Chapter 5

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We stepped in, and I looked around, remembering this walls, floor, paintings... I also noticed Maryse, Robert, Izzy, Jace, Magnus, some girl and Alec. Oh god I missed them all. Maryse started the conversation, as always.

"Welcome to the New York Institute. I am Maryse Lightwood, this is my husband Robert Lightwood, my son Alexander, or Alec Lightwood, my daughter Isabelle Lightwood, my stepson Jace Herondale and his fiance Annabeth Blackthorn. This is Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn as well"

Wait, fiance? What the heck.

I nodded. Church was around my legs, so i scratched her behind her ears.

"Very well then, If I may ask, please take your hoods off and introduce yourselves" She said and Luca looked at me, and i nodded. He slowly put his hood off and it fell on his back, revealing his light brown hair and his pale skin. And of course his green eyes, like mines.

"My name is Luca Wooddale, I am 20 years old and I am her parabatai."

They nodded and looked at me. I slowly put my hood on my back revealing my now dark red hair with blond highlights, and my green eyes as well. My eyes found their way to Alec and others, and i saw them staring at me with open mouth.

"My name is Clary Fairchild, 19 years old, known as the Dark Angel, and Luca's parabatai." I said and smiled. Then I saw Izzy run to me and she pulled me in a huge hug. I quickly hugged her back.

"Clary is that really you?" Izzy whispered in my ear, letting tears escape her eyes.

"Yes, Izzy, it is me." I said. She looked at me.

"I missed you so much" She said.

"I know i missed you too, Izzy. Now, let me see others." She just nodded and let me go.

"Biscuit!" Magnus yelled and pulled me into another hug. They were all gathered around me, waiting for their turn. I was so happy to see them. When Magnus released me, Robert and Maryse came and did the same.

"Hey Jace, it's been a while" I said and got pulled into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much" He whispered in my ear. He pulled away "Clary, this is my fiance, Annabeth" He said awkwardly.

I walked to her and offered her my hand and she took it, shaking our hands. "Nice to meet you, and please, call me Beth or Ann" She said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you too" I said. "I guess we have some catch up to do" I said, not talking to anyone.

And finally Alec came. I looked at him, he opened his arms to hug me. I ran to him and jumped on him, hugging him tightly. He picked me up and spinned me around. When he let me go, I saw everyone looking at us. I couldn't care less right now.

Isabelle looked at us curious, not sure what's happening. And nothing was happening, I was just really happy to see them, especially Alec.

Then i noticed, someone was missing.

"Where is Simon?" I asked

"His band is playing tonight, so he couldn't come." Izzy said, looking sad. "Wow Clary, you changed so much. New outfits ha? And heels, hair,... finally you saw I was right."

All of us laughed. "Yea, i needed change, really."

Luca interrupted us. "Will you please show us our room?"

"Oh, yea, sure. We got two rooms for you, next to Isabelle's. I hope that's fine. And after all, Clary i guess you still have key of your old room."

"Um... actually.. I don't. I sort of burned it." They looked confused, and I was looking for escape. Luca started to speak, trying to help me.

"Not, necessary, we will need only one room." He said and I blushed, and somehow, my boots were much more interesting than looking at others. When i finally looked up, I saw everyone staring at me. Alec looked angry AF. He turned and left in his room. Ops..

"As you wish." Maryse said now, with little lower voice. "Just.. don't be inappropriate. Or loud" She said and it was Luca's turn to blush. He was red as tomato.

"Sure..." I said looking away. "Please, Izzy show us our room." I said quietly, still not looking at them.

When Izzy finally nodded, I relaxed a bit. Everyone went their path, and Izzy told us to follow her, so we did. She gave us one room and it's key, murmuring how she needed to go on Simon's party.

We quickly unpacked and set our weapons and clothes. Luca said he'll take a shower, so I decided to visit Alec, and explain. I knocked on his door.

"What?" I heard him yell.

"Alec, it's Clary, open the door." I said

"No, go away." He said and it hurt me.

I didn't want to bother with talking anymore, knowing he won't open, so i drew an unlock rune on his doors and stepped in. He was on his bed reading a book. He saw me and rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" He said harshly.

"I want us to talk, Alec." He was just looking at me like I am an idiot.

"Well, you could start with your boyfriend." I heard him speaking and bursted laughing. Oh my God, he was jealous. How sweet.

"Alec, he is not my boyfriend" I said still laughing.

"Then why are you sleeping together?" He said with little less anger.

"Because, if I sleep alone, I have nightmares." I said simply, not bothering to tell that it was only one nightmare, always the same.

"Yea sure." He said, not pleased with answer.

"Alec, look, there's nothing going on between Luca and me." Alec looked me suspiciously. "Alec, he is gay, for God sake!" I said and Alec for second looked confused. And then a huge grin showed on his face, and in second he pressed his lips on mines, kissing me.

And I was kissing him back.




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