All the boys are sick part 1

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Guys I know this was posted on my first book but it's been a while so I reposted it because I got a request for part 2.


Lukes pov-

I woke up to the sound of harsh gags.

I looked over to the bed next to me and realized michael wasn't there.

I walked to the hotel bathroom to find him hovering over the bowl.

" why didn't you wake me michael " I asked him

" because you looked so peaceful " he said.

Just then Lilly walked in

"Hey Luke is he ok" she asked

" I think he has the stomach flu " I told her

"Well that's just great because calum has it to" she said

" What" I said confused

"Yeah he's been up since 2 this morning from what ashton said" she told me

"Well that's ju..." I began to say but ended the sentence with barf in the sink

" yay now there's three" Lilly said sarcastically

"Make that 4 " Ashton said walking into the room holding his stomach.

" no no no I can't take care of all of you on my own" Lilly said.

" Lilly I can care for myself " Ashton said

"Same" I said

" sure you can " she said

"Wait Ashton where the hell is calum" Lilly added

"I left him in our room" ashton said

" all alone" she asked

" oh oops " he said.

" I'll be back " Lilly said then left.

Lilly's pov-

I walked into Ashton's and calum's room and was immediately hit with the stench of vomit.

I gagged but just walked straight to the bathroom.

I found calum asleep with his head still in the toilet.

I took a picture cause I thought it was cute then I went over to him and slowly got him up.

When he realized what was happening he used the rest of his strength to walk to the other room.

"Calum be prepared they are all sick to" I told calum

We walked in and the smell of vomit hit me but this time 3x harder.

I ran to the bathroom and started puking in the bath tub.

" are you sick to Lilly" calum asked.

" no I'm good just the strong smell of vomit sent me over the edge. " I said.

" no Lilly you're sick you have a fever" Luke said feeling my head.

" I can't be sick some one needs to watch you guys and make sure you get better" i said.

" we can all help each other get better but you are the youngest and littlest out of us all so I'm worried about how this stomach shit will effect you" Ashton said then puked into the sink which made me puke.

" guys I see spots" ash said swaying back and forth

Then fell to the ground

" I think we need to worry more about him" I said.

" yeah " the other boys said together.


Hey sorry it's not very good.

Part 2 will be up in a bit

Stay punky my punk rock penguins



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