Chapter 4

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Next day i woke up at 7:35. Luca was still sleeping, my head was on his bare chest. I pulled up and pressed a kiss on his cheek.He slowly opened his eyes. He totally was not a morning person. Just like Alec. Alec...I miss him. But today i will finally see him!

Then image of him pressing his lips against mines flied through my head. I remembered how his soft lips were perfect against mines. But it's been 3 years. And after all, he probably had a boyfriend. Or even a girlfriend? Not sure if he is gay or bisexual anymore. Can't wait to talk to him.

"Morning sunshine!" I said and got up from bed.

"Ugh" He murmured and went back to sleep. Sleepy bird.

"No more sleeping, sorry! It's 7:30 we have to shower, pick up gear, get breakfast, get ready and leave then to the New York." I said and jumped on bed like a 2 year old kid.

When he didn't get up, i started to tickle him.

"Noo stoop, let me go Claryy, get off me" He was laughing.

"I'll stop if you get up" I said and continued to tickle him.

"Fine! Fine! Just stop!" He said and i stopped. He got up.

"Luca, can we be in the same room in the NY? I don't want nightmares there." I asked slowly.

"Sure, no problem." He said and slightly blushed.

"I am going to my room to pack everything, meet me at kitchen" He said and left. I took a shower. I got black tank top, black tight jeans, black 6 inch boots and my leather jacket. I put some mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. I picked my suitcase and my cloak. I put them in the hallway and went to the kitchen.

"Morning guys" I said while i was entering the kitchen. Noah and Amy nodded, and Cait jumped on me.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" She said and hugged me. I quickly hugged her back and said "I will miss you too. Now let me go, i have a lot to do."

We quickly had our breakfast, and we were on our way to the weapon room. I picked up some daggers and Seraph blades, while Luca picked his bow and arrows, along with Seraph blades as well.

Our suitcases and cloaks were in hallway, waiting for us.

It was time to go.

Alec's POV

Yesterday Maryse called me, Jace, Isabelle and Annabeth, Jace's fiance, to the library, she wanted to tell us something. When all of us were sitting on the couch, she started.

"Well, as you know, demon activity has grown in last few months, I called someone to help us."

"Who?" Jace said.

"Best male and female shadowhunters of your generation to help us. I guess you know who they are?" Maryse said and looked at us, expecting an answer.

"I have no idea who they are" I said confused.

"It's Dark Angel and her parabatai." Beth said. "They are from Japan. They are pretty famous, didn't you hear about them?" She asked

"Of course I did, but i didn't think they are best male and female shadowhunters." I said annoyed.

"Why do you think they are that famous?" Beth said rolling her eyes.

"Whatever" I just said. "When are they coming? And how?"

"Tomorrow noon, and they will take a portal. I want you guys to clean 2 rooms for them." Maryse ordered. "Off you go." She said and left.

So, this is the day D. We are going to meet famous Dark Angel and her parabatai. It's interesting, male and female, and still parabatais. Didn't see that for a long time.

It's 11:54. We are waiting in the hallway for them to arrive.

Clary's POV

So it's time to go. We put our cloaks on, and hugged Noah, Amy and Cait.

I quickly drew a portal and we jumped in, landing on the road, next to the Institute. We put our hoods on, picked our suitcases, and went to the doors.

The doors immediately opened and we stepped in.




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