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I don't have anything to say other than thank you for reading and I really hope you enjoy this book.
I wanted to get the other characters more involved just to give you an idea of their relationships because I have really only been concentrating on Vic recently

...I'll be home soon
Vic x

I placed the pen on top of the paper, of which I had just wrote a letter explaining to my parents where I would be and what I was doing. My hands were shaking the whole time I wrote the short letter, probably nerves, or some kind of feeling I haven't figured out yet. All I knew was that I was absolutely terrified, but it was a kind of fear that I didn't want to end, I didn't want to hide away from it anymore, I wanted to face my fears.

Jaime come bouncing through the door with a bag which I presume is hand luggage, you know the travel essentials, he was followed with two others; Mike and Alysha. A smile comes to my face seeing them both together, they were so sweet and happy in their relationship. It honestly warmed my heart.

"Going somewhere Vic?" Mike says, in a tone which suggests to me that he already knows my plan.. I look at Jaime and shoot a quick dead eye.

"Umm.. yeah" I reply scratching the back of my neck while looking up to him slightly. I see a smile appear on Alysha's face before she playfully hits Mike on the shoulder.

"We ran in to Jaime and he told us the plan, which is a great idea by the way, super romantic" she looks at Jaime as if to congratulate him on the 'great idea.' "Mike and I were wanting to come along, for, you know, moral support" she finishes off, then smiles brightly, showing off her pearly whites.

"I don't see why that would be a problem, and I actually would like that a lot" accepting their offer, which earns me a tight squeeze from Alysha.

"I'll go and pack mine and Mike's bag" she says sweetly, and disappears upstairs. I watch as Mike stares at her until she goes into his room. The way he looked at her, was like he has never seen a woman so beautiful before.

"I'm scared guys" I say, sitting at one of the stools at the breakfast bar, staring at the letter I had just wrote. "What if he's moved on, what if he still hates me"

"Vic, he doesn't hate you, he wanted to hate you but he couldn't, he loves you" Mike says, moving towards me and placing a hand on my shoulder. He should hate me, I did him wrong and betrayed his trust, and if what Mike says is true then, I am a very lucky man.

"Baby, here's your bag" Alysha says, passing Mike his carry on, he pecks her lips softly and thanks her. Jaime makes a gagging noise, causing everyone to laugh, including myself.

"Let's go guys! We don't have all day, the train is in twenty minutes" Jaime reminds us all, while tapping his foot on the floor. He is so impatient. I take a deep breath and stand up from the stool. Grabbing the handle on my mini suitcase and carry it out to the car.

"Guys run! Quick! Jesus Christ, have your legs fell off? Hurry up now!!" Jaime shouts back at us as he runs down the platform. The three of us were speed walking, there was no need to run because the train wouldn't be here for another 5 minutes. However seeing Jaime run round like a headless chicken was rather amusing.

"Jaime! You dropped something!" Mike shouts to him, Jaime turns around, horror written all over his face he rushes over and looks down at what Mike is pointing to.

"There's nothing there?" He says confused, still staring at the floor for this 'missing item' causing all three off us to burst into laughter. He furrows his eyebrows, before finally clicking on. He flips off us all
before running once again.

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