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           "Where are we going?" Adelaide spoke up warm hands were in mine as I pulled her through the streets of New York. It was already dark but not dark enough for the streets to be empty and to close the Shops. It was dark enough to make the air cold. I glanced at Adelaide who was awaiting for an answer. Her dark brown eyes met mine and I could see the confusion and the curiosity in them, that look suited her face.

"You'll see." I answered giving her a teasing smile. Before I even came back home I already wanted to take Adelaide out to let her mind wander off somewhere else rather than thoughts that I know will hurt her. It hurt me more than I wanted to admit to see Adelaide so unsure and sad.

Adelaide pouted but didn't pull away from my grip, she only tighten it as we walked. I squeezed her hand back feeling another smile form on my lips when I felt her gaze on me. Throughout the walk I watched Adelaide cuddle her nose into my jacket and stepped closer towards me. I noticed her free curls from her bun, they dangled in front of her face. Though she did notice them which made it funny and adorable. I reached out with my other hand to push them out of her face which caught her out of guard. Her wide surprised eyes met mine and I could see them soften quickly when she noticed that I was the one pushing her hair away.

"Thanks." She mumbled and thanks to the dim lights of the shops around us I noticed the small shy rosy blush crossing her cheeks. Biting my lip I couldn't help but let my hand go on top of her head and pat it. She looked at me giving me a slight glare pushing my hand off of her head in a playful manner making me let out laugh. We continued walking and it didn't take long for us the reach the place I wanted to go in the first place.

The theatre aka my workplace.

"What you're going to act for me?" Adelaide asked in a teasing tone, though her voice was low and she gave me a small smile.

"Nah, I have something better." I grinned feeling a bit proud of what I have organized just before I left work. "C'mon." And with that we both got inside of the warmer building that was still open as there were still a few plays taking place. I pulled her along to walk backstage where there were still a workers walking around and since I didn't want to bother them we took the route that was less crowded.

"Where are we going?" Adelaide pouted impatiently and I eyed her.

"Do you trust me?" She tilted her head but nodded her head as an answer.  I gave her a gentle smile as she still looked up at me. "Then there is nothing to worry about." I gave her hand a slight squeeze to reassure her. I pulled her to the door that lead up to the rooftop of the building. Pushing the door open it revealed the stair case that lead upwards. We walked up the stairs and when we got up I opened the final door revealing the rooftop. "Here we go." A slight excitement was building up in me as I held the door open for Adelaide to walk out. I walked out behind her pushing the door so it wouldn't close behind us.

"Oh my god." Adelaide breathed out.

There she was staring at the place that I spent half an hour before walking back home, well I had some help from Pippa and Jasmine. We set up string lights around the small roof that had its roof missing but was perfect for light strings to wrap around its left over metal bars. Under a blanket was set out with a picnic basket.

"I hope the light strings replace the stars." I scratched the back of my neck feeling way to cheesy as I Adelaide looked around in awe. She turned to me her brown eyes were wide open glistening in the light.

"Did you do this for me?" She stuttered out. I nodded my head.

"I know it's a bit cheesy and cliché but I just...Pippa and Jazzy told me girls like this." I moved my arms around trying not to feel too embarrassed. I gave her a cracked smile but then I saw her eyes light up before she turned around almost twirling around. I smiled and walked towards her, her eyes were staring at the light strings.

"Its beautiful and cheesy." Adelaide said with a large beautiful smile erupting her face. She let out a giggle when she looked back at me. I felt my cheeks warm up but smiled.

"I'm glad you like it." 

I really am.

"Let's sit." I suggested and she nodded excitedly. It was like all tiredness that she was holding was washed away. She grabbed both of my hands and pulled me down with her. Giggles left her lips as scooted closer to me for warmth. Her eyes wandered upwards staring at the lights that shimmered like actual stars in front of black sky. While packing out the snacks I prepared I couldn't help but keep on glancing at Adelaide watching her eyes shimmer in the light like two crystals  and her hair fall back. I didn't notice how long I have been staring but she turned her head back to me with a large smile that reached her eyes. I smiled back at her.

She then let out a gasp and squeal.

"You got my favorite." She grabbed into the package that had honey dipped waffles. "Yess!" Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she opened it with a grin. I laughed at her and grinned when she offered me before she took one out for herself. I took one out and as soon as I did she took one out as well taking a bite of the waffle. "This is so good." She moaned out after munching on the waffle.

I grinned at her. "I'm glad you like it." She gave me a small grin before continuing her munching. We stayed like this, eating, for a while till we finish the bag of waffles.

"Aw man." Adelaide whimpered putting down the empty bag. I let out a chuckle but didn't say anything as she rested her head on my shoulder quietly. I smiled to myself eyeing Adelaide her eyes were captured by the string lights but soon enough she looked up at me. "Hey." She whispered a tiny smile forming on her lips.

"Hey." I smiled back. A silence followed this and we just stared at each other for god knows how long. I just couldn't get enough of her face, those eyes, that nose and those lips. Everything about her looked so perfect in my eyes. Adelaide was like an artwork that was perfectly made and I was to scared to break it with my touch. But yet I still want her to be by my side whenever.

"Thanks for all this." Adelaide whispered giving me a grateful smile. I nodded my head slowly still in a small trance.

"Anything for you." I whispered back giving her a small smile.

Maybe I should have waited longer.

Maybe this was the wrong time.

But this moment for me was perfect.

I leaned down slowly just to be extra sure and when she just looked back into my eyes not moving her head away that was a sign. I leaned down more till my lips were pressed against hers and I watched her eyes flutter close before mine did as well. The kiss was slow at first she kissed be slow but with passion that made the kiss so addicting and made my heart almost ram out of my chest. Her hand wandered to my chest holding into the clothe while tilting her head to the side. Her lips tasted like sweet honey mixed with waffles and cinnamon.

So sweet.

When we parted from the kiss to take the needed breaths I placed my hand on top of hers that was laying on my chest.

She broke into a smile when I pressed my forehead against hers and she placed her other warm soft hand on my cheek creasing it softly.

"I think this medicine worked the best."

Maybe this was a perfect time.


Merry late christmas! hope y'all had a great christmas or holiday!

Sorry late update I was super busy and writers block hit hard

lol i actually described eyes as crystals im dead

Thank you for reading and your support <3
Stay safe

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