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NA: Hello again! I think I'm doing a good job at updating regularly. That's all i really have to say.  Oh and this starts in Kellins POV

Have a good day!x

A month, a whole month had passed since Oliver came back. I wouldn't say it was the worst month of my life, but it definitely came close to it. Vic was always with him, everyday, they said to everyone that they weren't back together but i didn't belive that. School was torture, i didn't want to stay with Vic and his friends anymore, i couldn't deal with being around with Oliver. Most of the time i have to go over to Erins or Jacks, because Oliver and Vic are always here. Just hearing them laughing from the next room makes me sick to my stomach. Multiple times Vic has tried to come into my room with Oliver. Yeah its now my room not a living room, Mary and Jon had turned it into a bedroom, it was really sweet of them, and at least i wasn't getting back pains anymore. That couch is not of comfy as it looks. My room contained a double bed, a wardrobe and a desk. Of course the TV was still in here too. Whenever Vic came into my room with his new 'bestfriend' I'd tell them to leave, and not so politely either. The last time he attempted was last week, he hasn't spoken to me since.

School has just recently finished for the summer, and its a relief no more awkward car rides, or having to watch those two swoon over one another. It hurt a lot, i never knew i  would feel like this, but now its clear. Its clear how much i need him, and how strongly I feel about that boy. Vic promised to be here for me, and he wasn't. Where was he? Making cupcakes with oliver in the kitchen. He had been here since ten this morning. Unfortunatley for me Jack was on holiday and Erins busy today so i couldn't go and see them. Dramatically sighs to myself.

Knock, Knock. I look up from my bed to the door. That was probably Vic. I ignore it and pretend i couldn't hear his knocking. Without permission he walked straight in, a sad look on his face. Like i was going to fall for that.

"What do you want Vic?" I ask in a bland tone, i was done with caring and trying, I wasn't going to be treated like this again, not after being treated like it my whole life. Why would i make an exception for some Mexican boy, with beautiful eyes, a gorgeous body, and the sweetest smile in the world. Exactly.

"I miss you"  he was looking down at his feet as he said it, he then looked up to me, he looked like he was about to burst into tears. I wouldn't fall for it though. Vic made his way to my bed and sat besides me, making me pull a face, and scoot over a bit so we wasn't so close, therefore we wouldn't want Oliver thinking i was trying to steal his man.

"No you don't, we haven't spoken in a month" I shoot back snappily, i don't think he wanted to argue though. The sympathetic look on his face told me so. I found myself staring into his dark brown eyes, shit. No. Kellin stop, don't let him mess you around even though he is a basically a God

"Why are you being like this?" He mutters, twiddling with his fingers.

"If you were me, you'd do the same" I reply, it was true though, he wouldn't like it if he felt like this, if he was pushed aside for a boy, if he felt so low and lonely all the time. Lucky for him i've experienced this my entire life, but for some reason this seems to hurt a lot more. Maybe because i trusted him. That's what I get.

"I've tried Kells, I miss you, trust me. This isn't fair, don't you dare try to blame this on me. You haven't made a effort once, you avoid me." He says in a calm voice, he never had raised his voice at me, and I admired that. I wish i could control my emotions as well as he does.

"I don't want to be with you and Oliver. Respect that" he just nods his head, I guess he understood how I felt about him, otherwise I wouldn't react like this. I wouldn't get jealous. He didn't say anything else, he just walked out my room closing the door behind him.

I knew he didn't miss me. No one misses me. If my own Father didn't miss me, why would I believe anything that comes out of his mouth. The split second that i thought about my dad, i got a message. I turned my music app off and went to the text, it was from a friend back at the foster home, her name was Isabelle.

                 Kellin, i know this is random but..its your dad, hes in San Diago.Heres the  adress that hes living at.

I looked at the message, shocked, ive been looking for my dad for so long, and now i had the chance to meet him, the chance for a real family again. My eyes were brimming with tears, but for the first time in my life they were tears of happiness, i had to go. I was going to go tonight. I jumped out my bed and ran to the games room, where Mike, Alysha, and Vic were. I was probably smiling like a idiot, but i didn't care, this was it. My chance of happiness.

"Guys! Guys! You'll never guess what!" i squeal clinging onto my phone tightly, i jumped up and down a few times releasing a bit of my outburst of excitement.

"What is it Kells?" Mike asked, pausing the film they were all watching, i had 3 pairs of eyes on me, and they were probably confused i have never shown this amount of happiness in my life.

"My dad! Its my dad! Hes here, in San Diago, only a few hours away!" I shout with so much happiness radiating from me. Tears were now falling down my cheeks, i didn't bother to wipe them away though.

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing! Are you going to see him?" Alysha asks smiling brightly, the fact that she was happy made me cry even more, why was i being so emotional all of a sudden. Oh wait yeah, because i haven't seen my dads in 6 years.

"Yes I'm going now" I replied before running out the room and going back to mine, i began packing a bag, enough clothes for a weekend. If when i get there and he wants me to stay there with him then i can come back and pick everything else up. That wasn't a problem.

"Kellin" i heard, making me turn to face, Vic. I was still pissed at him, but was too happy to let that ruin it. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly, my head buried in his shoulder, my arms were round his neck. I felt his hand worm there way to my waist, gripping it firmly making me smile. I needed to feel his warmth, he was my bestfriend and the one person i cared about more than anything, eventhough this past month we've been arguing non stop, he was the only person i wanted to tell everything to.

"Can i come?" was a question i wasn't expecting from him at all, I tried pulling back but he held me in place, so i stayed hugging him, his cologne had worn off through the day, it was weak but smelt musky yet sweet. Just this alone made me remember how much i missed him.

"Do you want to?" I ask, i thought he would want to stay with Oliver, i try pulling away once more, this time he let me, his hands still on my waist, mine on his shoulders. I watched as he nods, his lips curling into a small smile.

"I don't want you to leave me Kellin" he says, making me sigh softly. I just smile and pull him into another hug, a softer one this time. I went back to packing my bag, he was watching me the whole time. Once i had finished i look at him.

"Lets go?" I ask eagerly, and he nods his head. We both walk towards the door, him picking up the car keys and his phone while doing so. "Bye Mike! Bye Alysha" I shout as i walk out the door and towards the car.

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