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Would like to let you all know that I am working on another fan fic! None of you have any idea how excited I am to start it, I've been planning it all out to make sure it's better then anything I've ever wrote before.

Enjoy this chapter! It's extra long because I feel like you guys deserve it! I'm sad to say that this book has 2-3 chapters left

I decided not to tell Mike about the 'Brad incident' and just keep it to myself instead. I walked slowly behind the crowd, just looking around at this unfamiliar place, I cannot believe we was all here, walking on a street we didn't know to find the love of my life. I had great people in my life, and I knew I took that for granted, which I realy shouldn't because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here right now, I'd be in bed feeling sorry for myself.

Honestly I wasn't sure if Kellin would want to see me right now, or ever again for that matter. When he left he told me he was moving on, the thought of Kellin with someone else made me feel sick and gave me a achy feeling in my stomach. When I was messaging Kellin he said that Brad had been over at his house, however Brad had just said that he barely knew Kellin and it was his girlfriend who was close to him. Which confused me massively, Brad must be lying. I shake my head and rid the awful thoughts, I carry on trailing behind the small group.

"It's this street" I look up  to Mike who had a relived look on his face, it was a miracle that he actually found it seen as his coordination and direction skills are awful. Many times we have been lost because of them. My stomach was doing front flips, back flips even triple somersaults, it was nerve racking. As we walked down the strangely long street, I felt my heart beating through my chest. Mike suddenly stopped in front of a large building, with many windows, it was a apartment building. We all looked up to the top of the dark stone flat. Alysha looks to me and gives me a smile, reaching out her hand, I take it and she squeezes it softly.

"I'm scared Alysha" I admit, and she comes closer pulling me into a tight hug, I rest my head on her shoulder, and rub her back gently.

"Of course you are, and that's okay. At least you're doing something about it, instead of wondering what if"

She pulls back and looks at me with kind eyes. My brother was so lucky to have her, she was so genuine and sweet. I force a half smile and take a deep breath, looking at Jaime and Mike who were both looking over to us.

"Thank you" I say kissing the top of her head, and lead into the apartment, it looked average, the walls were a deep red colour, and the carpet was grey, something tells me it used to be white. There was nothing on the walls, it was pretty bare.

"What number does he live at?" Jaime asks Mike, who takes out his phone and scrolls though his and Kellin many messages, until he eventually found it.

"He said apartment 6" I look round at the doors on this floor 1-4. He must be upstairs. I felt sick thinking that he was potentially in the same building as me right now. I missed him so badly, that is physically hurt. I wanted to just hold him in my arms or just at least see his face. That would be more than enough.

Jaime leads the way up the stairs, thankfully he wasn't as hyper anymore, he could be serious when he needed to be. I walk up the stairs onto the second floor and look around spotting a door at the bottom of the hallway, it was apartment 6.

"Are you ready for this?" Mike asked placing his hand on my shoulder, I stand there staring at the door. I was so ready to turn around and get on the train. I wasn't ready, I couldn't do this.

"No I can't do it"

Jaime laughs and stands in front of me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Vic, you've come this far. Come on"

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