Chapter 12

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Luca's POV

I left them with their thoughts, heading to my room. I opened the doors and took my shirt off. I didn't lock the door just in case. I lied on my bed and took my stele out. Tracking my parabatai rune and redoing it, I screamed. I heard others came in, trying to stop me, but I didn't give them my stele, or stopped. I saw images going through my head. Clary lying on floor, screaming my name. 

"Clary!" I screamed and let one tear. It hurt as a bitch. I saw her. And I didn't recognize that place, but deep down I knew where she was. I stopped and started breathing hard. My eyes opened blur, and when I could see everyone well, I sat up, feeling no longer pain. They looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Well where is she?" Jace said impatiently. I rolled my eyes.

" On the bottom of hell." I said closing my eyes to calm down. I opened them again and saw their faces losing all color.

"What is my first trial?" Jace spoke and everybody looked at me.

I started laughing slowly, and quietly. Everybody looked at me like I am an idiot.

"Something funny?" Jace said.

"Oh you weren't joking?" I asked confused. Jace shook his head in anger.

"I guess it's my fault I didn't say anything earlier then. It's not you Jace." I said waiting for his reaction. He just looked confused.

"How not?" He said. 

"You stopped being it, the moment you crushed her heart. Can't you guess who it is?" I said. All of them shook his head, but Alec. So, he didn't tell them.

"I guessed you told them, Alec" I started talking to him. Alec's eyes widened.

"Tell us what?" Maryse said.

"I knew it! She said yes, didn't she?!" Isabelle started, and then realized it wasn't good moment, so she shut up.

"ThereispossibilityClaryandIareinrelationship." Alec said in one breathe.

"Sorry didn't catch that." Magnus said, with angry eyes, and I knew he is the only one who understood.

"There is possibility Clary and I are in relationship." Alec repeated, but slower. Everybody's eyes widened at his words. 

And then Jace smashed him against the wall.

Clary's POV

The pain stopped after few moments. Jon and master just sat there, not paying attention to my screaming. They knew what's happening. Tracking. I didn't even know where are we. I sat back on my chair and finished my meal. 

"Go to train." Master said, and we left. We were fighting in training room for a while. I threw knifes, Jon practiced on punching bag. After few hours, I headed back to my room and Jon to his. I took a shower and changed in tank top and short shorts. Someone knocked on my door and I opened it, seeing Jon in his PJ pants, without a shirt. I let him in and he hugged me. I felt safe there.

He lied on my bed and I closed the door, locking it. I lied close to him, pulling blankets over us. He pulled me to him, and put his hand around  my waist. I lied my head on his bare chest. He kissed my forehead. We just lied there. For the first time in long time, I felt peaceful. And yet, i felt something was wrong. I let the darkness get me, thinking how something was wrong.

But what? 




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