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Days have turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. These months seemed to have rushed so fast that Adelaide hasn't even realized that the change in weather till on morning she found out that it had snowed overnight. She watched a few snowflakes fall on the window's glass.

"It's been that long, huh?"

Her thoughts immediately drifted off to the one person that she hadn't talked to in months. She brushed her hair back behind her ear. Growing nostalgic when memories of New York went through her head. The memories filled her with a warm feeling that she missed.

Nothing was holding her back to go back to that place. No responsibility at least.

A sigh escaped her lips. She went over to the sink turning on the water and started her daily morning routine on washing a few dishes.

It was noon when Adelaide was sent to the market to gather some vegetables for today's dinner. The sun was buried between clouds making the atmosphere cold and gloomy. With a heavy jacket and a basket in her hand over her shoulder she entered the market. She gave the cashier a kind greeting before making her way to the vegetable section. She collected the veggies she had written down on a list. When finished she decided to walk to some other sections to see if something caught her eyes.

And something did.

It was a box of macaroni and cheese.

Silently she stared at the carton box on the shelve next to all the other boxes. Without thinking any further she grabbed into it and put in her basket. Adelaide made her way towards the cashier after getting her mother's favorite tea.

"Why did you get mac and cheese? Gross." Caleb held out the box with the printed image of a bowl of macaroni and cheese before a blue background. Adelaide shrugged her shoulders as she packed the groceries into their places.

"I wanted to make some."

Caleb's nose cringed looking at the box. "But you hate this." He stressed on the word 'this' while holding shaking box.

"What? No, I don't."

"Yes, you do. You hate every dish that is already done in a box."

"Okay. You got me. I just..." Adelaide out a groan before grabbing the box she put into one of the cabins. "Stop asking questions and start with the soup." Caleb let out a groan but didn't not comply with sister. She finished organizing everything before going to help her brother.

At the dinner table it was silent as always only a few words a shared between the families. Adelaide's mind was going off to somewhere else. She was trying to figure out what time it would be right now in New York. A few months ago she knew what time it would be there, but now she couldn't remember. An annoyed sigh left her lips and she looked down at her half full plate. The rice was mixed with the vegetables just like she liked it but her stomach was turning against it. She pushed the plate back leaning back into her seat.

Her father noticed that, as always.

"Adelaide, finish up."

"I'm not hungry anymore."

Her father let out a sigh setting his fork down. "You have not been eating healthy since weeks. This isn't healthy."

"I'm just not hungry, dad. Don't make such a big deal about it." Adelaide huffed lightly. Caleb glanced at her and then at his father.

"Ade has gotten some mac and cheese." Caleb commented trying to get his father not get mad his sister.

Their father stayed silent for a moment only the woman next to him was eating not even paying attention to the small debate.

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