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AN: So so, I've had such a productive day, and I decided why not write another chapter, I am really loving writing this story and getting into the characters more.

Update, acc this probably will be updated on the 31st sorryyyy.

THANK YOU FOR 400+ reads and 100+ votes you guys rule

The car ride was long, Kellin was excited the whole way there, I loved seeing him like this, happy. For the past month he had been unhappy and I knew I was responsible for that. It hurt knowing I couldn't make him happy, I was so concentrated on Oliver and re connecting after so long. I wouldn't say I forgot about Kellin, I just didn't have as much time for him.. My feelings were messed up, I definitely had feelings towards Kellin, but also towards Oliver. Everything was so jumbled up in my head I didn't know what to do, or what the right thing to do was. The last thing I'd want is to hurt anyone, because it would most definitely affect me more.

According to my maps we were only twenty minutes away, Kellin fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time. He had his feet were on the seat, his knees against his chest, and the top of his head was pressed against the car window, he looked adorable to say the least. His hair was covering half of his face, and his lips were slightly pouty. It was perfection, I couldn't help myself and had to take a photo of him, adding it to my album 'photo's that make me happy.'

When I found a hotel that looked nice enough I pulled up in the car park, the hotel was besides the sea. it was nice to get out of my town for once, it had been so long. I sit mesmerised with the beautiful view in front on me.. Kellin Quinn. I didn't want to wake him, but we really did have to get booked in because it was getting late and the hotel may close soon. I place my hand on his knee and shake it softly.

"We're here Kell's" I whispered not wanting to startle him, his eyes open looking round at the new surroundings, then to mine. I smile, looking into his eyes, he smiled back. A small, tired smile but it was still beautiful non the less. He yawned and began stretching. Giving himself a minute to wake up.

"Let's go get signed in" I encourage and pat his thigh softly, I take my phone and keys before getting out the car. After Kellin gets out I lock up and we make our way to the hotel entrance. Straight away we were given a room, the last room. This meant we didn't have much choice on anything. We wasn't bothered though, it was only for two nights, plus it's too late to look anywhere else.

Kellin and I were chatting as we made our way to the room, we were told our luggage would be brought up to us shortly. We walked along the 3rd level until I found our room. The room was actually really nice, it looked modern, had a tv, a on suite, with a bath and shower. However, there was only one double bed.

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" I ask him, not wanting to just assume we would share the bed. I knew he had feelings for me and I had feelings for him, but I wanted to give him the choice. I would be okay with it. Kellin shakes his head and looks at me, looking round the room.

" we can share, it's no biggy" he said calmly. Shortly after our bags had been sent up. I went to the bathroom to get unchanged while Kellin did the same in the room, I didn't really get why though. I mean we were both in our boxers. When I walked out of the on suite Kellin was already in bed, he was looking at me and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Stop staring" I pointed out and winked, making him blush as well. I didn't find it fair that he was hiding under the quilt while I was stood here practically naked. I shook my head and jumped onto the bed, he laughs and looks at me.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow, I hope he likes me" he says, and that made my heart break slightly. It was his father, his own blood of course he would like him, love him in fact. Well I hoped so for Kellin's sake. Then again, why would he leave? and not try to contact him at all. No, I didn't want to think negative, I wanted the best for Kellin. Even though i didn't want him to leave, I wanted him to stay with me. I couldn't let my selfishness get in the way of his happiness though.

"Me too, Kell's, me too" I say and smile brightly, I climb up and get under the covers, I was laid close to Kellin, I could feel the heat radiating off his body, it was comforting. For a while we laid there, watching a film on the tv, at one point he moved and his hand brushed my chest. As the night went on the more tired we both got, Kellin was laid on his side facing me. It was 2am when Kellin fell asleep, I looked at him and it made me smile, I don't know why. He began to mutter something in his sleep, I turned on my side and looked at him, as he started speaking in his sleep, something about 'love' and 'mexican' which made me laugh. Was he dreaming about me. Finally I fell asleep.

Kellin's POV

it was 10am I woke a hour ago but didn't want to disturb vic, he looked so peaceful. Cuddling up to a pillow, his face was squashed against it and his arms and legs were spread out giving me minimum space on the bed, his arm was on my stomach and I darn't move it, plus I kinda like it. I was starving and wanted to go for breakfast before I met my dad. The nerves were finally kicking it, it wasn't going to be easy. I turn the TV off and get the pillow from behind my head, then... slap. Right around Vic's head, I laugh uncontrollably as he groans and moves his hand to his face. He opened his eyes and looked at me, confused at first before remembering where we was.

"You little shit" he says in a deep, raspy voice. Fuck, that was hot. Speak more Vic. I smirk and watch him as he gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom.

"That's a fine piece of ass, Fuentes" I shout. I decided to get up myself, after quickly changing my underwear, I choose my outfit out, a black and white striped top and some black jeans. I needed to brush my teeth, I walk to the door and bang on it.

"Can I come in??" I ask in a polite tone, no reply. I knock again. "Viiiicc!" I shout this time and I hear a chuckle at the other side of the door, then a small 'yeah' so I open the door, Vic was brushing his teeth as well, still stood in his boxers.

Vic suggested a good restaurant for us to get breakfast. We walked because it wasn't far at all, Vic hadn't once mentioned Oliver which was strange because usually he is all Vic goes on about. I ordered omelette, and Vic got pancakes, he always has pancakes.

"So are you and Oliver together?" I ask, he had already told me no, but i was stubborn and thought they were. They spend all their time together, it wouldn't make sense.

"No Kellin" he says simply shaking his head, I frown. Which Vic obviously notices.

"I know we've spent a lot of time together recently"

"All off it actually" I butt in with my cocky comment.

"You have to understand he was my first love, and it broke my heart when he left. We just get along so well and feelings will always be there" I cringe at that, why? Why can't he like me! I sigh in defeat and go back to eating my omelette.

"I didn't mean to hurt you" I look up to his chocolate coloured eyes and smile, well it was hardly a smile.

"It gets you down, we've all been there sometimes" I say shrugging it off. I was confused because off these signals I've been getting off him.

"Do you like me?" I spurt out, for sure my face was a tomato right now, well done Kellin.

"Of course I do, you're amazing, you're different and fun, you have a dark past, and a lot of grief in your life. You've handled it all so well Kellin, I've never met someone as strong. Not to mention how beautiful you are" then why can't you be with me for god sake!? I just smile and finish my food.

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