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AN: okay it's like 3am, I've had 3 coffees and after watching my old concert videos I've gotten the inspiration to write this. Even though I should be sleeping oops.

And I'm so sad that I didn't get tickets for ptv in November ugh.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, it's longer then my other because there's a bit of drama, Ooo.

It was Monday, and all I had to say was. School. Fuck. 7am and I was up getting a shower,
singing a few songs as I washed my hair and body. It was also Kellin's first day, I didn't know how that would go down. Considering he was very quiet and didn't like talking to anyone, unless necessary. So the chances of him making friends on his own wasn't very likely. Me and Mike on the other hand, we were quite popular, we knew practically everyone at our school, and unlike some people we were popular for the good reasons, such as being kind and actually trying hard in school. Like all high schools we had our bullies, Josh and Tyler, they didn't bother me and Mike ever but we knew they caused a lot of issues with other pupils.

After getting out of the shower I changed into a grey loose jumper and black skinny jeans, with a grey beanie, it's all about colour coordination. As soon as I got downstairs I saw Kellin sat alone at the table, eating a single piece of toast, he didn't seem to eat a lot, I had only really noticed.

"Morning, how are you feeling?" I ask sitting down opposite him and pouring my milk into my cereals. I really did feel nervous for him, I couldn't imagine having to come into a new school this close to the end of year as well, everyone already has their friendship groups. I was happy to let Kellin stay with me at school, I did enjoy his company and he made me laugh more than I expected he would. He was that kind of person you just want to be around I guess.

"Not too bad, I mean I guess I'm a bit nervous" he sighs and carries on eating the last bit of his toast. I nod understandingly I would be to Kellin, I would be to.

"It shouldn't be too bad, you can always chill with me and Mike" I send him a friendly smile, hoping to calm his nerves slightly. As I said that I saw a smile appear on his face, and a appreciative look also.

"Thank you, do you think we have any classes together?" he asks me, and I think for a moment I mean there was always a possibility, I only take maths, English, science, music and art so depending on what he chooses there's a chance.

I shrug, "I mean yeah there's always a possibility depending on what classes you've chosen?" I say, waiting for him to tell me his options. I knew he liked music, like me so with out a doubt he has chosen that.

"English Literature, Maths, Music, and Biology" he replies after a few seconds of thought, he had probably forgot already.

"Oh well you will have a free period if you only chose 4 options" I let him know, he seemed pretty happy about that. I would as well, lucky bitch.

Mike came down the stairs and greeted us both, it was almost 8 and was about time we set off. I Didn't want to be late, my grades were immaculate and I was never late once. I was the perfect student.

"Ready to roll guys?" Mike speaks up, looking at me, then Kellin then me again. I nod and laugh lightly. "Yeah let's go" I reply gesturing Kellin to follow us. I was almost about to say goodbye to my parents before remembering they were both at work. Geez, it was definitely too early on a Monday for me.

We all walked over to my car and got in, Kellin sat in the back, he didn't say anything the whole ride just looked out the window and listened to the car radio. We didn't want to sit in silence. It only took 10 minutes before I pulled up in the school parking lot.

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