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Hola lovelies, so sorry it's been too long! I hope you all understand I've been busy with school work and all that jazz. I'm back thiugh, better then ever! And I hope you enjoy this chapter because it's pretty damn goooood.

Also there's either 4/5 chapters left I'm not too sure yet depends if I change the plot a lil.

Vic's POV

Finally. After a considerably long, four hour drive, I pull up in my drive way. A small sigh of relief escapes from my lips, my neck was aching, I couldn't feel my ass and I had cramp in both my thumbs. What a ball ache. As for Kellin, he was sleeping. Again. Honestly I had better company from the fly that was pestering me for half of the drive. I didn't blame him though, the past two days have been rough for him, that's why I make it my mission to never let him feel unwanted again. He's not, I want him. That's the truth, and I wouldn't let myself admit it for so long, but I'm so obsessed with him and he just draws me in. It's crazy, I know.

"Kells, we're here" I say in a hushed tone, rubbing his upper arm softly. He soon wakes up and let's out a loud yawn, causing me to laugh. We soon after, both get out of the car and walk into the house. I'm quickly hit with a strong smell of something awful, was something rotting? That's what it smelt like, I scrunched my nose up and let out a 'eww', only to notice Kellin doing pretty much the same. I made my way to the kitchen and I could tell the smell had come from the fridge, I opened it and there was left over food everywhere, I look to the counters, pots upon pots, and the bin was overflowing. I sigh unhappily, I swear to god, when I get my hands on Michael Christopher Fuentes, he'll be dead meat. Okay so I knew that was a lie, Mike could probably flick me away without even trying but I liked to believe I would one day be stronger then my younger brother.

So there I go storming up the stairs, and without knocking I walk straight into Mikes room. BAD CHOICE. Abort mission, abort. I repeat, get out of there. I stare at mike for a second before slamming the the door quickly shut and run back downstairs. I ran to the living room and sat next to Kellin. Shocked. He looked at me and gave me a funny look.

"Vic have you just seen a ghost?" Kellin laughs while waving his hand in front of my face a few times. I shake my head slowly, before snapping out of my state of shock.

"No.. However I did just see my younger brother having sex with his girlfriend" I say in a serious tone, before I began laughing uncontrollably, Kellin slapped his hand over his mouth and began laughing too. My stomach was hurting and I figured Kellin was the same, we were both gasping for breath.

"What did you do?" He asks as soon as we called down, Kellin was sitting with his legs crossed facing me. I think for a moment, what did I do?

"I stood there, and then ran out" I say, and shake my head. There is nothing more awkward then that, I felt so bad for storming in, I wanted to get the image out of my head. Uhh, I shiver at the thought.

"You're such a idiot" Kellin teases me playfully. Even though I knew he meant it. Yes he was right. I was an idiot.

A hour had gone by, it was now 3:30pm, I had cleaned the dishes and the whole house for that matter. There wasn't much point, I would have to do it all again tomorrow. Whenever we have parties the house always, always, always, gets trashed. It's worth it though. The party is starting at 9, but a few close friends are coming at 8 to have 'pre drinks'. Drinks before the proper drinks. Currently me and Kellin were sat watching Monsters Inc, because it's a great film okay and there's nothing else on. Don't judge. I jumped as a strong hand slapped down on my shoulder, I turned quickly to see Mike, with a non amused look on his face. I just stare at him.

"I'm sorry Mike, I didn't know!" I say in defence, holding my hands up. Please don't hit me, please don't hit me. I was praying, until I saw him crack a smile.

"It's fine, just knock next time?" He says and winks before heading back upstairs. I place my hand over my beating heart and breath heavily. All I could hear was Kellin laughing at my cowardliness.

"Wow, you're scared of your younger brother?" He mocks me making me leap on top of him. My hands at either side of his head, and my legs straddling his petite body. I look into his eyes deeply, I feel my self falling into the gorgeous colours once again. I could feel his hot breath on my lip, making me crave the taste of him more. I lean down connecting my lips with his softly, his hands moving to my waist. As soon as he kissed me back, the moment got hotter, our tongues clashed against one another, my body rubbing against his, his grip was tighter and the kiss was more passionate. It felt like we had been kissing for only a couple seconds, but in fact it was around ten minutes. There was moments in the kiss where we would both pull away but just smile at eachother before kissing again.

"We should start getting ready for the party.." Kellin whispers against my lips, I groan in frustration, but agree non the less.

A hour before the party

The house looked great, the beer pong was set up in the dining area, bottles, and cans of all kinds of alcohol were placed on the counters and kitchen table.
I looked great, I was wearing a light blue button up shirt with a muscle fit sleeves, showing off my tanned, toned arms. My best pair of black skinny jeans which had one rip in the left knee, and a pair of white converse. I barely wore them so they were really white. I decided not to wear a hat, it'll end up getting stolen anyway. Kellin was in the bathroom getting changed, he said he feels flushed when he sees my body. He's so cute.
I sat waiting on my bed for him to come out, soon enough he did and damn, he looked good as hell. He had a longish black shirt on, with a gold stripe going down the middle, a grey denim jacket thrown other the top, which matched his grey slim fit jeans. Oh and his favourite pair of black TOMs. I bite my lip and look him up and down a few times.

"You look good" I compliment him with a wink, spraying my cologne a few times on my neck before standing up.

"Yeah better then you" he winks cheekily, I gasp pretending to be offended. This didn't make him sympathetic though, no it made him laugh and roll his eyes. I walked over to him and pushed him against the wall holding his waits softly, I whisper in his ear in a husky tone "I don't like a tease"

As I move away I see his cheeks lighting up, I peck them both softly before smiling.

"Let's go downstairs then, Jaime and Tony will be here soon"I say happily, in all honesty I was pumped for tonight. It's been so long since I'd been to a party, the urge was getting stronger and stronger. I just didn't want to do anything stupid. We both walked out the room and I locked my door, putting the key in my back pocket.

"You lock your doors?" Kellin asks tilting his head in confusion.

"Usually no, but when we have parties I make sure to lock all the bedroom doors because people tend to either steal stuff or have sex" I say, practically scoffing. It was disgusting it's happened to me and mike at least 5 times and there's nothing worse then trying to stop two drunk people from having sex on your bed.

Once I got to the kitchen, Kellin and I were greeted by Mike, Alysha, Tony and Jaime. They all looked great, especially Alysha, she had a lilac coloured dress on which had spaghetti straps and was an open back, it was beautifully detailed.

"So Kellin this is your first time partying with us, I hope you're in for a good time!" Jaime shouts excitedly, making the whole lot of us laugh. Kellin smiled brightly at Jaime and then looked at me, I could see he was happy and excited for this party too.

Mike handed us each a shot glass, I smelt it and cringes, vodka. Me and vodka were not friends.

"Here's to a good fucking night!" Mike shouted and raised his glass in the air, we all copied before downing the drink quickly, I stick my tongue out at the vile taste. Tony does the same. Thank god I wasn't the only one. Mike and Jaime were right, tonight is going to be a night to remember and a night to share with my amazing friends.

Here's to the night ahead

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