21 (FINAL pt.1)

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I hope everyone one is having a lovely Christmas period! That's why I've been so busy, I've been going out constantly and have no time to write, sad I know.

Lit so mad! I finished most of the chapter and it's all deleted!! So I'll have to rewrite ugh. I'm so bad at updating don't hate me! I was trying to make this chapter really good!

I've been staying with kellin for a week now, Alsyha, Mike and Jaime were staying at a hotel just few streets away, they insisted on giving us our space and by 'they' I mean Alysha, Mike and Jaime would of happily stayed here snd actually seemed annoyed to have to pay for a hotel room and wait around for us, until I can convince Kellin to move back to San Diego with all of us. I had been trying to persuade him, he was slowly warming up to it, at first he was extremely reluctant and said he didn't want to face anyone else. He kept repeating how he had made mistakes and was ashamed, which I didn't entirely understand. Actually for the past 6 days Kellins been doing some really strange things, only little things but I still pick up on them and it worries me. Every night at 8pm he will leave to go to Taya's, Brads girlfriend and his best friend as he tells me, I encouraged him to invite her over but he always replies with the same old thing..

"babe It's not that simple, I'm helping her with something, it's a real rough patch in her life right now and I promised her I would keep it a secret" Kellin pecked my lips and slipped into his black toms and a leather jacket before exiting the apartment. I sigh and sink into the sofa, I had been thinking a lot recently about Kellin, I wanted to believe him. I really did. That twitch on his lips when he tells me it's nothing to worry about, makes me wonder if he is lying and if there is in fact something I should be worried about. Hopefully not. I would hope that if it was something bad he would tell me, I'm his boyfriend after all.

"See you both tomorrow!" Mike shouts over face time to me, making me laugh, we had all agreed to go for food tomorrow at this Italian restaurant. Surprisingly this week had been busy, we have all been to the movies, bowling, many bars and clubs. It was nice to see kellin being a part of our group again, even though I hadn't done anything with Mike or Jaime for a long time, being cooped up in your room all day, slouching around really leaves no time for social activities . It was what we both needed.

When Kellin gets back from Tayas he's always loud, hyper and most of the time horny. Which yes is a good thing, but it doesn't last long, maybe a hour or two then he turns to a sort of low and from what I'm aware feels nauseated and dizzy. Whenever I ask if he's thrown up he always shrugs it off and changes the subject, I know he does though, most nights I hear him puking in the bathroom then climbing back into bed with me like nothing happened. Not only this but he's always wearing something long sleeved, not once since I've been here have I seen his top half bare, he always wears jumpers, hoodies or long sleeved shirts. A few times I've asked him to take it off, or when we're making out snd I try to take it off he flinches and never allows me too. Giving no explanation at all. Instead he just gets annoyed snd doesn't talk to me for a hour or two. I didn't know what to do, I've looked round the apartment for clues but I've found nothing only a few sticky notes on the refrigerator with three people's names and phone numbers: Mikes, Taya's and Revilo's

"Honey I'm home!" A sweet angelic voice cooed from the doorway, I turn my head while sitting on the sofa to see Kellin removing him coat and shoes, as he approaches closer I could smell the strong scent of alcohol, making me roll my eyes, thankfully Kellin didn't see. He instantly sat on my lap and began making out with me, I pulled away holding his waist tightly.


"Oh just me Taya and her brother" he replied placing his hands in my hair, slowly beginning to grind onto me, I laugh softly snd nod before kissing his soft plump lips back. The kiss soon enough deepened, as our tongues entered one another's mouth and almost fought for dominance, as usual I won and laid him down on the sofa, hovering over him but barely putting any weight on him, our lips were still locked and the kiss was growing more passionate by the moment as our hands wondered. Kellin played with the hem of my shirt before swiftly removing it snd throwing it to the ground, I smirk and move my body closer to his.

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