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"Have you ever thrown nuts in someones else's home?"

Daveed sat on the opposite side of me his legs on the two seats. I sat there crossed legged on one seat my head leaning against against the window. Right now we were on a train, we have been going in one train after the other, just to sit there on the seats and talk. It was quiet the adventure we almost taking a train that drives to the end of New York. It also felt like we were teens, without driving without tickets. And Daveed said it looked funny for two grown ups running into trains and one of them on heels. I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling as Daveed was laughing at my question. What happened a few hours ago made us closer. We both started talking about our childhood memories, families and weird moments in life. And talking about everything in our life's was not uncomfortable it was the opposite. It was what we both wanted to talk about, that made everything more easy to talk. I learned so much more about Daveed and a part of me was admiring Daveed's stories and the way he told them. 

Maybe I am admiring everything of him?

I leaned backwards my eyes were glued on Daveed. He calmed from his laughter and then shook his head. "No." He answered with a grin on his lips.

"Never?" I asked a small grin forming on my lips.

"Never. You're the only crazy one here." He then laughed again and I couldn't help but laugh too. "Why do you have these crazy stories?" I smiled at his question then shrugged my shoulders.

"I barely had any boundaries, and these crazy stuff never happened in Paris. So no complains to my parents." I remembered how my friends and I would always end up somewhere we didn't know anything about. Daveed and I stayed quiet for a moment, it was a comfortable silence just our presence and the noise of the train to fill it. Then an idea popped into my head when my eyes were scanning the mostly empty train. I stood up on my feet with smug smile on my lips. "I have an idea. Get out your phone, babe." I walked into the middle of the train watching him raise an eyebrow taking out his phone. "How narsisstic would it sound when I ask you to take pictures of me?" I tilted my head towards him and then he grinned holding up his camera. I smiled at first and then I started to pose in different ways holding my smile down. But that soon was broken when Daveed started acting like a photographer, when I mean acting then I mean overacting. I burst in to laughter when he was on his knees changing the angles to fast and commenting on how I should pose and letting out "yes thats it" with a french accent. I cover my mouth as I laugh and feel tears prickle on my eyes with the amount of laughter thats leaving my lips. Daveed started laughing as well but still taking pictures. I hid my face for a second as I calmed down and then spun around to make more poses. While I was stepping on my left foot the train came to an stop making me gasp as my heel cracked making me fall down on my bum. There was a silence before we two burst into laughter.

"Oh shit. This our stop." Daveed said calming down quickly pushing his phone into his pants and then helping me stand up, I grabbed my broken heel and then purse before the two of us jumped out of the train, me at least trying on one broken heel. I humped my way through the station with my arm wrapped around Daveed's arm for support. Daveed still had grin on his lips and I slapped his arm playfully trying to keep on a serious face.

"Its not funny anymore!" I pouted and then he laughed again, making me slap his arm again.

"Okay, Okay." He breathed out putting his hands in the air in surrender. I smiled leaned closer to Daveed when we walked up the stairs slowly so I wouldn't stumble down.The sun was already setting making the sky orange yellow red and slightly purple. I smiled staring at the sky for a moment before my eyes moved back to Daveed.

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