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NA: hello everyone! I don't really have much to say, I've been planning a few other kellic fanfics, and I'm very excited to start them and also finish this one.

Don't worry it's no where near finished yet, please remember to vote and comment! Thank you my lovelys

Have a great day x

I stood there in shock, I couldn't believe it. The rumours were all true, he was here. Oliver was here, in San Diego. I felt very light headed, the person who made me fall in love with him was just appearing back in my life, with the slightest of warnings. What do I do? I need to go and meet him, it's been so long since I've seen his face, or heard his voice. As soon as he moved to England, we lost all kind of connection, the last I knew he was happily in a relationship with a girl called Amanda.
I was still staring at my phone when a car horn beeped, I jumped, not expecting it. At least I was snapped out of my trance, turning to my car I realised it was Mike pushing the horn. I could see by his face he was getting impatient. I couldn't tell them yet, I had to act like he wasn't here, until I knew what was going to happen between us.

I get in car, placing my phone in my jean pocket. I could feel Mike staring at the side of my head. After starting up the car I look at him, a confused look on his face.

"Who was that?" he asks, choosing a album to put in the player. Quickly I say the first name that comes to my head, if I waited to long it would look suspicious.

"Tony, he was asking about English homework" i reply, looking at Kellin in the rear view. He had both earphones in and didn't seem phased about the situation. Even though to him there wasn't much of a situation. I look back down at the road, coming to a stop as the traffic light showed red.

"What's your plans for tonight then?" I ask Mike, not wanting a silent car journey home, plus I had too much on my mind and didn't want to think about it right now. Mike shrugs, playing with the rim of his SnapBack.

"Alysha wants me to come to the cinema with her" he replied, making me smile. Him and Alysha were very cute. The definition of relationship goals. Plus he always looks happy when he speaks about her.

"Will you be staying out then?" For the past week Mike has barely been home, he is always sleeping out at Alysha's or Tony's. That was typical Mike though, he wasn't a chill kind of guy, he always had to be doing something.

"Yeah probably, unless you want me to stay in with you and Kellin?" He says, I shake my head and grin at his thoughtfulness.

"No that's okay" I reply, as I pull up to our drive, once parked we all jump out and Walked to the house.

"Hello boys" my mum greets us warmly, hugging us all as we walk in. We all hug her back, even Kellin, he wasn't treated any differently, and I knew that meant something to him.

"Where's papa?" Mike asks, sitting down at the dining table, getting his books and worksheets out. I did the same, I had a lot to catch up on actually. Kellin had soon disappeared, probably to get a shower or sit in the living room.

"He has a business meeting in Chicago, he won't be back until next week" she says while cooking our food, I think it was tortillas, and I couldn't wait.

I had about forty minutes until I was meeting Oliver, I would have to finish my homework when I got back. I left my backpack drooping over the back of the chair. Slowly I made my way upstairs, making sure to put my phone on charge, the shower was running so I knew Kellin was in there. As usual I put on any album that was in my reach, it happened to be the Rolling Stones. I didn't have time to shower, and plus Kellin was already in there. My outfit was okay, so I decided not to change it, I just added a black bomber jacket.

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