Chapter 1

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"Clary, we need to talk" Jace said and looked at me.

We were sitting in the greenhouse because Jace asked if we could come here and talk. 

"What is it Jace? Just say quickly, please" I said annoyed.

"Well... I don't know how to say this...but I..I would like..." He tried to say one thing I was afraid of. I interrupted him and finished his sentence. 

"You would like to break up with me?" I said, trying not to cry.

"No,no!.. Well, yeah" He said and i felt my heart break. It hurts so much, but I smiled and said something he surely didn't expect.

"Fine" I said and kept a smile on my face. He looked at me confused.

"No tears?" He really though I'll cry? Hell no.

"No tears" I said "Now, if you'll excuse me, i have some job to do."

"Sure"He said quietly "And..Clary?"

I turned around and looked at him. My last time I'll see him. I'll miss him so much. I already decided. There's no place for me here. I am leaving, no matter what.

"Thanks" He murmured and hugged me. One last hug. I hugged him back as hard as i could. He kissed my forehead and stepped back. "I'll never forgive what you did for me."

"No problem" I answered and went back to my room. I decided to leave this Institute. It's not my home anymore. And.. I'm not mad at Jace. I actually understand him. Maybe we aren't for each other. And still, it hurts like a bitch. I just need time. I packed my things, all of them, so they can't track me. Before I leave, i need to talk to Alec. We got really close past few months. He'll understand. And needs to know why i left. I left back to hall, trying to find Church. She was there, lying next to the doors.

"Hey Church" I scratched her behind her ear. "Church, where is Alec?"

The cat started to walk. I followed her to the training room only to found Alec with his bow.

"Hey, Alec" I said and he looked at me.

"Hey Clary, What's up?" 

"Um, can i talk to you?" I asked quietly, not sure if he heard me.

"Can it wait Clary? I'm little busy right now" He pointed out.

"I..I wish it can, Alec. But it's really important. And no, it's can't wait, sorry"

"It's fine" He came to me and pressed a soft kiss on my forehead "What's wrong, Clary?"

"Alec.. I'm leaving" His confused face amused me.I shouldn't be amused right now.

"You're going to Pandemonium or somewhere?" 

" I am leaving this Institute, New York and... and you guys. I am sorry." Tears filled my eyes. No crying, I promised myself.

"What happened Clary? Why are you leaving us?" He said in shock.

"Well.. Jace and i broke up.. and i just need some time. Maybe we'll get in touch sometimes. We'll see."

"Oh..I understand." And i knew he really did understand. "But Clary.. I have to do one more thing before you leave." He said and landed forward. He pressed his soft lips on mines and after few seconds he pulled back.

"I-I'm sorry Clary, I just had to do it." He started to apologize and i hugged him tightly.

"It's ok, Alec. It's ok. I understand." I said and released him from the hug. "I'll miss you" I said and put a soft kiss on his cheek. I turned away and started walking to my room.

"Goodbye, Clary" I barely heard him whisper his last words to me. 




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