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I watched as Adelaide made her way into the building. When she had disappeared I turned around rubbing the back of my neck trying to think what I should do now. I was going to wait for her but for now I needed some breakfast. Entering the nearest bakery to get some Berliners and coffee. I sat down at a table window sipping on the hot coffee in my hands. My mind drifted of to Adelaide, who has been avoiding me. I noticed it quickly, since the last time I talked to in full sentence before today morning she avoided my eyes and for a moment it looked like she was going to burst into tears. There has to be  something that had happened and she isn't telling me about it. But I wasn't sure what it was, I even asked Daphne though she just shrugged her shoulders and said that it was her mother. She said that Adelaide's mother was sick. That made me concerned and I wanted to ask Adelaide about it though then Daphne said she was just jealous of us. Us. 

I looked out of the window my eyes scanning the city walking by me. Daphne and I, I didn't know what we are. She said that she wanted to be together but I told her I wasn't interested. But still she clings on me, and I didn't know how to get rid of her. She kept on insisting that we could make that work, but I knew myself. I knew that I wasn't interested because all I wanted was to be with Adelaide. That sounds too much. So what I tried to do is to make Adelaide jealous and it worked, not in the way I wanted though she still insisted on us being friends. I shook my head looking at the coffee in the cup. We have just met this week, how can my heart beat so fast when I see her? How does that work? I grumbled to myself feeling myself blush when my mind painted a perfect picture of Adelaide smiling. Groaning I tried to push her out of my head by rubbing my face and then taking a large sip of the coffee.

When we kissed in the elevator I hoped that it meant something to her. But it didn't and then I didn't know what do. All it did to me was wanting more, it was like her lips were addicting and making my heart ache when our eyes met for even less than a second. Seeing her with Anthony was even worse, my first impulse would be to punch Anthony and I would have, if I didn't know self control. It made me jealous of Anthony, that she isn't ignoring him and that they were so close. Why is she doing this to me?

But I couldn't blame her. She didn't know how I felt, she didn't know how much she hurt me when she was ignoring me and she only knew peak of my feelings towards her. But I knew that there was something in her that made the kiss so amazing and her being jealous. There was one thing that I didn't mind anymore, that was to be by her side. Just bringing her to here bought me my happiness. If it would stay like this maybe being friend zoned wouldn't be as hard. The only thing that I wanted was that she wouldn't ignore me. Thats all I could ask from her now.

My phone interrupted my thoughts and I fished it out of my pocket. Checking the screen I noticed it was text from Daphne. Sighing I unlocked it.

DAPHNE: Hey, went down stairs, where are you?

im out right now

I rubbed my head ready to put it back into my pocket but it vibrated again. It was Daphne.

DAPHNE: oh, where to?

My brows frowned.


DAPHNE: ....okaaaaaay ??

I rolled my eyes at that ready to put it back into my pocket then decided to text Adelaide, just telling her that I was in the coffee shop across the street. I wanted to write more but I wasn't sure what to write so I left it as it is. Sighing I took a bite from one of the Berliners. After some time I finished my coffee and packed away the rest. Standing up I walked outside and it was much warmer than before. I still hadn't gotten a text from Adelaide so instead I leaned outside against a wall and brought out my phone. Opening up I opened to the messages of Daphne. My fingers hung against the keyboard on the small screen. I was thinking of ending this whole thing with her, because it hadn't bought anything. Daphne was nice and funny but as a friend and co-worker. I never thought of her a girlfriend material or attractive in anyway. But the thought of breaking whatever we had going over text was harsh. I should do it in person instead , I knew it would be hard to let it get into her thick head but its for the best anyways. Pushing the thought away for now my eyes drifted off to the streets. It wasn't busy as before but still there were many people walking around. As my eyes scanned the streets my eyes caught a familiar making its way to this side of street. A smile crawled on my lips and I pushed myself from the wall. Taking a few steps forward I waved my hand around and soon she spotted me. Her eyes glowed and she began skipped towards me. I watched her hair flow behind her and the way she skipped in her heels, quick and smooth.

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