Chapter 9

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I woke up in the infirmary. I looked around and saw Alec on my right and Luca lying on another bed.

"Morning, sweety." Alec said. I smiled.

"What day is it, time? How long have I been in here?" I asked confused

"You have been here for 2 days. By the way, why did Luca fainted when you fainted? And after all why you fainted? I didn't see any of demon scratches on you." He said.

"Uh-huh. I have a lot to explain I guess.. But not now. When we both feel fine, we'll talk to you in library." I said and he nodded.

"I'll go and tell everyone you are awake." He said and pressed his lips to mines. I kissed him back. He pulled back and winked to me.

When he closed the door, I quickly stood up and dressed myself. I went to Luca's bed. Through our parabatai bond I felt he is too weak..

I grabbed my glass of water and spilled water in some flowers. I crashed the glass and picked one part up. I cut my wrist and blood spilled. Leaning over Luca, I opened his mouth and pressed my wrist on his mouth.

He woke up and started sucking my blood. Juk, I know. When he got enough I pulled away and drew an iratze on my arm. It healed. I looked at Luca and smiled.

He looked furious AF.

"You let it happen again! You promised you won't let it happen! You said you can control it!" He yelled.

"Quiet!" I said. "I just saved your life, so be thankful." 

"My life wouldn't be in danger if you controlled it! I wish we aren't parabatai! I wish I never met you!" He said and I stepped back.

"What..?" I said, tears filling my eyes. 'No crying' I remembered myself 

I ran to the door.

Luca's POV (didn't see that coming did you?)

I regretted my words the second they left my mouth. I started to apologize but she already left.


Alec entered the room.

"Where is Clary?" He said and looked at her bed.

"I don't know she left 2 minutes ago."

"Why?" He said confused. God he was annoying a bit.

"We had a fight, I said cleaning the blood from me.

"Is that blood?" He asked

"No, it's ketchup." I said annoyed "Of course it's blood, dumby."

"I won't even ask why are you bloody." He said and turned away.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you" I spoke, and he left.

Clary's POV

I ran to my room. I stand in front of my mirror, looking at myself. God, I looked awful.

I punched my mirror and it broke in peaces.

In last few days it's been hard to control my anger. 

Especially in fights.

Maybe that demon was right?

Maybe i can't against my own nature?




Sorry for short chapter, like I said i'm focusing on my new story for now.

Please vote and comment if u liked the chapter.♥  

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