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Would be a term describing me in this situation. I could feel the anxiousness going through my blood and my head practically screaming at me as I held the phone in my grip. I stared blankly at the texts in front of me. These texts weren't meant for my eyes, I knew that they were meant for Adelaide and only Adelaide. And now here I am with her phone in my hand the texts from her brother glaring at me. I looked up at the door feeling the need to go and call for Adelaide. But I stopped myself and my hand gripped the phone tighter. Something in me started making calculations and the next thing I know was that my brain was telling me that if I would call for Adelaide she would be on the next flight back to France. And I'd lose her.


Is a term to describe my stubborn thoughts and heart not wanting something to be taken away from me? I finally had her in my arms and she would be ripped out of them again. I looked back at the texts this time I was glaring at them. I felt my heart ache at the thought of probably never seeing Adelaide again. I didn't want this to happen.


Is the perfect term to describe my next actions. I locked the phone and then turned it off. A sick feeling grew in my stomach but I ignored it and let the pounding my chest ring through my ears as I stuffed the phone in my pocket.

Gulping I turned around walking out of the living room. Something in me was spinning and I felt like throwing up but instead I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink. I opened up the fridge and pulled out a water bottle. I took a few large sips of water before throwing it in the bin. Leaning against the counter I tried to think of something to do for today.

"Hey whats up!" Adelaide popped out of nowhere made me jump. Cussing under my breath Adelaide gave me an amused look with a raised eyebrow. "You alright?" She asks walking up to me. I just nodded my head as hand ran through my hair.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I muttered more to myself than to Adelaide. The amused look on her face vanished and was replaced by a concerned one.

"Are you sure?" She stepped closer to me her hand finding its way to my forehead, checking for temperature. Her hands were unexpectedly warm against my skin which made my body flinch at the contact. "You look pale." She stared her deep concerned brown eyes met mine.

I let out a sigh taking her hand from my forehead to hold them.

"I'm fine." I said pressing a kiss against her knuckles. She smiled lightly at that her eyes shimmering because of the light and her eyes look even more beautiful to stare at.

"How about we stay in today?" She asked in a gentle tone. "I at first wanted to go out today but it seems to be a better idea to just stay in, right?" Adelaide rubbed my hand with her fingers slightly and I nodded my head. She broke into a larger smile and then pulled me from the counter. "How about we make some popcorn and then watch some movies?"

"Sounds like a night." I agreed giving her the best smile I could master and she grinned at that.

"You go chose the movies and I will make some popcorn." Adelaide suggested and then spinning me around to push me out of kitchen. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle when she spun around skipping back into it. Sighing I walked towards the TV stand kneeling down I went through a few DVD sets that I had. I wasn't really sure what to choose. And in all honesty I didn't feel like watching any kind of movie right now. I could feel the rectangular phone in my pockets making me feel sick again. Sitting on the floor I rubbed my face a bit before I remembered that Adelaide was back in the kitchen humming a tune while popping popcorn. With that thought I continued trying to select a few movies for tonight. Standing back up I watched Adelaide wandering into the living room with a bowl of fresh hot popcorn, she gave me a grin and sat down on the couch. I smiled standing up walking over to her after I put on the first film and got the others handing them over to her before sitting down next to her. Adelaide smiled biting her lip when she laid her head against my shoulder her arm wrapped around mine and again I felt at ease again. Her hair tickled my neck but also when she would turn her head her breathing would hit my neck and she would let out giggle. Her warm hands stroking my arm then dripping down to my hand intertwining our fingers together when the movie started. The way she would send me the most beautiful smiles in between the movie. The way her lips parted and her eyes were concentrated on the screen whenever she wasn't looking at me. The warmth she was giving me from her body that told my body that she was right there, right next to me. And I was right next to her.

Shouldn't I be happy then?

I swallowed. My eyes moving back to the screen.

I shouldn't be thinking too much.

"Next movie!" Adelaide sang as the movie came to an end. She jumped off the couch and took the second movie I selected. She walked in front of the TV set up the second film.

"I'm going to go get us some more popcorn." I stated before standing up and leaving to the kitchen with the empty bowl. There were still some left in the pot, so I took the rest but decided to make some more. When the popping finished I put them into the bowl and walked back into the living room finding out that Adelaide has already began watching. "Hey." I said wandering back over to the couch.

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist I love this movie." Adelaide and made some space for me to sit. When I sat down she laid her head on my lap instead of my shoulder as she laid down on the couch. I rested my hand on her shoulders.

"I don't mind." I suddenly say which makes her head turn to me. "I don't mind you starting without me as long as you are here." She stared at me and I stared back. I felt my hands cup her cheeks and gently rubbing it.

That's all I needed.

And I am happy.

A smile formed on her lips and she placed her hand on top of my hand. Adelaide brought my fingers to her lips, pressing gentle butterfly kisses on them.

"I will always be here."

I turned off the TV and slowly moved Adelaide's head on a pillow instead of my lap. Her eyes were closed and her hair was pushed back so it wouldn't bother so much. I gently ran my hand through her soft hair before pressing my lips against her cheeks. That didn't make the bad feeling fade away, no it made it worse. So instead of staying in the same room as Adelaide for any more seconds I left back to the kitchen. Rubbing my head I tuned off some of the noises in my head.

It's over now nothing to turn back to.

With a swift move I got back the phone that wasn't mine in my hands. The black screen glaring at me waiting for me to turn it back on. And I did. When I did there were more messages and now that filled me with the regret that I should have felt from the beginning.

"Is that my phone?"


did you miss me? (thanks to my english teacher i got into sherlock) 

did I lose my readers yet?

school sucks right now, I'm barely making it :') 

hope you guys are doing well and better at least 

and i hope you enjoyed this chapter~

thank you for reading <3

& stay safe

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