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AN: you all know how sorry I am for not writing recently, even though it's been 4/5 days in really sorry. I'm used writing everyday, oops so sorry!

This isn't as long as others because it's a filler chapter.
Hope you enjoy! And this is Vic's POV

I admit. Waking up to Kellin wrapped in my arms the next morning made me very happy. Just seeing his bed hair, and his mouth wide open, he was a ugly sleeper. I however have never seen something so beautiful. I didn't want to wake him, I wanted to let him rest, he had a bad day yesterday. Callum is a dick. To put it simply at least, he broke Kellin into pieces for the second time. The whole time he was speaking my fists were clenched and I couldn't help but want to launch my self at the awful creature. Ugh. He made Kellin cry and cry until he physically couldn't anymore. I felt like someone had tore my heart out and stood on it over and over again. Thankfully I managed to cheer him up slightly, with my ways... well by that I mean I kissed him. I kissed his gorgeous plump lips, and told him how beautiful he was and just smothered him in hugs and compliments. Surely making him smile.

I was pretty much trapped, kellin was laid on one of my arms and had his legs tangled up with mine under the sheets. I used my free hand to find my phone, I had left it under my pillow, after a few seconds I grab reach of it and pull it from beneath me. Clicking the home button once, it was 9:26am, I was actually hoping it would be early so me and Kellin could do something before leaving back home. A few notifications showed on my lock screen.

Trashymike to party crew: party at mine and victors tomorrow guys and galsss!!

Lolalysha to party crew: like anyone will come you looser ;)

Tonyturtle to party crew: me and Jaime are in!

Jacktbhh: me too! I'll bring Justin, Erin, Danielle, gabe and Nick.

Trashymike: tell them to bring a +1, were bringing the party of the year this time!

Jaime : yo Vic, I hope you and your lil lovebird aren't doing anything too wild. Remember it's a hotel, stay classy not trashy. Peace out amigo.

After quickly reading the rest of the group chat which not contained over 30 people. Mine and mikes parents went out of town every couple of month to visit my mothers sister, they stayed for a week so this always gave us the perfect opportunity to throw party's. The always went well and more and more people came each time. Last time it was a massive hit, we had over 100 people in our house and garden, everyone was drunk and having fun. I remember waking up in the morning with a piece of toast stuck to my cheek, Jaime was laid in the bath with sunglasses on and was shirtless, Mike was on a lilo in the pool wearing a horse mask.

I look down to Kellin and see his eyes open, I smile and he returns it. Then his smile turns to a frown and a disappointing sigh.

"What's wrong?" I says quietly, he pulls away from my arms making my first reaction be a frown.

"My dad, he doesn't care. He'll never care" he mutters, sitting with his knees to his chest and playing with his fingers.

"Kellin, you don't need him" I say. I didn't know what else to say, I couldn't relate to Kellin's situation, non of my friends have been in similar dilemmas either, but I tried my best. That's all I could do right now.

"I know I don't, I just wanted him to want me back in his life" Kellin says shyly, he closed his eyes and rested his chin on his knees.

"Want to go to the beach?" I change the topic quickly, he would over think things and drag himself down into a pit of sadness and I really didn't want that. He tilted his head so he was looking at me and small smile creeping onto his face, a nod came next. I chuckle and stand up, getting my clothes out of my bag. Kellin did the same.

"We're having a party tomorrow by the way" I announce, slipping into my white shirt and denim jeans, I hear a small groan and look to Kellin.

"Why?" He said in a whiny voice, making him sound like a 13 year old girl.

"We always do it, trust me it'll be fun!" I say enthusiastically trying to encourage him to be happy about it. He just faked a 'yay' making me laugh. Once we were changed we walked down to the beach, it didn't take long at all. Thankfully it was a beautiful day again, the sun was shining brightly making me sweat like a dog, the chances I already have sweat marks is high. As we approached the beach the pair of us removed our shoes, because we can all agree having sand in your shoes is the worst. We walked until we were at the start of the sea, for a while Kellin and I just walked along it and spoke. Until we came up to a ice cream van.

"Vic pleaseeee" Kellin asks tugging at my arm, am I crushing on a 10 year old? I laugh and shake my head jokingly.

"Vicccccc" he says, gripping my arm tightly now.

"Fine what do you want, princess?" I wink at him making him laugh, before looking at the ice cream selection.

"Bubble gum lolly please" he says sweetly, and stands next to me as I ask for his lolly and a chocolate cone for me. After paying we continued walking, and talking. When the sun began to set that's when I realised we should probably head back and start heading home. I was watching Kellin paddle in the water, he looked like such a child, but at least he was happy again. I walk over to him and take his cheeks in my hands, placing my lips on his , they were cold due to the ice lolly but it was surprisingly nice. He eventually kissed me back. Setting off the butterflies again, I smile against his lips, my hands moving to his waist.


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