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AN: hi, hey, hello! The reason I'm uploading now is because I won't be able to upload tonight or until late tomorrow so I wanted to leave you with something. Also I don't know how many chapters there will be just yet maybe around 15? Who knows. Anyway enjoy!

My throat felt dry and scratchy, that's what you get for eating a pack of cookies before going to sleep. I reached for my phone it was 2:46 am, ugh I needed a drink so bad, and I didn't have one on my bedside table. What a rookie mistake. I tried my best to get out of bed without making the floor boards creak, I didn't want to wake any one because in all honestly there would be a 90% chance of Mike running out his room and tackling me to the ground if I woke him. So I carried on tip toeing down the stairs, thankfully the kitchen was the first room so I could avoid waking Kellin as well. Wow. I was so thoughtful.  After I drank a full glass of water I was about to head back upstairs to bed, that's when I heard quiet sobs coming from the living room, Kellin might of left the to on and it could be that, or it could by Kellin crying...it wouldn't hurt to poke my head in and look right? Right. I pushed the living room door open slightly with my two middle fingers, to see Kellin holding his head in his hands and crying, trying his best to be quiet but I could hear the sniffles and sharp breaths, as he tried to calm himself down.

"Kellin.. Are you okay?" I said in a soft tone not wanting to startle him, I knew I had though when his whole body jumped and his head darted up looking at me, I could see the wave of relief that came over him when he realised it was me. I was going to leave him because it's not my place to interrupt him, but I physically couldn't, the caring side got the best of me.

He wipes his cheeks frantically, probably trying to hide the fact that he was crying, "Hi" he mutters, his voice was weak and small, I walk into the room and sit on the floor besides him, I didn't know if he wanted to be left alone but I wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Why are you crying?" I ask, watching him as he sits his back against the sofa, and his knees at his chest, his chin rested on them. Kellin was staring at the tv, it was on a low volume and one of those shitty late night programs were on. His phone was on the coffee table in front on us. This time he had changed, into black sweatpants and a white shirt. I was again just in my grey sweats.

"It doesn't matter" he finally replies, not moving his eyes from the screen, "why are you up?" He asks me, still not turning to face me. I hope he didn't feel embarrassed.

"I needed a glass of water, then I heard you crying and I want to make sure you're okay" I said soothingly trying my best to make him feel comfortable enough with me to open up and tell me what was wrong. "Are you okay?" I asked again, seen as the first time he ignored my question. I was looking at him still, he looked so tired, I wonder if he was always like this.

"I'm fine, I'm always fine" he said his voice breaking and it sounded like he was about to cry, he took some deep breaths to stop him self crying. Seeing people upset was one of the things I hated the most, i loved making people happy and smile and seeing Kellin like this was unsettling.
"You know you can talk to me. You're not alone in this Kellin" I said even though I had no idea what he was going through or been through.

All he did was laugh, it was an intimidating kind of laugh, and I didn't like it I was trying to help him.

"You have no idea Vic" he mutters, looking at me for a second smiling at me his eyes were sad though, and that made me wonder what had happened and it made me more and more intrigued.

"Why were you crying?" I said once more this time more sternly, but still calmly. He starts crying again, a tear rolling down his pale skin. He caught it in his hand and wiped it away.

"Today 3 years ago my Mum died" he replies, I was about to speak up but he continued, "she was shot right in front of me, in our own home" I could see the pain in his eyes as he told me that, my heart dropped for a moment, I couldn't imagine how much that would affect me. I wanted to know more but that was a really insensitive thing to ask for the full story. For now I just wanted to hug him as the tears rolled down his cheeks, he didn't even try stopping them this time. He looked so vulnerable, I needed to hug him, No that's weird. I have to, okay here goes.
I reached out my arms and pulled him closer to me, he didn't try to move away, thank god that would've be awkward. Instead he just cried into my shoulder, this was heartbreaking to watch and I didn't know what to do.

10 minutes passed and he had stopped crying now, I was still holding him running my hand through his hair soothingly. He pulls out of the hug and looks at me "Thank you" he smiles a little smile. Making me smile too, "anytime"

"So tell me a bit about yourself?" He asks and I nod, he seemed better and I was glad. I pulled the blanket off the couch and placed it on the both of us, as I thought of what to tell him.

"I'm in a band, pierce the veil, I sing and I'm a songwriter" for some reason his eyes lit up as I said that. " I've lived here my whole life, Mike is my only sibling, my favourite food is pancakes and my favourite drink is fudge milkshake. My two bestfriends are Tony and Jaime... My ex, Oliver we were together.." He stops me there,
"You're gay?" He asks his eyebrows furrowed slightly, I nod and smile, "yeah I am" I said confidently hoping he wasn't homophobic.

"Me too" he mutters not too loud, but loud enough for me to hear. I smile and look at him. That was pretty cool. " yeah anyway, Oliver left me for England and I haven't seen I'm over 2 years" I sigh, he was my first serious relationship and my feelings were so strong towards him, still.

"That sucks, I'm sorry" Kellin says looking into my eyes, his eyes were a green they we were beautiful, I had never noticed them before. I quickly snap my self out of it because it was wrong saying I still miss my ex then looking into kellin's eyes like they held galaxy's.

"Tell me about you?" I ask, I was still determined to know more about him, hopefully he would open up about a few things. He groans heavily but nods non the less.

"I was born in Michigan, when I was 10 my dad left us, I don't know where he is. When I was 14 my mother died, I don't have any siblings. Or any other families that's why I was put in the foster home, over the past 3 years I've been there I've moved through 25 different families" he says my jaw practically dropped, that's insane, 25 families, why did none of them let him stay until he was old enough to move out?.

"Yeah, I know it's a lot, it was hard at first but now I'm so used to it, it's just a regular thing i have to do. I love music and sing a little, I've wrote some songs as well, nothing good though" instantly shutting him self down, I shake my head.

"Kellin, have faith in yourself" I say softly, a friendly smile followed it. I was actually enjoying talking to him, he was different from anyone I had ever met.

For hours we spoke and spoke, nothing too deep, just about food, music, clothes what we wanted to do in the future. Just getting to know eachother, I even managed to make him laugh, by telling him about when I was 11 and a dog bit my left ass cheek, and boy. He had the best laugh in the world, his teeth were so white and perfect, he had a cute dimple when he laughed and he even snorted once causing us to laugh even more.

We were both tired now though, his eye lids were dropping shut and mine were the same. We wasn't in a comfortable position, we slept sat up our heads rested on the sofa, and we were sharing a blanket. I didn't want to to and get into my bed though, I didn't want to leave him, so I decided to stay. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Kellin moving his head onto my shoulder.

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