Chapter 7

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"Jace I can explai-" Alec started but Jace interrupted him.

"That won't be necessary. It's clear." Jace said and walked away. I looked at Alec and saw hesitation on his face.

"Well... this was.. awkward." I said. Alec just send me a glare.

"You aren't sorry aren't you?" Alec said smirking at me.

"About the kiss or because Jace saw us?" I asked

"Both" He simply said. I grinned "No"

"Good" Alec said and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he pinned me to the wall.

He started kissing me roughly. And guess what, we got interrupted, again.

"Oh my God, finally!" Izzy screamed and Alec pulled away. Alec and I started laughing.

"I knew I knew this will happen! It's Clalec! Or maybe Alary?" Izzy asked and I blushed. Alec just looked confused.

"What are Clalec and Alary?" He said

"Ships, of course! Clary + Alec is Clalec! And Alec + Clary is Alary!" Izzy yelled.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" I said. "And no ships for God sake!"

"Why not?" Izzy asked sadly.

"Because it's not like we are in relationship or something!" I said and Alec looked at me.

"Would you like to be?" Alec said and pulled my waist to him. I blushed and pulled away.

"Izzy, can u tell Simon to come over tomorrow? I would like to see him. And don't tell him it's me." I said and started walking to the door, obviously avoiding Alec's question.

"Only when you answer Alec's question" Izzy said and grinned evilly. I saw I can't avoid the question if i want to see Simon.

"I don't know Alec. Let me think about it. I'll tell you tonight, after hunt." I said escaping this situation once again.

"Promise?" Alec said

"Promise" I said and closed the door, leaving Izzy and Alec alone. I walked towards mine and Luca's room. I opened it and saw Luca on unmade bed. Weird.

"What's up" I said and sat on the bed.

"N-Nothing." He murmured. I looked at him suspiciously. He blushed.

"Hey, I was with Alec few minutes ago. We had a serious make out session when Jace interrupted us. I saw his heart break." I started.

"So? He broke your heart 3 years ago." Luca said.

"I know but... I know how i felt then. Could you go and talk to him?" I asked him

"Sure.. I can try, but I don't know how helpful it will be." Luca said. I felt he was unusually happy through our parabatai bond.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked and he blushed again.

"I'm n-not" He whispered.

"Don't lie to me. I can feel you through our parabatai bond" I said and smirked at him.

"But anyway, when Jace left we made out once again, and then Izzy interrupted us. Like it's meant to be." I continued "And then she started to talk about ships and that stuff. It took some time to explain to Alec what's a ship. And then I said that she doesn't need to ships us because we aren't in relationship. And then Alec asked me if I wanted to be in one, and I didn't know what to answer. So i just said that I don't know right now and that I'll tell him tonight after hunt. I don't know what to say to him" I finished

"Well..." Luca started but stopped soon. What's wrong with him.

"Tell him what you really feel." Luca said and i hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, Luca. What would I do without you? Do you wanna train?" I said and went to the closet.

In second Luca was in front of me, stopping me. "No.. let's eat or something. I'm hungry." Luca said.

"Ok, just let me change first." I said and went to the closet once again. Again Luca stopped me.

"No need. Let's eat and then you can change." He said.

"Luca let me pass. Or I will knock you out." I said and he finally let me go. I went to the closet once again, and opened the doors.

I saw a man without a shirt, hiding in our closet.

"Well, hello Magnus." I said, smirking.




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