Chapter 13

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Alec's POV

I have been smashed against the wall by Jace. He grabbed my neck so hard, and I was choking. I have never seen him so angry. 

"What do you mean, you two are in relationship?!" Jace yelled. "How dare you! I'm your parabatai! So that's what that kiss was about!"

"You broke up with her 3 years ago. What did you expect for her to hang on you? She continued, and so should you." I said with pleasure. He deserved every damn word.

I looked at Beth. And I saw in her eyes, that she was broken. Jace broke Clary's heart, and now Beth's. Asshole.

"Beth" I whispered, so only Jace could hear me. He looked over at Beth, and opened his mouth to say something, but she ran out. I saw guilty on Jace's face.

He let me go and stepped back. I saw hurt on Magnus's face for a second, but it disappeared immediately. Luca was just smiling, like he already knew. He probably felt her feelings.

"Kill a hell hound." Luca said standing up. Smile left his face. He was still weak. Everybody looked at him confused, including me.

"What?" Magnus asked, pale.

"Alec's first trial. He has to kill a hell hound." I eyes widened. 

"They exist?" I asked. 

Luca had a tired look on his face.

"Oh God, there will be so much explaining. But yes, they do. They are mostly in Peru, that's why you haven't seen them or heard for them." Luca explained.

Magnus paled even more, if that's possible. 

Clary's POV

I woke up with someone's arms wrapped tightly around me. I looked back and saw Jonathan. He was sleeping, and snoring a bit. My fingers went to his cheek, and I slowly woke him up. He opened his eyes and smiled.

He kissed me and I gasped in surprise. But I didn't pull back. I kissed him as well, feeling wrongness. He pulled on top of me, never breaking the kiss. His hands wondered on my body, and he started kissing my neck, sucking on my pulse. I moaned in surprise and pleasure.

A picture flied through my head. A picture of tall, muscular boy with blue eyes and midnight hair. Alec. I Jonathan close to my pants, and I moved away from him. My body wanted him, and mostly of me as well, but there was a part of me that said this was wrong. Very wrong. I still couldn't reach what was wrong, but that part of me was brave and i spoke.

"No" I said and got up from bed. He looked at me confused at me.

"What?" He asked.

"I said no." He looked at me suspiciously.

"Alright, then I'll just take a cold shower." He said and went to bathroom. I sat back on bed, thinking about my current life. My master, my brother. I remembered my life before this as well.

Jace, Mom, Dad, Maryse, Robert, Izzy.. I didn't miss them at all. They seemed like a little bugs.

I lied on bed and closed my eyes. And then, someone spoke in my head.

"Clary, you have to wake up." I heard voice said. It sounded familiar though. I tried to remember where I heard it before. That's right, on lake Lyn. 

"Angel Raziel." I gasped. An Angel was talking to me? But why.

"Clary, wake up. Now" He said, and I felt weird. I felt a large hole in my chest, like something was missing. Pictures flied through my head. Me and Jace in greenhouse, Izzy doing my makeup, hugging Maryse and Robert...

Kissing Alec.


I felt my heart hurt. And I knew what's wrong.

I was wrong.




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