream in his hands. Then he noticed me. "Oh hey, you must be Adelaide."

"Yep, Hey." I awkwardly waved, I could feel myself blushing but thanks to my concealer it was hidden.

"I'm Anthony."

"Yeah I know...um Daph told me just now." Daphne snickered. He was even more handsome in real life. His grin was as bright was the sun and his freckles were just adorable.

         I didn't say anything till we got into the small car Daphne owned. It was bright red and small. But my larger baggage fitted perfectly into the trunk which left me to put the other baggage in the passenger seat. I pursed my lips and leaned back into the seat after I had put on my seatbelt. Anthony was sitting next to me with a confused face.

"The seat was just fine, what happened?"
Daphne turned her head to us with small pout on her lips.

"I don't know, Tony." Daphne said quiet over dramatic. Anthony gave her a glare at the nickname. "Its just when-I don't know do I look like a mechanic to you?"

There was a silence, I glanced at Anthony and he glanced at me. We both then knew she was waiting for an answer.

"...no?" Anthony had a weary look on his face and sinked into the seat holding a laugh.

"Yes! No! Anthony, No! I am not a mechanic but I will bring it to one so he can fix this unforgivable sin this seat had set upon on us." This time Anthony and I laughed at Daphne who had a hand over her forehead and her head leaning backwards. "Lets start the car!" And she did. She started driving out of parking lot into the freeway.

"So your from England?" Anthony asked me turning his head to me and I smiled dreamily. He had started eating his ice cream before it could melt in his own hands.

"Yeah I lived in London because of University, I am actually from France."

"Really?" Anthony asked surprised. "You don't have the accent." I chuckled shrugging my shoulders.

"My parents are both perfect english speakers. And I lived for 9 years in London." Adeline said giving Anthony another smiled and he nodded understanding. Daphne glanced through the review mirror smirking. I knew what she was doing, she was setting us up. She knew that I liked him after she told me all the stories about him. It was unusual for me to like someone especially so quick. Maybe I was getting lonely its been years since I had long term relationship or anything in between. I never enjoyed the one night stands or flings, it just wasn't something for me. It never was.

"What were you studying?" Anthony asked curiously a smile playing on his lips.

"I just finished my masters in mathematics and Chemistry, its also the reason I am here I want to get a Ph.D. in BioChemistry." I explained keeping my hands in my lap.

"Whoa, really?" I nodded my head smiling at him. "Pretty and smart." Anthony said a smirk playing on his lips. I felt my cheeks go red even if this lines has been used on me many times. Daphne looked through the review  looking at me, I gave her a small glare when Anthony wasn't looking. I sank into my seat, my shoulder and Anthony's touching. He turned to me and gave me a smile.

"Anthony, did you you know Adelaide is a model?" I could feel my cheeks burns and right now I wanted to kick Daphne's seat but I held myself for all our sakes. Anthony turned to me and I gave him a cracked smile.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow with a sly smile. I sighed and then rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah, but its just a part time job." I explained shrugging my shoulders. "Not really big of a deal, really."

"You do look like one."

I beamed red again but smiled. "I think the photographers would appreciate a face like yours as well."

Anthony laughed a tint of red crossed his cheeks as well. Our eyes met, I felt my heart beat accelerate.

Hello, New York.


I'm sorry if the character are so out of character but i hope it will work out as I hopefully will learn more the amazing cast of hamilton, but I will try my best. This is my very first hamilton cast Fanfiction, hope it will go on smoothly.

Adelaide is a chemist as I got bored of reading that most characters are artists or writers or etc. And I'm probably will be a biologist not a chemist :'(  thaaanks ms mona!!! But yeah.

Comments and Votes are all appreciated✨
Thank you for reading ✨
& stay safe<3

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