Chapter 14

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Clary's POV

I knew I had to get out. Angel woke up me from my trans. I looked around, searching for weapon. I didn't find anything, but I still had my stele in my pocket. I got it and drew a portal. I jumped through it, imagining institute. I knew  that when I land, i will be tired, and on edge  of trans again, because i used a lot of my angel energy.

I landed in hallway, and ran to Luca's room. I heard voices in, and yelling.

  "Oh God, there will be so much explaining. But yes, they do. They are mostly in Peru, that's why you haven't seen them or heard for them."  I heard Luca's voice.

And I opened the door. I barely could walk, so I collapsed on floor. I was everyone in shock, and Alec first ran to me.

"Hell hounds won't be necessary." I managed to say, and everything went black.

I woke up in my room, Luca next to my bed. 

"Clary, I need you to explain. We have not much time" He said and I nodded.

I explained everything to him. He understood that I was on edge. And he knew Lucifer will come for me. 

I stood up and said I need to see Alec. I was walking to his door, and I wasn't paying attention, so I bumped into someone. Jace. 

"You are in relationship with Alec? How could you? He  is my parabatai!" Jace yelled. I smashed him against the wall.

"You left me 3 years ago, get over it." I said and let him go.

"I thought you loved me!" He said.

"Love fades, mine has." I said and walked away from him. (Btw, totally got that from Vampire Academy.)

Jace's POV

 "Love fades, mine has." I heard her saying, and she left. I sat on floor and started crying. I cried for hours, or it seemed like hours. When I finally stopped I went to my room, only to find Beth taking her stuff and packing.

"Beth.." I whispered.

"Jace. I'm leaving. I was nothing but distraction to you. I don't even know why are we engaged. I thought you loved me." She said and started crying. Oh no, I broke another girl's heart. Again.

"Beth, it's not true, I love  you. It's just some old feelings. They will disappear. I was just talking to her. She said, I quote "Love fades, mine has." So don't worry. She won't take me from you. I love you Beth, please don't leave me, please." I was begging now.

"Are you being completely honest?" Beth asked and stood in front of me.

"Yes." I said and leaned to kiss her. I was really happy with her. I didn't want for her to leave.

She pulled back. "Then I will stay." She said and my heart jumped.

Clary's POV

I knew it hurt, but Jace kind of deserve it. And after all, what he felt for me, wasn't real. He loved Beth, I saw that in his eyes.

I walked to Alec's room. I knocked few times and doors finally opened. Alec was standing there, just in his sweatpants, showing his chest. I let my eyes wonder on his body for a few seconds, and then I looked back at him.

"We need to talk" I said and he moved away, so I can get in. I sat on his bed.

"First of all, I'm sorry I punched you, and for running away. I got scared." I said and looked at him. He was now sitting on bed next to me.

"It's okay." He said and leaned forward, kissing me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. He put me on bed.

And you all know what happened next.




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