Half of a Whole

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"Katie what is the answer to C?"

Crap... "Umm... Appositive phrase modifying 'friend'?" I answer with uncertainty.

"Correct. Now class remember you need to practice your prepositional and appositive phrase tonight. Bring your completed worksheet to class tomorrow. Yes Aspen?"

I glance over at the kid being spoken to. He has average height and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Not to mention his dirty blonde hair. This kid's name was Aspen. He was new to the school this yet and all the girls seem to throw themselves at him. I on the other hand, will do NOTHING of that sort. Besides, he isn't that attractive...

I snap back to reality as Aspen speaks to the teacher, taking a short glance at me. My heart skips a beat. Why did he look at me?

"You mentioned a project we would be starting tomorrow. Who are our partners?"

There is always a kid that has to ask that question. Seriously the teachers will tell us when we get our partners. I wonder if he is thinking about me... Wait what? Ugh. What is wrong with me.

"Oh. I totally forgot," our teacher Ms. Hosten replies. She starts reading out the list quickly before the bell rings.

I zone out until I here my name.

"Katie and Aspen..." Really? I think to myself, doing a dramatics eye roll in my head. I get up and walk out the door moving on to my next class. I can't help but think about him all day. I wonder of he is thinking about me too...

I quickly brush away the thought and forget about it for the rest of the day.

I found my friend Hope in the hallway on the way to band and I began to tell her all about what happened in English today.

"On English we are working on a project. Do you remember Aspen?" I ask.

"How could I forget. The popular girls throw themselves all over him. It makes me want to gag." She replies with a laugh at the end. I laugh with her and I quiet the conversation down as we pass some of his friends in the hallway.

We look at each other when we are out of eat from Aspen's friends.

"So," Hope starts, "are you happy with this arrangement?" She stresses happy and nudges me in the side playfully.

"Ew no. Gross. I don't want to be like the other girls."

"I can see it in your eyes Katie. You can't hide from your heart. Have to go to APUSH. See you later!" she winks at me and I dramatically role my eyes. Hope and I have been best friends since as long as I can remember and we can see right through each other.

I here the two minute bell and quickly make my way to Honors biology. Knowing I have to focus in this class, I put my thoughts on hold and think science. But occasionally those thoughts creep back in and I have to correct my self. Dammit I can't even bare to think about how it would be if he WAS my boyfriend. I'd be failing all of my classes.

Half of a WholeWhere stories live. Discover now