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AN: okay first off!!! Thank you for 1k!! I literally screamed when I saw that, you guys are amazing and I love reading your comments and following you all back. This book is so close to 2k I can't believe it.

Thank you my loves, enjoy this chapter! It's in Kellin's POV to start with.

The average sized house was soon filled up, people in every inch of the building. I had been to parties before but nothing as crazy as this, the music was blasting from the living room, where Vic's friend Alex had set up a booth and had been taking requests all night. It had been a while since I've seen a familiar face, everyone had seemed to disappear, leaving me alone in the kitchen with a load of piss heads. With a bottle of pear flavoured cider I pushed through the crowds of people before me, trying my hardest to not get hit by the couples making out. Thankfully I made it to the back door without bothering anyone or getting squished. I soon noticed Erin stood with a group of girls and went over to them.

"Kellin, where have you been?" Erin asked pulling me into a side hug then wrapping her arm round my neck, I didn't even see her show up, to be completely honest I didn't notice many people show up.

"I was trying to comfort a drunk girl who was in tears" I said truthfully.

"Why was she crying?" Erin replied, taking a sip of her drink, I wasn't sure what it was, but it looked like some kind of blush wine.

"Oh, she missed her cats" I try and say with a straight face, but break into a laugh so does Erin and the girls who were stood with her. I stayed and spoke to the girls for a while, introducing myself to them.

"Kellin mate" Tony said tapping me on the shoulder, I smile at him and walk with him.

"Oliver's here, we just saw him walk through the back gate" Tony says loud enough so I can hear it over the music. He looked stressed and annoyed, which made me stressed and annoyed. Why was he here? Way to ruin my night you English rat.

"Where's Vic?" I say, getting worried. The last I saw Vic we were dancing in the living room and he was pretty drunk, and that was just over a hour ago.
I pray that Tony knew where he was, and that he was just playing beer pong with his friends but no. Tony shakes his head and looks down to the ground.

I quickly down the rest of my drink, and storm into the house, placing the empty drink on the side and pushing through the many people , this time I wasn't bothered about getting hit or on people's nerves. I only cared about finding Vic. Whether that be a good thing or bad thing. I scanned the kitchen, he wasn't here. Moving on to the living room, i stood on the couch as I was short and it made it easier for me. No he wasn't here either.

'Ughhhh' I scream in my head, this was frustrating. Swiftly I speed walk to the stairs my heart pounding, he wasn't on the hall way, I go to open his door it's still locked, I check Mikes and his parents. Both locked. As my hand reached for the bathroom door handle I felt sick, what if he was in here with Oliver? No Kellin don't think that, Vic's different. He wouldn't hurt me. I pushed the door open in a fast motion, suddenly spotting two figures kissing... I sigh in relief. It wasn't Vic or Oliver. The couple stare at me.

"Get out" I say harshly, they leave instantly leaving me alone in the bathroom. I stood staring at myself in the mirror. Taking deep breathes. My heart still pounding but I felt like laughing. I knew it. He wouldn't do that too me. I need to have more faith in that boy.

As all these thoughts of contentment run through my head I hear giggling from the other side of the door. Not the door to the landing. The door to Vic's room. That dreaded feeling of sickness runs through me again. I pressed my ear against the door.

"I've missed your body" a non familiar voice speaks, I still didn't feel right though. I was shaking and felt so ill. This wasn't a good sign

Fiercely I push the door open, my eyes quickly dart round the room. I wish I didn't see what I did, I could physically feel my heart break, it was painful, just as painful as the first. My hand covered my mouth as I took in what was infront of me.

Oliver was on top of Vic's body, kissing him roughly, his lower half grinding on Vic's. They both were shirtless, and Vic looked so happy.

That was all I had to see before the tears streamed down my face, by this point they had both realised I was here. Watching the boy I loved kiss his ex. I was shaking so much I could barely stand, both the feelings of rage and being crushed were overwhelming me.

"Kellin.. Kellin. Shit. Kellin" Vic shouted, snapping me out of my trance, he was putting his shirt over his head. His voice made me feel so angry. So so angry, that he could betray me like this. How could he do that! I didn't feel upset anymore just anger.

I storm out of the room and down the stairs, gaining some puzzled looks. I didn't know what I was doing, I'm not in the right state of mind. Maybe that explains why I was drinking every bottle or can that came into my hand, the glass of tequila burnt my throat, but i felt comforted by the thought of forgetting about Vic. I wanted to erase him completely. shots of vodka. My head was spinning, unfortunately the memory of Vic and Oliver wouldn't leave me alone. I had never felt this way before. Both my hands were in my hair, pulling at it in frustration.

'Get out of my head, leave me alone' I repeat over and over again. Getting louder each time. I was tormenting myself, making my anger grow larger than myself. I grab the first bottle that reaches my hand and launch it at the wall. The red liquid spreading over the wall. I scream loudly, collapsing to the ground. I wasn't taking any notice on the people around me, only myself and this undying pain that I felt inside. It was like I had been stabbed with every single piece of my smashed up heart.

"Kellin!" I open my eyes and see Mike knelt down in front of me. Even through my misty eyes and the cloud of intoxicants that was slowly taking over my eyesight, i noticed how hurt he looked.

"Mike I can't do this" I cry, shaking my head rapidly. The tears began to fall again, I was still shaking and felt so numb.

"What's happened! What can't you do?" Mike said sitting beside me and holding me tightly, his arms round me. I still didn't feel anything. I felt nothing. The anger, the hurt, the hatred, the distress. It had gone. Just like that.

"I can't live anymore"

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