Chapter 17- The Hallucination

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Sabrina's POV

"Wake up. Sabrina, come on. Wake up." I hear a voice calling to me. I grunt in stubbornness and keep my eyes closed. I hear someone else's voice, but can't make out what they are saying. Someone walks up next to me and suddenly starts to tickle my side, making my eyes fly open and me shoot up into a sitting position.

"I'm up, I'm up." I declare squirming away from the hands hitting my worst tickling spots. I start to uncontrollably laugh, and the person tickling me joins in, until a sharp voice booms

"That's enough." A flashback enters my mind of someone else saying that, halting Saber's attack on my sides, smiling then joining in.

"No, please don't tickle me as well." I beg between bursts of laughter.

"Sabrina, I'm not going to tickle you, and Saber is going to stop." My brain wipes away the fogginess that comes with a good sleep, and I recognize Amaro and... Saber. My eyes widen when I see him.

"No. No, you're not here. You can't be!" I wail, my laughter stopped and my tears starting. "You're dead! I saw you die! It broke my heart and made me like this! What are you, who are you? Pretending to be Saber is a sick joke."

"Sabbie, it is me. Did you tell anyone else that nickname?" Saber asks. I shake my head slowly "Then I have to be real."

"Unless you were the fake in the dreams too." I argue. Saber stays calm, like he always would. He never got angry towards me. He holds my hands in his and questions

"Then how did I know in the dream that I had given you your first nickname? Not even your aunt and uncle know."

"Tell me something else that only I would know." I demand, not convinced that this is real. He whispers a secret that we both swore to take to our graves to me, and I gasp. A flashback of the day we made the secret hits me, and I can't stop the tears from flowing again. Why am I getting some memories back now? Why am I getting flashbacks?

"Do you believe me now?" Saber asks, smiling sadly and wiping away my tears lightly with his thumb. I slowly nod my head, silent tears still running quickly down my face.

"How is this possible? How are you here?" I wonder. He briefly explains

"Star and Amy made it possible." A sob escapes at the sound of their names.

"I killed them." I murmur. "I killed them! You can't love me anymore, you hate me! You should hate me." I declare trying to get off of my bed and leave the room, but Saber is there and he holds my shoulders so I can't move.

"Sabbie, get it through your head now because I don't want to repeat myself. I will always love you. Always. I could never hate you, my love for you conquers any hate that I could possibly have, and I never will hate you. You have nothing to worry about, okay?"

"Okay." I murmur and tightly embrace Saber. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He replies, running his hand down my back in comfort.

Amaro's POV

I try to wake Sabrina up, but with no success. She just grunts and ignores me. Saber, who is watching from the doorway, snorts and declares

"I know how to wake her up." He walks over to her side and tickles her lightly, causing her to shoot up in bed, her eyes wide open. Saber continues tickling her until I tell him to stop, and it's like Sabrina fully woke up at that moment. She realizes me and Saber are in the room, and freaks out at Saber.

He tells her something that I will never know, and tears fall down her cheeks. It enrages me to what his declaration of love, and I storm out of the room, unable to tolerate any more. I aimlessly walk around the castle, not having a destination in mind. I end up seeing Ivy, and I snap at her

"Next time you kill someone, make sure you actually kill them." She stares at me like I am crazy, and asks

"What are you talking about?"

"Saber is alive." I tell her, and her eyes widen in shock.

"What?! How is that possible?" Ivy exclaims "He should be dead!"

"Some people called Star and Amy made it possible for him to fake his death." I give her the explanation Saber told Sabrina in her room.

"Of course! The fake Saber must have been made of Amy's Day power, and Star's Night power must have cloaked Saber so he could get away! How clever of the Guardians." Ivy thinks aloud "Well they won't be here to protect Saber when I kill him again, will they?"

"No, they won't be, but Sabrina might." I say. Ivy argues

"She won't protect Saber, she probably thinks he's a dream or a hallucination. We could say that we are getting rid of the hallucination."

"She did think that he was a hallucination until this morning, when he proved to her that he is real and alive." I angrily state, thinking about Saber's declaration of love for her.

"You have to be kidding me!" Ivy shouts, enraged like me. "So we can't touch Saber. But, we can keep her away from him."

"How, though? We have to make her not want to be around Saber as well." We both pause, but then I think of an idea. "Wait, I thought of how. I can convince her that Saber is changing her and making her a bad Queen by distracting her from her duties as Queen. She wants to be a good Queen, and therefore she'd stay away from the distraction that is keeping her from being a good Queen." I elaborate, and Ivy wickedly grins

"That's perfect! Then, we can have some fun with our parents together, and I can get her to trust me again, and help keep her away from Saber by hanging out with her and helping with her work, since it will be practice for when I go to Gato Reino and claim my throne."

"Yes, this is a great plan. Now, it's time to execute it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Hey kittens! This chapter is a bit shorter than normal because I want to have Amaro and Ivy executing their plan in the next chapter. I hope you find all of this interesting, and not super dark. To be honest, I don't know where I get the ideas for dark stuff like Ivy and Sabrina's deep hatred towards their parents. My brain is weird.

Are you happy that Saber came back, or did you like it how it was before he returned?

~Cat Queen

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